Wenxia Song
Title: Associate Professor
Professional Address: Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
Microbiology Building, University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Ph.D. (1987-1991) Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
M.Sc. (1983-1986) Academia Sinica, Beijing, China
B.Sc. (1978-1983) Department of Chemistry, Julin University, Changchun, China
Professor (2009-present)
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland at College Park
Associate Professor (2002-2009)
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland at College Park
Assistant Professor (1996-2002)
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, University of Maryland at College Park
Research Associate (1994-1996)
Department of Biochemistry, Northwestern University
Post-doctoral fellow (1992-1994)
Department of Anatomy and Biochemistry, University of California, San Francisco
University of Maryland Annual Scholarship and Research Honoree (2009)
Junior Faculty Travel Award (2002) American Association of Immunologists.
Post-doctoral fellowship (1992-1994), American Heart Association (California affiliate).
Wesley Fellowship (1987-1991), Wesley Foundation of Wichita, Kansas.
Overseas Research Scholarship Award (1986), the United Kingdom Education Department.
Graduate Student Research Award (1985), Institute of Biophysics, Academia Sinic, China.
RO1AI059617 Song (PI) 05/01/06 –04/30/10
The actin cytoskeleton in B cell activation
RO1AI068888 CoPI 04/01/07 – 03/30/11
Role of Opa and LOS in gonococcal-host cell interaction
1. Song, W., and D. A. Rintoul. 1989. Synthesis and characterization of N-parinaroyl ganglioside GM1: effect of choleragen binding on fluorescence anisotropy in model membranes. Biochemistry. 28 (10):4194-200.
2. Song, W., M. F. Vacca, R. Welti, and D. A. Rintoul. 1991. Effects of gangliosides GM3 and De-N-acetyl GM3 on epidermal growth factor receptor kinase activity and cell growth. J. Biol. Chem. 266 (16):10174-81.
3. Song, W., R. Welti, S. Hafner-Strauss, and D. A. Rintoul. 1993. Synthesis and characterization of N-parinaroyl analogs of ganglioside GM3 and de-N-acetyl GM3. Interactions with the EGF receptor kinase. Biochemistry. 32 (33):8602-7.
4. Song, W., M. Bomsel, J. Casanova, J. P. Vaerman, and K. Mostov. 1994. Stimulation of transcytosis of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor by dimeric IgA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 91:163-6.
5. Song, W., G. Apodaca, and K. Mostov. 1994. Transcytosis of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor is regulated in multiple intracellular compartments. J. Biol. Chem. 269 (47):29474-80.
6. Cardone, M. H., B. L. Smith, W. Song, D. Mochly-Rosen, and K. E. Mostov. 1994. Phorbol myristate acetate-mediated stimulation of transcytosis and apical recycling in MDCK cells. J. Cell Biol. 124 (5):717-27.
7. Okamoto, C. T., W. Song, M. Bomsel, and K. E. Mostov. 1994. Rapid internalization of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor requires phosphorylated serine 726. J. Biol. Chem. 269 (22):15676-82.
8. Song, W., J. P. Vaerman, and K. E. Mostov. 1995. Dimeric and tetrameric IgA are transcytosed equally by the polymeric Ig receptor. J. Immunol. 155 (2):715-21.
9. Song, W., H. Cho, P. Cheng, and S. K. Pierce. 1995. Entry of B cell antigen receptor and antigen into class II peptide-loading compartment is independent of receptor cross-linking. J. Immunol. 155 (9):4255-63.
10. Xu, X., W. Song, H. Cho, Y. Qiu, and S. K. Pierce. 1995. Intracellular transport of invariant chain-MHC class II complexes to the peptide-loading compartment. J. Immunol. 155 (6):2984-92.
11. Pierce, S. K., J. M. Green, A. E. Faassen, X. Xu, W. Song, H. Cho, P. Schafer, T. Psaradellis, N. Wagle, and J. Kim. 1995. The intracellular assembly of antigenic peptide-class II complexes. Biomedical Peptides, Proteins & Nucleic Acids, Structure, Synthesis & Biological Activity. 1, 149-155.
12. Song, W., N. M. Wagle, T. Banh, C. C. Whiteford, E. Ulug, and S. K. Pierce. 1997. Wortmannin, a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor, blocks the assembly of peptide-MHC class II complexes. nt. Immunol. 9 (11):1709-22.
13. Brown, B. K., C. Li, P. C. Cheng, and W. Song. 1999. Trafficking of the Iga/Igb heterodimer with membrane Ig and bound antigen to the major histocompatibility complex class II peptide-loading compartment. J. Biol. Chem. 274 (16):11439-46.
14. Cheng, P. C., C. R. Steele, L. Gu, W. Song, and S. K. Pierce. 1999. MHC class II antigen processing in B cells: accelerated intracellular targeting of antigens. J. Immunol. 162 (12):7171-80.
15. Siemasko, K., B. J. Eisfelder, C. Stebbins, S. Kabak, A. J. Sant, W. Song, and M. R. Clark. 1999. Iga and Igb are required for efficient trafficking to late endosomes and to enhance antigen presentation. J. Immunol. 162 (11):6518-25.
16. Song, W., L. Ma, R. Chen, and D. C. Stein. 2000. Role of lipooligosaccharide in Opa-independent invasion of Neisseria gonorrhoeae into human epithelial cells. J. Exp. Med. 191 (6):949-60.
