Millennium Acquisitions - Overview Release 2006
Logging in to Millennium Acquisitions
Click on the Millennium icon on your desktop to open your Millennium Acquisitions session.
This box will appear:
Log into your session by typing your acquisitions library username [login], then press ENTER. Type your password, then choose OK or press ENTER twice.
This box will appear:
Now enter your initials, then press ENTER. Type your password, then choose OK or press ENTER twice.
This screen will appear:
When you log in to Millennium with an acquisitions login you are automatically directed to the acquisitions module. Millennium Acquisitions opens in the “Orders” mode.
From this screen you can search the catalog, view a browse screen of search results, retrieve bibliographic or item records, create a bibliographic record, and download a record from ITSMARC.
[The icons that appear in the navigation bar on the left side of your screen may vary depending on the permissions you have associated with your initials and password.]
Millennium Acquisitions Modes
Key new ORDERS, search for and edit order records.
CLAIM/CANCEL puts claim/cancel form in print queue.
SEND purchase orders/claims; prints orders/claims; send via email.
RAPID RECEIVE receive orders and create items; update codes in fixed fields; add a variable field; use with review files.
RECOMMEND Approve, acquire, deny recommendations for purchase.
Process INVOICES for internal use, tracking invoices.
View, create, and maintain FUND files.
Perform Fiscal close procedure.
View, create, and maintain VENDOR files.
SELECTION LIST Add, delete copies to items under consideration for purchase.
Vendor statistics allows you to generate vendor performance reports.
Batch load MARC records
Order Status Reports via FTP for orders that were Sent via EDIFACT.
Accounting Unit – Each library is assigned its own accounting unit. Each accounting unit has separate records that are visible only to users in that accounting unit. All acquisitions functions and records, including order records, vendor records, funds, and invoices are separate for each accounting unit. When a users logs on to Millennium Acquisitions, the user’s initials determine what accounting unit they will see. All orders are visible in the WebOPAC. Staff may select the Viewà Public Display option in Millennium modules to see the libraries that have orders on particular records.
Vendor – A vendor record contains the vendor code, name, and address. For electronic ordering, you will also need to include your account number with the vendor and the vendor’s SAN number. You may have multiple vendor records for the same vendor if you have multiple accounts with that vendor.
Order – An order, like an item, must be attached to a bibliographic record. Orders are visible to patrons on the OPAC unless they are suppressed by selecting suppression in code2 in the order record.
Invoice – Millennium Acquisitions uses invoice information to update an order to a paid status and record the actual price of the items, including any shipping and service charges.
Voucher – A voucher is a record of a payment made for an invoice.
Funds – This is an account used to track acquisitions expenditures. Funds can be based on the source on the funding (i.e. donations, memorials) or they can be based on their use (i.e. Adult Books, Juvenile Video). They can be grouped into a hierarchy.
Appropriation – This is the budgeted amount that you are planning to spend.
Expenditure – This is the amount of actual invoices payments that have been made.
Encumbrance – This is the amount that is committed, but the payment has not actually been made. When you enter an order with a fund code, the estimated price (eprice) from the order is charged to the fund as an encumbrance. When payment is made during the invoicing process, the encumbrance is removed, the actual price is charged as expenditure.
Free Balance - This is Appropriations less Encumbrances and Expenditures.
Cash Balance – This is Appropriations less Expenditures.
Posting – As appropriations are made and orders are placed, modified, canceled, or paid, the activity is recorded in the payment history file, called payhist. Posting takes the information recorded in the payment history files and uses it to adjust the current total for appropriations, encumbrances, expenditures, free balance, and cash balance for each fund.
Workflow Options
Each order, unless it is cancelled, must have the following events occur for the life cycle of an order to be complete.
· Attach the order to a bib record
· Send the order to the vendor
· Receive the order
· Attach the item to a bib record
· Pay for the order (invoicing)
The Acquisitions module has multiple options for creating orders and receiving items to accommodate different workflow. The following are examples of the major steps in the life of an order using different workflow options.
