Minutes of the Meeting of Ketton Parish Council held on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, Lincolnshire, PE9 3TW, commencing at 7:30 pm.
Present: Cllrs McGilvray, Couzens, Warrington, Allan, Andrew, Southern, Tyler, & Clerk.
2015/01/01 To receive Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received by Cllrs Simon, McQuistan, Charge, Green, Rogers & County Cllrs Emmett & Conde.
2015/01/02 To receive Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Additions to Registers [Section 27 Localism Act 2011]
2015/01/03 To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of December 17, 2014
The Minutes were approved as an accurate record and signed.
2015/01/04 To receive any Matters Arising for information exchange [NB Matters Arising may only appertain to the immediately preceding Parish Council Meetings - i.e. December 17, 2014]
RCC have carried out work to remove the white lines in Church Road – which has not been successful, as the lines are still partially visible. Cllr Southern confirmed that she had canvassed the opinions of all the residents in Church Road, prior to the work being carried out, and they were unanimous in that the lines had exacerbated the already considerable problems they were experiencing with parking in the road. The Clerk confirmed that the Council has not yet been charged by Rutland County Council for removing the lines.
The Clerk confirmed that she had already written to Highways at RCC requesting reinstatement of the ‘Slow’ marking on Church Road, at the approach to the Chater bridge, and will write again to remind them that the work still hasn’t been done.
2015/01/05 Police Report
PCSO Ellie Allam presented the area crime report for the last 30 days. There has been only one incident reported in Ketton, which relates to the damage of plants in a garden, and the matter has been dealt with. PCSO Ellie Allam confirmed that the Police’s problem solving plan is continuing to focus on tackling thefts from unattended motor vehicles in Morcott, as there has been a spate of thefts from Morcott Tyres, the service station and Redwings. Those present were also reminded that there has been a spate of heating oil thefts in the area, and that alarms and locks should be fitted to oil storage tanks. Also, that door to door salesmen, who periodically operate in the area should carry a pedlar’s licence. If any residents are suspicious after being approached by a salesman they should contact the Police.
2015/01/06 Public Question Time : Members of the Public to Parish Council : Parish Council to County Council
There was one member of the public present, who wished to address the Council regarding a letter he had received from the Parish Clerk concerning a tree in his garden, which a tree surgeon, commissioned by the Council, had stated in his Tree Safety Report was unsafe. Ketton resident, Mr Wooley advised the meeting that he owned both sides of the river bank, and that he had taken advice regarding the tree in question. This advice was that the tree was considered to be safe. Mr Woolley confirmed that the tree was alive, and the dead wood close to the river bank in Hall Close had been removed. It was therefore agreed that the responsibility remained with the landowner, Mr Woolley.
The resident words of concern were taken on board by the Council, and the Chairman thanked him for attending the meeting.
2015/01/07 To Minute and adopt the following payments:
To be signed at meeting:
100863 Viking Office supplies £58.51
Millennium IT Direct debit Monthly pc back up - December £7.20
100864 Black Velvet Pest Control Mole control Hall Close £60.00
100865 Longstaff River Chater bank - Legal advice £336.00
100866 Harrison & Dunn Village maintenance supplies £166.54
Millennium IT Direct debit Monthly pc back up – January £7.20
100867 Arden Coffee (East Midlands) C/Hub supplies £86.56
100868 Mrs T Goodbody Office Cleaning £10.00
100869 Cory Environmental Dog bins £312.00
100870 Mr R.Doyle Repairs to gravestones £345.00
100871 Eon Street light repairs £28.16
100872 Eon Street lighting – December £327.35
100873 KG&SSA Chatterbox delivery Xmas edition £75.00
100874 Viking Office supplies (C5 envelopes) £29.99
100875 Archer Signs & Panels Ltd Hall Close signs £94.74
100876 HMRC Employees PAYE & NI payment £210.20
NEST Direct debit Pension Contributions – January £57.68
100877 Handyman Salary – January £160.40
100878 Assistant handyman Salary & expenses – January £121.15
100879 Parish Clerk Clerk's Salary – January £607.75
100880 Eon Office electricity supply £224.34
100881 SLCC Parish Clerk's membership 2015 £131.00
BT Direct debit Phone bill £133.96
Council resolved that the accounts set out in 2015/01/07 be accepted for payment.
2015/01/08 To receive and approve the Financial Statements and to sign the Reconciliation
The Financial information was approved as an accurate record and the Reconciliation signed.