17. Cheng, P. C., B. K. Brown, W. Song, and S. K. Pierce. 2001. Translocation of the B cell antigen receptor into lipid rafts reveals a novel step in signaling. J. Immunol. 166 (6):3693-701.
18. Liu, S. H., M. C. Towler, E. Chen, C. Y. Chen, W. Song, G. Apodaca, and F. M. Brodsky. 2001. A novel clathrin homolog that co-distributes with cytoskeletal components functions in the trans-Golgi network. EMBO J. 20 (1-2):272-84.
19. Song, W. 2001. Signaling, actin dynamics and endocytosis. Acta Biophysica Sinica. 17 (1):10-18.
20. Brown, B. K., and W. Song. 2001. The actin cytoskeleton is required for the trafficking of the B cell antigen receptor to the late endosomes. Traffic. 2 (6):414-27.
21. Siemasko, K., B. J. Skaggs, S. Kabak, E. Williamson, B. K. Brown, W. Song, and M. R. Clark. 2002. Receptor facilitated antigen presentation requires the recruitment of BLNK to Iga. J. Immunol. 168(5):2127-38.
22. Parent, B. A., X. Wang, and W. Song. 2002. Destabilization of the B cell antigen receptor blocks signaling and antigen targeting. Eur. J. Immunol. 32:1839-1846.
23. Li, C., K. Siemasko, M. R. Clark, and W. Song. 2002. Efficiency of antigen processing is dependent on the kinetics and specificity of antigen targeting. Int. Immunl. 14:1179-1191.
24. Stoddar, A., M. L. Dykstra, B. K. Brown, W. Song, S. K. Pierce, and F. M. Brodsky. 2002. Src kinase dependent clathrin phosphorylation couples BCR internalization to lipid raft signaling. Immunity 17 (4):451-462.
25. Sheela, R. R., U. Babu, J. Mu, E. Subbiah, D. A. Bautista, R. B. Raybourne, R. A. Heckert, and W. Song. 2003. Immune responses against Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis infection in virally immunosuppressed chickens. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 10(4):670-9.
26. Thyagarajan, R., N. Arunkumar, and W. Song. 2003. Polyvalent antigens stabilize BCR surface signaling microdomains. J. Immunol. 170:6099-6106.
27. Zheng, J., J. Meng, S. Zhao, R. Singh, and W. Song. 2006. Adherence and invasion of Campylobacter jejuni/coli isolated from retail meats to human intestinal epithelial cells. Journal of Food Protection. 69(4):768-74.
28. Marbach-Ad, G., Briken, V., Frauwirth, K., Gao, L., Hutcheson, S.W., Joseph, S.W.,Mosser, D., Parent, B, Shields, P., Song, W., Stein, D.C.,Swanson, K., Thompson, K.V., Yuan, R., Smith, A.C. 2007. A Faculty Team Works to Create Content Linkages among Various Courses to Increase Meaningful Learning of Targeted Concepts of Microbiology. CBE Life Sci Educ 2007: 155–162
29. Onabajo, O., M. Seeley, A. Kale, B. Qualmann, M. Kessels, S-H. Tan, and W. Song. 2008. Mammalian actin-binding protein 1 regulates BCR-mediated antigen processing and presentation in response to BCR activation. J. Immunol. 180(10):6685-95.
30. Richard, K., S. K. Pierce, and W. Song. 2008. The agonists of TLR4 and 9 are sufficient to activate memory B cells to differentiate into plasma cells in vitro but not in vivo. J. Immunol. 181:1746-52.
31. Ye L., X. Liu, S. N. Rout, Y. Yan, S. K. Samal, W. Song and X. Zhu. The MHC class II-associated invariant chain interacts with Fc gamma receptor FcRn and modulates its trafficking to endosomal/lysosomal compartment. J. of Immunol. 181(4):2572-85.
32. Zheng, J., J. Meng, S. Zhao, R. Singh, and W. Song. 2008. Campylobacter-induced interleukin 8 in human intestinal epithelia cells required Campylobacter-secreted CDT and TLR-mediated activation of NF-kB. Infect. Immun. 76(10):4498-508.
33. Bish S. E., W. Song, and D. C. Stein. 2008. Quantification of bacterial invasion into host cells using a b-lactamase reporter strain: Neisseria gonorrhoeae invasion into cervical epithelial cells requires bacterial viability. Microbial & Infection. 10(10-11):1182-91.
34. Song W., S. Condron, B. T. Mocca, S. J. Veit, D. Hill, A. Abbas, and A. E. Jerse. 2008. Local and Humoral Immune Responses against Primary and Repeat Neisseria gonorrhoeae Genital Tract Infections of 17-β Estradiol-treated Mice. Vaccine. 26(45):5741-51.
35. Sharma, S., Orlowski G. and W. Song. 2009. Btk regulates BCR-mediated antigen processing and presentation by controlling the actin cytoskeleton dynamics in B cells. J. Immunol. 182(1):329-39.
36. Marbach-Ad, G., V. Briken, N. M. El-Sayed, K. Frauwirth, B. Fredericksen, S. Hutcheson, L-Y. Gao, S. Joseph, V. T. Lee, K. McIver, D. Mosser, B. B. Quimby, P. Shields, W. Song, D. C. Stein, R. T. Yuan, A. C. Smith. 2009. Assessing Student Understanding of Host Pathogen Interactions Using a Concept Inventory. J. Microb. & Biol. Edu. In press.
______Wenxia Song Ph.D. CV