Order Lifecycle – Acquisitions with Receive and Create Item
1. Orders Mode - Search for Bib Record
2. Orders Mode - Attach Order
3. Send Mode – Send orders to Vendor
4. Invoices Mode – Posting to Update encumbrances
5. Order Mode - Receive and Create Item
6. Invoices Mode – Post Invoices
Order Lifecycle – Acquisitions with Receive at Invoicing
1. Orders Mode – Search for Bib Record
2. Orders Mode – Attach Order
3. Invoices Mode – Posting to Update encumbrances
4. Invoices Mode – Post Invoices and receive
5. Attach Item
Fixed Fields in an Order Record
Order records have a unique record number which begins with the letter o and ends in a check digit. This record number can be searched using the record number index. Each accounting unit is assigned a range of order record numbers. Each order record has both fixed and variable length fields. Most fixed fields use codes that are shared by every library in the consortium. The exceptions are fund and vendor codes, which are established and maintained at the library level. Fixed fields are the chief source of statistical data for acquisitions.
Order Record Fixed Fields include:
Acq Type
/ Method of paying, e.g. purchase, gift, prepaid, charge card, etc.[Note: gift means a monetary gift used to purchase the title]. We can modify these values.
Location / Shelving location; displays in OPAC; can be multi. If an item is attached during receive and create item, the item location will be the same as the order location.
Cdate / Cataloged date; can be entered when the item is cataloged; optional use.
Claim / Only enter <n> for no claims or <z> for must claim.
All other codes are system defined; indicates last claim decision made.
Copies / Number of copies ordered; the system defaults to one copy.
Code 1 / Months of the year; optional use.
Code 2 / Genre codes; e.g. mystery, travel, graphic novel, etc.; optional use. We can modify these codes.
Code 3 / Fiction or Nonfiction; optional use.
Code 4 / A hyphen <-> is the default; <n> suppresses the order record in the OPAC.
EPrice / Estimated or list price; amount that will be encumbered.
Format / Format of the material; can be used for statistical reporting.
Fund / Code for fund to encumber, disencumber, expend; can be multi.
ODate / Date ordered, unless for standing order; if there is not an ODate the order will not display in the OPAC.
ORD Note / Controls how the order is claimed; accept default hyphen <-> unless RUSH.
ORD Type / Coded for type of order, e.g. firm order, standing order, etc.
RAction / Receiving action, e.g. notify, attention, laminate, etc. Add the details in an Internal Note in the order record.
RDate / Receiving date; turns off claiming.
RLoc/BLoc / Receiving and billing locations (addresses) that prints on the PO. A number code has been assigned for each location.
Status / Financial encumbering and disencumbering can take place only if the order has a status other than 1, 2, a, f, or z, a valid fund, and an amount in the EPrice field. Codes are system defined and supplied.
o = On order (encumbered monograph)
a = Fully paid (fully disencumbered monograph)
q = Partially paid (partially disencumbered monograph)
z = Canceled (fully disencumbered)
1 = On hold (not yet encumbered)
2 = Approval rejection (not encumbered)
c = Serial on order (encumbered new serial)
d = Serial paid (fully paid and disencumbered serial)
e = Serial partially paid (partially paid, partially disencumbered serial)
f = Serial no encumbering (but can make payments - for continuation orders)
g = Serial encumbered (re-encumber fund for renewal)
TLOC / Temporary location. Order has arrived, but not yet processed.
<P> indicates that a PO has been printed.
Vendor / Vendor code, based on vendor information specific to each library.
<Dirct Direct ordering> should be used for serials ordered directly from the publisher and for occasional vendors.
Selector / Not used.
Undefined / Not used.
Volumes / Number of volumes; <1> is default.
Variable Fields in an Order Record
The variable fields display below the fixed fields in the bottom portion of an order record and can be viewed by using the scroll bar. Variable fields are free text fields and are repeatable.
Variable Fields in an Order Record include:
Identity / l / Used to distinguish between orders, e.g. microfiche, replacement.For Curr / x / Foreign currency.
Note / n / Free text note; can be used for processing instructions.
