Reading Essential Answers

Colonial America, Lesson 3

Lesson Activities

1. to get more people to settle in New Netherland

2. New Amsterdam

3. New Amsterdam

4. proprietor

5. New Jersey had no natural harbors that could

become good ports.

6. Students should underline: “people who refuse to

use force or fight in wars”; Quakers

7. Students should underline: “As a result,

Pennsylvania had better relations with Native

Americans than many other colonies”; Penn paid

Native Americans for their land instead of just

taking it.

8. make laws

9. to put his Quaker ideas into practice

10. Answers may include: New Netherlands colony

was controlled by the Dutch; England attacked

New Amsterdam; New Amsterdam was renamed

New York City; part of New Netherlands became

New Jersey; Quakers and William Penn settled

Pennsylvania; Penn gave Swedish colonists their

own colony; that colony was named Delaware.

Check for Understanding

New Jersey from New York; Delaware from


Any two of the following: Dutch, Irish, Welsh, Germans,


Colonial America, Lesson 4

Lesson Activities

1. If they did not have enough money to come to the

colonies, they could become an indentured servant

to have their voyage paid for and a place to live

and work.

2. Indentured servants agreed to work for a certain

number of years; enslaved persons were forced to

work all their lives.

3. as a place where Catholics could worship freely

4. Students should underline: “Act of Toleration.”

5. It showed that government must listen to the

people’s demands.

6. Bacon was unhappy the government had promised

not to move into Native American lands; he felt

the colonial government was dominated by people

who lived in eastern Virginia.

7. a written plan of government

8. tobacco, timber, tar

9. Students should underline: “people who owe other

people money.”

10. Georgia was founded as a place to give debtors

and poor people a fresh start and to act as a

barrier against Spanish expansion.

11. Answers may include: Large crops of indigo and

rice required lots of workers; slaves were used to

work fields; governor stopped settlements to

west in Virginia; Bacon’s Rebellion; tension

between Catholics and Protestants in Maryland;

boundary disputes between Maryland and


Check for Understanding

Bacon and others who lived in western Virginia did not

like the fact that the governor stopped western

settlement. Also, they felt the government was

dominated by people who lived in eastern Virginia.

Maryland faced a border dispute with Pennsylvania and

tension between Protestants and Catholics.