Children’s Services Coordination Committee (CSCC)
February 17, 2005
Rick Martin, Carol Mintzer, Jaime Coulter, Linda Smith, Mary Ann Soden, (MAS), Terri Paulick, Mary Harris, Mary Kavli, Carolyn Kirkwood, Sandy Sladen, Carol Mintzer, Deana Mulkerin, Steve Wells, Bob Malmberg, Dan McQuaid, Clete Menke, Greg Buchert, Michael Riley, Mike Walsh, Connie Muckenthaler, Marri Derbi, Curtis Condon, Troy Jacobs, Elizabeth Gonzales, Heather Baez, Jim Harte, Marcia Rubin, Deborah Silverstein, Linda Dickey, Rick Harvey, William Gee, and Dana Stits,
1)Introductions / Announcements:
ACTION ITEM: Review and approve minutes from January 20, 2005 meeting: The minutes are approved with one edit: Troy Jacobs’ name was deleted from the “In Attendance” list.
2)State legislation / budget update – all
Michael Riley had no new comments.
3)Mental Health Services Act (Prop 63) update – Jim Harte
Invitations to the Open House (Fullerton) were passed out. Also, the current draft of the planning process as being envisioned locally. Needless to say, it has gotten a couple of steps more complicated then perhaps last time. Hopefully this is the model that we will be going with and the review committee proposed membership is on the back. It is now up to 52 participants. The Plan will be going to Sacramento between now and the 15th of March.and aAs soon as it is approved, we will be back putting sub-groups in those sub committees in place and getting things going. Please distribute the flyer for the 28th.
4)ACTION ITEM: Select 10th Annual Report Next Step Work Group Proposal(s)
- Feasibility analysis of the use of the One-e-App universal electronic application
It was recommended by Greg Buchert to take the “Feasibility analysis of the use of the One-e-App universal electronic application” off the table at this time. There are large computer system deployments in process, and it would be best to see how those systems address some of the need before proceeding with this.
Adolescent Substance Abuse Survey:
- Tthis was approved to move forward.
Case Study-Young Children entering Out of Home Placement: – Mary Harris
- Approved as submitted.
- ACTION ITEM: Approve revised budget for the production of the 11th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children in Orange County – Mary Ann (Note: Budget Adjusted per Mike Walsh’s input).
Mary spoke with Michelle Berelowitz and went through the Budget together and realized they had not allocated any funding for center computers and Cal-State will provide at administrative costs. Increases budget by $5,000. Good news is that we are still under budget. Bottom line is $115,872.82. Mike Walsh stated that the mailing costs (on the budget) were around $4.00 per copy and estimated expense of $2.50 per copy was low --given the distribution number of 500. Mike suggested that the number of copies mailed be reduced to adjust the costs. The Budget was approved as presented with mailing costs amended.
- Discussion: Funding the 11th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children in Orange County
Michael Riley states that he has been working with the SSA-contract’s Contract’s, division and is still working with them. We are locked in right now with rules and regulations and still trying to figure out ways to
circumventing this process. It’s a shame that we have the commitment, and now we can’t seem to find a mechanism to make it so. A question was raised; would it be easier to go to the Board individually or as a group with the monies? Michael stated that one of the agency’sagenciesshould go to the Board for all, and he would be willing for SSA to take the lead. It still 6 or 8 weeks down the line and that’s the problem that’s the problem and the clock is ticking. The other problem is political procedural, the Board does not want any arrearage payments in arrearspayments. They don’t like that. We could do a Letter of Agreement pretty quickly. What about a purchase order? If SSA waswere going to do it that way, we would still need a budget for it. We would still need some sort of authorization. There are only two agencies that has have the flexibility to move forward.; O Orangewood Foundation-- which we can’t do exclusively because we have a contract with them-- and that creates other issues. Also, the and the Children and Families Commission is the only other agency that has the flexibility to just go ahead and do this, and go into agreements with the rest of us, for us to reimburse which the Commission may not want to do that, which I would understand. Michael will go back and look at the purchasing aspects and work with the SSA staff and this may pave the way. Michael stated that they will begin working on the ASR. Mike Walsh stated that the mailing costs (on the budget) were around $4.00 per copy and estimated $2.50 ,distribution number is 500 – Mike suggested that the number be reduced to allocate the costs. The Budget was approved as presented with mailing costs amended.
- ACTION ITEM: Request Social Services Agency conduct RFI/RFP for production of 12th-15th Annual Reports on the Conditions of Children in Orange County.
Clete asked if this meant that one group would be selected to do all of those reports? Michael stated that they would request for information or interest first to see who would comes forward and it we get a large number then we would have to do an RFP.