Int Note / z / System defined in claims; library defined when used with RAction.
Source / s / Source of the order information, e.g. Publisher’s Weekly or a personal name.
Requestor / r / Person or department requesting the order.
Ven Addr / q / Used if the vendor information is not established in vendor files.
Ven Note / v / Note that prints on the order form, e.g. Volume 2 only; Rush, etc.
Ven Titl # / f / Number assigned by the vendor. Needed for electronic ordering.
Initials / j / Initials of the staff member who created the order record.
Ship To / g
Sub Acct # / m
ISBN Pick / When added to an order record, this field creates a pick list of the ISBNs that are in the bibliographic record. The ISBN selected is sent to the vendor on an electronic order. This field has no effect on printed purchase orders. The purchase order will print the first ISBN in the bibliographic record.
Fixed Fields in a Vendor Record
Vendor have a unique id that begins with the letter v and ends with a check digit. They can be searched by record number only in Vendor mode.
Avg Weeks / Average delivery time in weeks. System calculated.Cancels / Total number of orders to this vendor that were canceled. System calculated from the Cancel by Vendor function.
Claimcycle / Code representing the number of days to wait until system selects order as overdue and ready to be claimed. Defined in Claim Cycle Codes of vendor maintenance.
Claims / Total number of claims sent to this vendor. System calculated from the Claims process.
Cpy Rcvd / Total number of copies received. System calculated.
Discount / Percent discount off list price for all orders to this vendor. Entered by user.
Eprice Cncl / Total encumbrance for canceled orders. System calculated.
Eprice Rcvd / Total encumbrance for orders that have been received.
GIR Code / Used in EDIFACT ordering to determine what information is sent to the vendor in the GIR segment of the electronic order. Entered by user.
Inv Tot / Total payments to this vendor. System calculated.
Invoices / Total number of invoices paid to vendor. System calculated.
Language / Language of vendor. Entered by user. System calculated.
Ord Clmd / Total number of orders with claims against them. System calculated.
Ord Tot / Total amount encumbered for all orders. System calculated.
Orders / Total number of orders sent to this vendor. System calculated.
Receipts / Total number of orders this vendor filled. System calculated.
Vcode1 / Not used
Vcode2 / Not used
Vcode3 / Used to identify vendors who receive orders in various electronic formats. Enter the letter d in this field if you are going to set this vendor up for EDIFACT ordering.
Vendor Msg / Brief messages to the vendor that appear on purchase orders and claims.
Variable Fields in a Vendor Record
Acctnum / Library’s account number with the vendor.Address1 / The full vendor name and address to which orders are sent. Can contain up to 5 lines.
Address2 / A secondary address to which vendor payments are sent. Can contain up to 5 lines.
Altcode / Alternate vendor code, up to 11 characters long. Used for statistical reports.
Contact / Vendor contact information.
Email / Email address for the vendor
Fax / Fax number for the vendor
Note1 / Free text note. Note1 is printed on invoice registers. Organizations often use is as a place to put their account number with the vendor, or another accounting code.
Note2 / Free text note
Note3 / Data following a $ is used for EDIFACT ordering and includes the SAN (Standard Address Number) for the vendor. Example:
Phone Num / Vendor’s telephone number
Vencode / A maximum of 5 characters. A code that uniquely identifies the vendor. Used in the Vendor fixed field in order records.
Special / Library defined.
Fixed Fields in an Invoice Record
An invoice record has a unique record number that begins with an n and ends with a check digit. It can be searched using the record number index.
Inv Date / The date from the vendor’s invoice entered by the user.Inv Status / Status of the invoice. The status is changed by the system as the user processes an invoice. The invoice status is used internally and is not visible on the invoice.
Paid Date / The date the invoice was finished.
Post Date / The date the invoice was posted. System generated and for system use only.
Set Rdate / Store the Use Paid Date as Receive Date setting, The user can change this setting from the Invoice tab in Setting. The value is 0 if the Use Paid Date as Receive Date is not selected. The value is 1 if this box is checked.
Variable Fields in an Invoice Record