¡Hola y bienvenidos a la clase de español II!
Trimester 1 (A) 2016-2017
Teacher: Jessica Carlson / Phone: (763) 506-6812Office Hours: 7:00AM – 1st hour, after school- 3:00 / Email:
District Course Understandings
- Students will comprehend simple oral and written communications dealing with everyday situations.
- Students will understand that pronunciation and sound patters are important parts of being able to speak the language.
- Students will understand when and how to communicate formally and informally, depending on the situation.
- Students will know and use vocabulary appropriate to everyday personal situations.
- Students will apply grammatical and syntactical patterns to create and comprehend sentences using present and past tenses.
- Students will understand how to compose written and oral communications using familiar phrases and topics.
- Students will understand that vocabulary within a language may vary depending on the region of the culture.
- Students will understand the importance of producing language and behaviors that are appropriate to the culture.
- Students will identify representative examples of the culture, such as art, literature, music, dance, objects, and symbols.
- Students will understand that the structure of societies and environmental factors influence cultural practices.
- Students will understand that learning the grammar and syntax of a second language will help them understand the structure of the English language.
- Students will understand that vocabulary is often similar between English and the target language.
- Students will use the language and knowledge of the culture to participate in activities beyond the classroom.
Course Learning Targets
- Understand spoken Spanish well enough to appropriately respond to directions and questions, as well as answer comprehension questions about something which I hear.
- Speak Spanish well enough to effectively maintain a 2-minute conversation with another Spanish speaker about events in the past, present and future.
- Understand written Spanish well enough to appropriately respond to directions and questions, as well as answer comprehension questions about something which I read.
- Write Spanish well enough to effectively communicate past, present and future events in a letter of 25 or more verb phrases (clauses).
- Understand and appreciate similarities and differences between Spanish-speaking and English-speaking cultures.
- Be prepared for success at the next level of Spanish (3A).
- Have study skills and habits that will prepare me for college and help me in life.
At the end of each term you will receive a letter grade to indicate your progress in mastering the course objectives. Grading is as follows:
Mastery at 90% or better = A (A=93% -100%; A-=90% - 92.9%)
Mastery at 80% - 89% = B (B+= 87%-89.9%; B=83%-86.9%; B-=80% - 82.9%)
Mastery at 70% - 79% = C (C+=77%-79.9; C=73%-76.9%; C-=70%-72.9%)
Mastery at 60% -69% = D (D+ = 67%-69.9%; D=63%-66.9%; D-=60%-62.9%)
Below 60% = F
Each student will have a variety of opportunities each term to demonstrate that objectives have been met, with the final percentages taken from a score made up of the following: (NOTE: these categories are weighted. You will not be graded on total points.)
Grading Philosophy:
There are two over-arching weighted categories: formative assessments (20 percent) and summative assessments (80 percent).
Formative assessments are at the heart of teaching and learning and provide the student with an opportunity for critical feedback, which is then used by the student to improve his/her performance. Examples include: quizzes, peer assessments, written paragraphs, and brief verbal responses. Not all formative assessments will be graded, but when they are they will be categorized in a weighted category that makes up 20 percent of the final grade. Formative assessments serve as checkpoints for both teachers and students as students advance towards the more complex skill and knowledge levels that they must demonstrate for that unit/course. Formative assessments are not subject to re-takes. / Summative assessments are considered high-stakes and provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate skills and knowledge that they have developed over time. The summative assessment category will make up 80 percent of the final grade. These assessments are NOT subject to retakes. Students will have had ample opportunity to practice the various components that make up the summative assessment, receiving targeted feedback for improvement. Students who wish to retake these exams must do so outside of the normal school day and before the next unit test.IV. EXPECTATIONS
1. Respect yourself, others, the classroom and materials (i.e., books, desks).
2. You are here to learn and will not obstruct others’ rights to an education.
3. No talking while someone else is talking - we will all have our turn!
4. Take full responsibility for your actions!
1. Bring all materials every day and BE READY TO LEARN!
2. Be in seats when bell rings and remain there unless instructed otherwise.
4. Take care of bathroom/office responsibilities BEFORE class!
D. NO FOOD/BEVERAGE in the classroom (school rule).
E. BACKPACKS/PURSES/BAGS - if you must carry a backpack, it must be kept under the desk and clear of the aisle.
F. No cell phones or MP3/iPod players or other electronic devices. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be SEEN, HEARD, or TOUCHED during the class period unless you have received prior permission from the instructor. First offense it will be taken and returned at the end of the class period unless there is a problem. Second offense it will be turned into the house office. Third offense it will be turned into the house office for one week. On the 2nd and third offense a call to parents will be made. PLEASE do not use them in class!
PoliciesCHEATING: Consequences for cheating on first and all offenses. Cheating is scholastic dishonesty, which includes copying others’ work (or allowing other students to copy your work!), engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic work (seek clarification from the teacher if you are in doubt about whether a particular assignment is to be solely your own work), unauthorized use of online translators (such as googletranslate.com), use of materials not allowed during an exam or quiz, and plagiarism.
1. A call will be made to a parent/guardian.
2. Assistant principal will be notified in writing.
3. Not credit will be given (or chance to make up) on any individual work such as tests, quizzes, class work, homework, etc.
TRUANCY: On the day of the truancy, students will lose all in-class points. This will include any test, quiz or graded activity conducted on the day of the truancy. They will lose credit for homework both due and assigned that day. Truant students are not eligible to make up the missed work.
A. Materials need for class: textbook, workbook, reader “Robo en la Noche”, notebook (100 pages +), folder or 3 ring binder, pen and/or pencil.
B. If you are absent, YOU are responsible to find out what you missed and complete it.
1. Most assignments will be posted on the white board by date due. ALWAYS check it for assignments, even if you were not absent!
C. If you require special help, YOU must make an appointment.
1. Missed quizzes must also be completed within 1 week or before the unit test, whichever comes first(see teacher).
2. Tests must be completed within one week.
D. If you have problems, questions, concerns, etc., it is your responsibility to let me know so we can work it out together! I cannot read your mind! I will always talk to you if there is a problem or concern before parents or administrators are involved and I would ask the same courtesy from you!!
Please share all this information with your family. Get them involved and share some quality time together!
Tools for learning: POR FAVOR, access my webpage via the CPHS home page!
Quizlet – search “jessicar_carlson” or access on my webpage
or my webpage
¡Español es divertido!
Buena Suerte en este semestre. ¡Vamos a divertirnos mucho!