8:00 A.M.

The meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Coles County Airport Authority was convened at Coles County Memorial Airport, Coles County, Illinois, on Tuesday, September 5, 2017. Chairman Vaughan called the meeting to order at the hour of 8:00 a.m.

PRESENT: Commissioners Campbell, Dettro, Rasmussen, Vaughan and Schaefer, Manager Fearn, Administrative Assistant Carmean and Attorney Grant. Matt Price of Kemper CPA was also present. Dom Youakim arrived at 8:07.

Accountants Report

Matt Price of Kemper CPA Group presented the findings of the Annual Audit for Fiscal Year 2017.


Chairman Vaughan asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes for August 2017 meeting. Upon a motion made by Commissioner Rasmussen and seconded by Commissioner Campbell, the minutes for the August 2017 meeting were approved on a roll call vote. The results were as follows:

Campbell Yes

Schaefer Yes

Rasmussen Yes

Dettro Yes

Vaughan Yes

Financial Report

Chairman Vaughan asked if there were any comments regarding the financial information provided for the month of August. Commissioner Campbell asked which Building is Building I and about the toy airplanes that were purchased. Upon a motion made by Commissioner Schaefer and seconded by Commissioner Dettro the financial report for August 2017 was approved on a roll call vote. The results were as follows:

Campbell Yes

Schaefer Yes

Rasmussen Yes

Dettro Yes

Vaughan Yes

Terminal HVAC

Manager Fearn reviewed the bid proposals submitted by Atteberry & Marshal and Varner & Rawlings. Upon a motion made by Commissioner Campbell and seconded by Commissioner Rasmussen, the proposal submitted by Atteberry & Marshal was accepted. The motion carried on a roll call vote. The results were as follows:

Campbell Yes

Schaefer Yes

Rasmussen Yes

Dettro Yes

Vaughan Yes

ARFF Truck

Manager Fearn reviewed the bids for the tools, equipment and radios for the new ARFF Truck and the option to purchase a generator for the ARFF Truck. Upon a motion made by Commissioner Rasmussen and seconded by Commissioner Dettro, the bids were accepted and the option to purchase the generator was also accepted. The motion passed on a roll call vote. The results were as follows:

Campbell Yes

Schaefer Yes

Rasmussen Yes

Dettro Yes

Vaughan Yes

Hay Barn

Manager Fearn reviewed the drawings for the new haybarn. Upon a motion made by Commissioner Dettro and seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, the haybarn discussion was tabled until the October meeting. The motion was approved on a roll call vote. The results were as follows:

Campbell Yes

Schaefer Yes

Rasmussen Yes

Dettro Yes

Vaughan Yes

SRE Building

Upon a motion made by Commissioner Dettro and seconded by Commissioner Rasmussen, the bid submitted by Industrial Roofing for the ice dams was accepted and the landscaping will be completed by the maintenance staff. The motion passed on a roll call vote. The results were as follows:

Campbell Yes

Schaefer Yes

Rasmussen Yes

Dettro Yes

Vaughan Yes

Replacement Truck

Manager Fearn proposed replacing the truck used by maintenance and stated that a truck could be purchased on state bid at a lower cost. The Board was in favor or replacing the truck.

Management Report

Wind Damage

A claim has been filed for wind damage to a vinyl fence, an airfield light, an airfield sign and a hangar door.

Fuel Truck

The 100 LL truck has had wooden frame runners replaced at LT & E.

Haybarn Fuel

The fuel tanks are wired and back in service.


Andrew will be out of the office September 11-18.

Business After Hours

We will host a joint Chamber event on September 21, 5-7 pm.

IPAA Fall Conference

Manager Fearn will be attending this conference September 25-27.

Boy Scout Program

The Scouts Flying High Program will be held at MTO on October 1.

Maintenance Conference

We will host the IAMA Conference October 18-19 in the SRE Buildng..

Commissioner’s Comments & Questions

Chairman Vaughan asked if there were any further comments or questions. Commissioner Dettro expressed his approval for hosting events at the airport to create exposure to aviation and the airport facility.


There being no further business before the Board, a motion to adjourn was made by Chairman Vaughan and seconded by Commissioner Campbell. The motion carried on a voice vote.

