Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Austin Diocesan Council - Audit Checklist

Audit is to be performed by member or parishioner, not a conference officer/ account signor

(Use Tab key to navigate and enter data)

Conference/District (Enter Conference Name Here) Fiscal Year 10/1/2016 to 9/30/2017

Yes No

1.  Are funds deposited regularly and promptly in a bank account in the conference?

2.  How many people are authorized to sign checks?

3.  Which officers are authorized to sign checks? Name/Title; Name/Title

4.  Is anyone besides officers allowed to sign checks? Yes No

5.  If yes to #4, please list all authorized signers.

6.  How many people have access to blank checks? 0

7.  Please list the names of all banking institutions used by the Conference.

8.  How many accounts does the Conference operate? 0

9.  Does the Conference have any additional investments accounts? No Yes; Explain:

10.  What are the controls over blank check stock?

11.  Are checks used in sequence? ……………………………………………….…………………. Yes No

12.  Are all check numbers accounted for? …………………………………………………………. Yes No

13.  Are checks made payable to specific payees (i.e., utility company, landlord, grocery store,

Doctor’s office, etc.) . ………………….………………………………………………….…. Yes No

14.  Do you make checks out to cash? If yes, please explain why. ………………….……… Yes No

15.  Do you have a transparent process to reimburse Vincentians? ……………………….…. Yes No

16.  Are checks reviewed to determine if a check was written to an individual? …………….. Yes No

17.  If a check was written to an individual, what documentation is on file to support it?

18.  Is signing blank checks prohibited? ……………………………………………………….…….. Yes No

19.  Is a detailed financial report provided to Conference membership at least once a month? Yes No

20.  Have client assistance dollar limits been established? ………………………………………… Yes No

21.  Explain your process for requests above set dollar limits.

22.  Are checks outstanding over 90 days periodically investigated? ……………………………. Yes No

23.  Is the bank immediately notified of all changes to authorized check signors? ……………. Yes No

24.  Are bank accounts reconciled within a timely specified period after the end of the month? Yes No

25.  Are any discrepancies reconciled in a timely manner? ………………………………………… Yes No

26.  Are completed bank reconciliations reviewed by a responsible officer (not the Treasurer)? Yes No

27.  Is the annual report prepared for the next upper council by the Treasurer and reviewed by

the President?……………………………………………………………………………………… Yes No

28.  What is your process for handling members’ specific financial questions?

(budget, reports revenue, income, expenses)

29.  Where is the monthly bank statement mailed/emailed?

30.  Who opens the monthly bank statement?

31.  Is there always a second witness when the bank statement is opened/received? ………….. Yes No

32.  How are the client and financial files secured?

33.  Where are secured files kept?

34.  How many years are the financial files kept?

REQUIRED: Please explain in detail any “no” responses – what you do instead AND how you believe you have

the checks and balances to ensure proper accountability of funds. Use another piece of paper if necessary.


Two people need to complete the audit by interviewing the president and treasurer and reviewing books, accounts, processes and files. By signing below, you agree that you interviewed officers and physically reviewed relevant files and documentation. Furthermore, you agree that this report is an accurate representation of the Conferences treasury functions, financial controls and related policies.

Please note: Additional random audits by Council board and/or staff may occur, with notice to meet Council and National best practices.

If you have questions about this form, please contact Roz at , 512-251-6995.

Audit performed by members or parishioners, not a Conference officer/ account signor:

1. Printed Name: Signature:

Title: check here if non-officer entity member

2. Printed Name: Signature:

Title: check here if non-officer entity member

Date of Audit:

Remarks relating to questions or accountability:

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