The possibility of selling the books to the public was discussed. Michael stated that they would look at all possibilities, but the bottom line today is to consider to movemoving forward with the RFI/RFP process.
Approved as submitted.
- Program / Project updates:
- Foster Youth Services Program – Deana Mulkerin
We are back to the hiring drawing board. We are interviewing the first week of March. Also, we are working with Social Services in renewing our contract.
- Children’s System of Care – Theri Todd
Not available to provide report.
- Wraparound – Denise Churchill (Mary Harris reported today)
Wraparound is at its highest enrollment ever. 155 kids pre-enrolled or already enrolled. Juvenile Court will be developing a drug court project and a decision/approval by the Wraparound Oversight Group which includes Probation and Health Care Agency to reinvest some of the savings generated to Wraparound to offer Wraparound services to 90 families that will be enrolled in the drug court project.
Michael informed the group that the State is finally gearing up for their engaging into a kind of auditing process with various Wraparound projects around the State. As far as we are concerned there is a glitch with that as to whowhom they are going to use as the auditor of this process. We have lodged a complaint saying that we see this as a conflict of interest to have a private provider who is lead agency of the Wraparound program in the Bay Area to come down and audit us or any other program. Michael will keep you apprised.
Judge Kirkland stated that the bench is very excited about establishing the dependency drug courts. It’s anticipated to go into effect April 1st. We will have 6 dependency drug courts. Wraparound Milwaukee was discussed briefly.
- Subcommittee reports:
- Emancipation Services – Bob Malmberg
On Saturday, February 26th, the Independent City special event will be held at Hope International University in Fullerton, CA, providing foster and emancipated youth an opportunity to practice the skills learned throughout the year in the ILP workshops and seminars. Judge Robert Hutson will be present for the first time as the Official Judge of Independent City.
Emancipation Services is beginning the plan to schedule Emancipation Planning Conferences for foster youth starting at age 14. We plan to coordinate with the Family Connections project to invite approved extended family members to participate in these sessions, which may be reinforced a couple of times before the youth emancipates.
SSA is submitting a Letter of Intent to participate in the Statewide Youth Permanency Project with Casey, Stuart, and William Johnson foundations. Currently four counties are piloting the project, and have received extensive training and support from the project toward bringing all of their program staff on board with Youth Permanency.
- Evaluation – Curtis Condon
Thankful to Probation and SSA research staff; the report went to the State mid to late January.
- Child Welfare Services Redesign Planning Council planning – Michael Riley
What we have been dealing with for the most part, we have dealt with Prop 63. Still getting updates on our team decision making meetings. Meetings going very well. We have just added a second shift in our Emergency Response program and our second shift will allow us now to deal with Parachute cases. Parachute cases are those cases that come in by law enforcement that are unknown to us. 50% of the kids that come into Orangewood are Parachute cases.
- Children's Domestic Violence Subcommittee – Mary Harris
Mary provided a handout on Safe and Bright Futures federal grant. To refresh your memory the CSCC agreed to serve as an advisory steering committee to this federal grant. You have previously voted to establish a sub-committee to connect with the partners who are working on developing this grant. Mary has not taken any steps yet to establish that sub-committee and this is a partial explanation of why. This handout lists the four research questions that hasquestions that have been developed by the partners. As we begin the first few months it will be just gathering information. The partners haspartners have selected the Social Science Research Center at Cal State Fullerton to answer these research questions under the direction of Dr. Greg Robinson. That contract is in the works but not yet established but Dr. Robinson and his staff will begin a series of focus groups and stakeholder interviews and community surveys. They will also be doing a literature review. One of the main purposes to this grant is to develop a system that intervenes with the children to try and break the cycle of repeating domestic violence in the next generation. Mary will keep various committee members who are interested updated by e-mail as the process begins. Once this has begun there are two possible plans: Plan A is to apply for $500,000 a year in federal funding for a 4 year period to build a coordinated system of intervention. If we are not funded we would like to use Plan B on how we can improve on what we have in place right now with existing resources.
Public Comments/Other:
Two new members Two changes on the Children and Families Commission of Orange County: Angelo Doti replacing will be replacing Larry Leaman and Supervisor Lou Correa replaces Charles Smith .
Carol Mintzer: Commission co-sponsorship application to participate in National Children’s Study. Study is intended to follow over 100,000 children nationwide for 20 years. We will find out in the fall if Orange County is selected to participate in the study.
Update - 100,000 children – air quality follow for 20 years – We will find out in the Fall if we are selected.
Mike Walsh asked what federal agency is running this? Carol stated San Diego.
The next CSCC Meeting is scheduled for March 17, 2005.