/ Lavonia Elementary School
818 Hartwell Road
Lavonia, Georgia 30553
Telephone: (706) 356-8209
Fax: (706) 356-2966
http://www.franklin.k12.ga.us / Dr. Darrell McDowell
Delina Wester
Assistant Principal
Braden Holland

March 14, 2016

Parents and Guardians,

We are pleased to announce that the Franklin County School System (FCSS) has now made available to teachers, staff, and students the power of Google Apps for Education (GAFE). This supports classrooms by providing tools for collaboration (Google Classroom) and online file storage for classroom assignments (Google Drive). Only those Google services that are applicable to an educational setting are provided in our Google domain. Some of the tools available in a public Google account will not be available in the FCSS Google account. Your child is being provided a student Google account in order to access and use these tools for classroom instruction. At this time, we are not offering email accounts (Gmail) to our elementary students. School accounts must comply with the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) to ensure student safety while online. The FCSS uses powerful filtering tools and makes every effort to block inappropriate content, however, technology is ever-evolving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I review my child’s Google documents and assignments?

A: Yes. Your child would need to share the documents and assignments with you under the “share” option, provided that you already have a personal Gmail account.

Q: Are there consequences if my child misuses his/her Google account?

A: Yes. Your child’s Google account is a privilege, and if abused, its use will be revoked.

Q: Will my child be able to use his/her student Google account from a smartphone?

A: Yes. It will work, but the district will not be providing documentation or support for that option.

Q: I do not have Internet at home. What resources are available to my child?

A: The FCSS Google domain can only be accessed using an Internet connection. Your child will not be able to interact with their FCSS Google account in your home unless you have Internet access. Public venues, such as libraries and some restaurants offer free wireless Internet connections that would allow students this access.

Q: Where can I learn more about Google Apps for Education (GAFE)?

A: https://www.google.com/edu/