Cllr Warrington confirmed that a quote has been requested from Eon to upgrade the lights along the High Street from Empingham Road to The Crescent, to brighter & more energy efficient lights. The work has been budgeted for the 2015-16 financial year. The Council agreed that the Clerk should ask Eon to proceed with the work, if Eon agrees that the invoice will not be issued until April.
2015/01/09 To receive, approve and adopt Committee Reports for January 2015, viz.
The following reports were received and approved.
2015/01/09.1 Planning January 8 2015
2015/01/09.2 Highways & Open Spaces January 14 2015
Minutes of a Meeting of Ketton Parish Council Planning Committee (Under Delegated Powers) held at 7.30pm on Thursday 8 January, 2015, in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, PE9 3TW
Present: Cllrs Charge, Green & Couzens
1. To receive Apologies for Absence
Cllrs McQuistan & Rogers
2. To receive Declarations of Interest and Additions to Registers
[Localism Act 2011)]
3. To approve and sign Minutes of the Planning Meetings held on 17 December, 2014
The Minutes were approved as an accurate record and signed
4. To receive any Matters Arising for information exchange and to note the decisions of RCC upon Applications previously submitted to Ketton Parish Council
RCC Consultation with Parish Councils – Revisions to Planning Application consultation process. Committee to formulate Parish Council process for handling applications
RCC - Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Documents
2014/0450/FUL & 2014/0955/CAT Noted
5. To consider and comment upon the following Planning Application:
5.1 Application Ref: 2014/1064/LBA
The Granary, 1, The Close, Geeston Road, Ketton, Stamford, Rutland, PE9 3RH
Proposal:- Change existing Collyweston slate to Bradstone ‘like for like’.
Application dated 12 December 2014
No Objections
5.2 Application Ref: 2014/1095/CAT
St Mary’s House, 88-90, High Street, Ketton, Rutland, PE9 3TE
Proposal:- Cypress (T1) – Remove Cypress tree in corner of garden to just above ground level. Weeping Cypress (T2) – Remove weeping Cypress next to large Cypress in corner to just above ground level. Cypresses (T3 &T4) – Reduce height of 2 Cypress trees by Folly by 1/3rd of their height.
Application dated 4 December 2014
No Objections
5.3 Application Ref: 2014/1049/LBA
Ketton Grange, High Street, Ketton, Rutland, PE9 3TA
Proposal:- To repair four existing chimneystacks, one to be dismantled to ridge height and rebuilt with new Clipsham stone as required, three to have stone repairs in situ.
Application dated 10 December 2014
No Objections
5.4 Application Ref: 2014/1112/FUL
1, The Green, Ketton, Stamford, Rutland, PE9 3RA
Proposal:- Proposed dwelling and parking on land at Number 1 The Green, Ketton.
Application dated 10 December 2014
Objection – We cannot ascertain that the plans have been adequately revised in line with our previous concerns about siting of the property on the plot. Albeit, the boundary wall has been retained.
5.5 Application Ref: 2014/1098/FUL
Barrowdene, 27, Barrowden Road, Ketton, Stamford, Rutland, PE9 3RJ
Proposal:- Removal of existing conservatory and replacement with single storey flat roof extension and minor internal alterations.
Application dated 9 December 2014
No Objections
5.6 Application Ref: 2014/1117/FUL
Barrowdene, 27, Barrowden Road, Ketton, Stamford, Rutland, PE9 3RJ
Proposal:- Two storey garage extension with bedroom, ensuite bathroom over and circulation space.
Application dated 15 December 2014
No Objections
5.7 Application Ref: 2014/1121/FUL
21, Aldgate, Ketton, Stamford, Rutland, PE9 3TD
Proposal:- Two storey extension to rear and erection of a carport. Existing garage to be used as study/office.
Application dated 17 December 2014
No Objections
6. To note correspondence received.
7. Discussions/proposals by Councillors of items to be tabled on future Agendas
8. Closure of meeting and confirmation of date of next scheduled meeting as Thursday 5 February 2015.
Highways and Open Spaces Committee
Minutes of the Meeting of Ketton Parish Council Highways and Open Spaces Committee
(Under Delegated Powers) held on
Wednesday 14 January, 2015 at 7.00 pm in The Parish Office, Stocks Hill Lane, Ketton, STAMFORD, PE9 3TW.
