Using the Co-op Moodle: Tips and Instructions
Accessing the Moodle / Go to the ECI website. Click on the Moodle button on the right side bar (underneath the learning resources button). This will take you to the Moodle server. Bookmark this location for future reference. The Moodle can be accessed from any computer (including Apple products) with internet access.Entering the Co-op Moodle / Go to Co-op under the course categories and click on it. Click on Co-op term 2 2014/2015. Enter your school username and password. If this is your first visit to the class Moodle you will need the course key: co-op Type this in exactly as you see it (not bolded). You only need to enroll once in the class. Remember that it is your school username and password that gets you access to the Moodle.
MoodleOrganization / The Moodle is organized into 3 sections:
People / Topic Outline / Calendar
Participants lets you email people enrolled in the class including your teacher / Topic 1 has course forms, like logs and journals, addendum forms or employer evaluation forms that you can download
Course information that you can access to make sure you stay organized
Co-op links and calculator help direct you to websites for additional information like our Eastwood Co-op Facebook group and a calculator that helps keep track of your hours / The calendar area helps to keep you organized so you are aware of upcoming events and deadlines. Just click on the news event or the calendar and you will find out pertinent class information.
Topic 2 has pre-employment information and resources as well as allowing you to upload some of the pre-employment assignments
Topic 3 allows you to upload logs and journals in one file. You can also upload an addendum here. There are also examples of logs and journals here to help you improve your work.
Topic 4 provides you with information to complete summatives Part A and B and also to upload Part A.
Topic 5 is reserved for additional assignments for you to complete while you are at your workplace.
Topic 6 is reserved for any other special items that you need to receive or have access to while at your workplace
News forum / This is an area that we do not use very often but news bulletins can be posted here. We prefer to use the Eastwood Co-op Facebook groupfor posting news items.
Handing in logs from offsite / Go to the class on the Moodle, download the moodle log and journal and save it to your workspace. Once you have saved the moodle log and journal version you can then create a template to make writing future logs and journals easier. (TIP: do not work on the log and journal until after you have saved it, you will have fewer problems).
When you are ready to upload your completed log through the Moodle:
Make sure you have saved the log on your own computer and then open the class Moodle. Go to the log and journal submission part of the Moodle (topic 3).Click on the correct week log that you want to upload and there you will find a button that allows you to browse for your completed log and journal. Once you have found your file double click on it.Now you click on the upload button. That button that will upload it to the Moodle where the teachers can access it.
Sending your Teacher
a message / Under People in the left side click on Participants. Select the participant you want to moodle and click on their name. Click on send message and type your message in the text box that opens, then send it.
Eastwood Co-op Facebook Group / You must join this group as a co-op student. We use the group to post news items for student and to address student questions or concerns while at their placement. For private communication with your teacher you should email them through the Moodle or phone them at
519 743-8265 EX 554 if the concern is urgent.
You need to ask permission to join the group and one of the group administrators will grant you access.
To ask permission you need to find the group first through the link posted on the Moodle or by searching through Facebook for EastwoodCoop. Once you have found the group you can ask for permission to join by clicking on join group at the top right side of the page.
You can email the group at the following address:
Make sure that the profile photo you use to join the group is appropriate for a school group.
Remember that school computer use policies apply to all communication
through the Moodle or Facebook.