The purpose of this survey is to collect information on current state and capacities for Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) testing and dataanalysis at GHEP-ISG laboratories. This information will aid in defining laboratory needs and help progressing the collaborative initiative proposed by the GHEP on Forensic Applications of MPS.

Please send the completed survey to the following email address:

The deadline for submission of the completed survey ends on December 21, 2016

1. Indicate the areas of forensic DNA applications performed in your laboratory.
Please check all that apply
Forensic DNA analysis from traces in criminal cases
Unidentified Human Remains and Missing Persons DNA investigations
Contribution To National DNA Databases
Parentage Testing
Research and Validation
Other (Please specify)
2. Does your laboratory have a Massively Parallel Sequencing instrument?
Yes (Go to questions 2a - e then skip to question 5)
No (Go to question 3)
2a. How many of the following MPS instruments does your laboratory have?
Illumina MiSeq
Ion Torrent PGM
Ion Torrent Proton
Ion Torrent S5
Other (Please specify)
2b. Please indicate the methods used for DNA library preparation, DNA template preparation, and chip loading (Please check all that apply).
Manual (Please specify)
Automatic (Please specify)
2c. Please indicate the software used for Sequence Assembly and Data Analysis
2d. Please check for which category of Forensic DNA markers, MPS is currently used or being evaluated in your lab and for which ones will be developed in the next 18 months (Please check all that apply).
Current Next 18 months
Autosomal STRs
Y Chromosome STRs
X Chromosome STRs
SNPs/InDels (Identity panels)
SNPs/InDels (Ancestry panels)
SNPs/InDels (Phenotyping panels)
MtDNA (Control Region)
MtDNA (Whole Genome)
RNA markers
Others (Please specify)
2e. How do you store MPS data generated in your laboratory?
In-house server
Instrument Manufacturer Owned Cloud
Other Cloud Service (Please specify):
Other mechanism (Please specify):
3. Will your laboratory purchase a MPS instrument in the next 18 months?
Yes (Go to questions 3a - b then skip to question 5)
No (Go to question 4)
3a. Which of the following instruments is your laboratory considering?
Please check all that apply.
Illumina MiSeq
Ion Torrent PGM
Ion Torrent Proton
Ion Torrent S5
Other (Please specify)
3b. Please select Forensic DNA markers for which MPS would be considered once an
Instrument is available. Please check all that apply.
Autosomal STRs
Y Chromosome STRs
X Chromosome STRs
SNPs/InDels (Identity panels)
SNPs/InDels (Ancestry panels)
SNPs/InDels (Phenotyping panels)
MtDNA (Control Region)
MtDNA (Whole Genome)
RNA markers
Others (Please specify)
4. What are the reasons for currently NOT purchasing a MPS instrument? Please rank them in order of priority (1 lowest, 5 highest)
1 2 3 4 5
  • No available funding

  • Instruments are too expensive

  • Methodology is too expensive

  • No lab space available to perform testing

  • No expertise available to perform testing

  • Waiting until MPS applications are more fully developed

  • Others (please specify: )

  • Others (please specify: )

  • Others (please specify: )

5. What do you think are the main scientific and legal challenges for the implementation of MPS in Forensic Genetics? Please rank them in order of priority (1 lowest, 5 highest)
1 2 3 4 5
  • No specific validation guidelines available

  • No specific proficiency tests available

  • Lack of nomenclature and reporting standards

  • There is a lack of an adequate national legislation framework

  • Others (please specify: )

  • Others (please specify: )

  • Others (please specify: )

6.Please provide any additional comments.

7. Please provide the information of your laboratory and primary MPS point (s) of contact (s)(where appropriate).

  • Institution

  • Laboratory/Department

  • Country

  • City

  • Person (s) of Contact (s)

  • E-mail (s)

Please send the completed survey to the following email address:

The deadline for submission of the completed survey ends on December 21, 2016