1. Present Cllrs: Warrington, Couzens, Tyler, Allan, & Co-opted members Parry & Greaves
Apologies for Absence: Cllr Southern
2. To receive Declarations of Interest, Dispensations and Additions to Registers (Section 27 Localism Act 2011): None
3. To approve and sign Minutes of the H & OS Meeting from December 10, 2014
The minutes were approved and signed
4. To receive any Matters Arising from the Minutes:- None
5. Questions from Members of the Public:- None
6. Street Lighting
6.1 Low level lighting for path between Chapel Lane & the church, & Stocks Hill/Redmiles Lane
Cllr Southern has met with Gill Corner from Eon to discuss the possibility of installing low level lighting on the corner of Redmiles Lane/Stocks Hill, and on the footpath from Tamarisk Cottage, Chapel Lane to the church. Suitable sites for installing the lights could not be found, and the Committee agreed not to pursue the matter further.
6.2 Discuss & approve quote for High Street lighting
A quote has been received from Eon to upgrade the lights along the High Street from Empingham Road to Pit Lane, to brighter & more energy efficient lights. The Committee agreed to ask Eon for another quote, to include upgrading the light on The Crescent, near the bus stop, and to adjust the light near the Bier House to improve the lighting level at Stocks Hill. This revised quote would be approximately £3,700. Cllr Warrington will liaise with Gill Corner regarding the required specifications. Cllr Warrington
7. Grass Cutting
7.1 Village Grass Cutting Tender 2015
The grass cutting will be tendered in late January for 2015, with revised specifications and will not include Hall Close. Council will include the areas of Geeston and Kelthorpe Close in the 2015 Grass Cutting Tender. Invitations to tender will be invited from contractors who tendered in 2014. Cllr Warrington & Clerk
8. Churchyard/Cemetery
8.1 RCC - Risk Assessment & Water Hygiene Survey Report – Cemetery
The Committee discussed the Risk Assessment & Water Hygiene Survey Report, which has been received from RCC regarding the water supply in the Cemetery. The Clerk will write to RCC to state that the Parish Council will ensure that weekly checks are made to ensure that the tap doesn’t burst in cold weather, and request that RCC carry out any remedial work required to the tap to ensure that
it has a non-return valve fitted. Clerk
The Clerk confirmed that Rutland Masonry has repaired the graves in the Cemetery and Churchyard, specified in their safety report date 08/10/2014, as requiring repair. The stone gate pillars to the cemetery have not yet been repaired.
9. Hall Close
The Committee discussed the Tree safety report from Tommy Plummer Tree Services. There are a number of trees which are deemed’ high risk’. The Clerk has already asked Tommy Plummer for a quote to carry out the required work to make these trees safe, and will ask Tommy for a quote to
carry out further work identified by the Committee as requiring attention. Clerk
The purchase of waterproof coats for the handymen, with ‘Ketton Parish Council’ emblazoned on them, was approved.
9.1. Purchase of a trailer for the Countax mower & a long reach pruning saw
Cllr Tyler has obtained quotes for a small trailer, suitable to use with the Countax mower - £100.00, and a Tanaka long reach saw/pruner - £398.33, which the handymen can use for minor tree pruning. The purchases have been approved so the Clerk will now place the order for purchase. Clerk
10. Parking for patients attending Ketton Surgery
The Council is exploring options to try and help alleviate the problem of the lack of available parking places adjacent to Ketton Surgery, due to the competition for the few spaces available, with parents of Ketton School children. Cllr Tyler outlined the current situation.
11. White lines on Church Road
Cllrs Southern and McGilvray met with Rob Baxter from Highways at RCC to discuss the problems, and reach a resolution. RCC have subsequently carried out work to remove the white lines –which has not been successful.
12. Container - move to Hall Close during February half term
The Clerk has made tentative arrangements with a contractor to move the container from Hanson Cement to Hall Close, during the February half term. This will however, be dependent on the weather, as the move will have to be postponed if the ground conditions are too wet. The Clerk will contact the contractor again for them to arrange a site visit with Cllr Tyler. Cllr Tyler & Clerk
13. Work for handymen in January 2015
The handymen have a full work programme for January, as detailed in the above minutes.
14. Right of way sign for Chater bridge, Church Road
The Committee rejected the option to install a right of way sign on Church Road, near the bridge as it was felt not to be necessary.
15. Street sweeping
The street sweeper was working in Ketton on 13 January, after the Clerk had recently written to RCC, concerning the street sweeping schedule. RCC have confirmed that in future the streets would be swept upon request.