COURSE: PE 362 Kinesiology, 3 Credit Hours

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Michael Butler, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of HPER

OFFICE: Room 218 V PhysicalEducationBuilding

OFFICE PHONE: (620) 341-5947

OFFICE HOURS:M-F 10:00 to 12:00, and by appointment

CLASS MEETING TIMES: MWF 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm

Link to ESU Syllabus attachment:


Required text:

Kinesiology The Skeletal System and Muscle Function

Joseph E. Muscolino

Mosby Elsevier


This course is designed to introduce the student to basic movement concepts as applied to various sports activities. Laws of motion, principles of force, equilibrium concepts, and laws governing projectiles will be introduced and applied. The student will develop the ability to analyze skill movements in specific sport activities. The anatomy and function of the musculoskeletal system and the concept of levers will be reviewed.


  • to introduce the student to the scientific aspects of the study of human movement
  • to provide an overview of physical education as a science with an emphasis in anatomic kinesiology and biomechanics
  • to explore the relationship between structure and function of the neuromuscular and musculoskeletal system
  • to facilitate development of the student with respect to the conceptual framework of the teachers college to produce candidates who are creative planners, effective practitioners, and critical thinkers


Students will understand the basic concepts of biomechanical kinesiology. (KSBE Standard #1)




List the major divisions and parts of the body / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Understand how to fully describe the movement of a body part / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Describe the anatomic position / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Be able to explain and apply anatomical directional terminology / quizzes, exams, and assignments
List and describe the cardinal planes / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Show understanding of how motion occurs in planes / quizzes, exams, and assignments
List the 4 major classifications of bones by shape and identify examples / quizzes, exams, and assignments
List and describe the major functions of bones / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Compare and contrast the function of tendons and ligaments / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain the concepts of elasticity and plasticity / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Name and locate the major bones of the axial and appendicular skeleton / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Identify and describe joint classification / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Describe the relationship between joint mobility and joint stability / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Be able to represent line of pull with a vector and be able to resolve the vector into its components / quizzes, exams, and assignments
List the 3 types of muscular tissue / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain the sliding filament mechanism / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Define a motor unit / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain the differences between motor units / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain the all-or-none response law / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Describe the structural and functional characteristics of different fiber types / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain how muscular contractions create motion / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain the different types of muscular contractions / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain the different roles muscles can play / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain the size principal / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain the significance of pennate versus fusiform fiber arrangements / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Explain active and passive insufficiency / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Describe the characteristics of the 3 classes of levers / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Describe reciprocal inhibition and how it can be used to facilitate stretching / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Discuss muscle proprioceptors / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Discuss issues related to posture and gait / quizzes, exams, and assignments
Describe basic principles of physics as applicable to biomechanics / quizzes, exams, and assignments

Students will apply basic concepts of biomechanical kinesiology. (KSBE Standard #1)




Apply the various principles of projectiles to specific sport activities / Teacher developed evaluation form based on presentation and written paper (group project)


We will work through selected chapters in the text listed below. There will be periodic quizzes as well as the scheduled midterm exams and a final exam during final exam week. The final exam will be comprehensive.

Course Schedule (tentative / subject to change)


1...... 1 & 2...... structure & motion

2...... 3 & 4...... osteology

3...... 5 & 6...... arthrology

4...... 8 & 9...... joints of the body

5...... midterm exam

6...... 10...... myology

7...... 11 & 12...... myology

8...... 13, 14, & 15...... myology

9...... 16...... neuromuscular

10...... 17...... posture & gait

11...... midterm exam

12...... Dartfish demo & start projects

13...... biomechanics

14...... biomechanics

15...... projects

16...... projects

17...... Review &FinalExam (during Final Exam Week)


Students are expected to attend all class meeting and participate in class activities. Class meeting will be conducted on a lecture/discussion basis with some activities. Small group discussions and lab activities will be included with some topics.




Exams (2 midterms and final)30% (10% each)


90.00 % or above = A

80.00 % or above = B

70.00 % or above = C

60.00 % or above = D

Below60.00 % = F

Student Academic Dishonesty Policy

Academic dishonesty, a basis for disciplinary action, includes but is not limited to activities such as cheating and plagiarism (presenting as one's own the intellectual or creative accomplishments of another without giving credit to the source or sources).The faculty member in whose course or under whose tutelage an act of academic dishonesty occurs has the option of failing the student for the academic hours in question. The division chair should be advised of any action taken by the faculty member regarding academic dishonesty. The faculty member may consent to refer the case to other academic personnel for further action. Divisions, schools, and colleges may have provisions for more severe penalties than are set forth above. EmporiaStateUniversity may impose penalties for academic dishonesty up to and including expulsion from the university. The student has the right to appeal the charge of academic dishonesty in accordance with the university's Academic Appeals policy and procedure as set forth in section 9A-04 of the Faculty Handbook.

Academic Accommodations Statement

EmporiaStateUniversity will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students need to contact the Director of Disability Services and the professor as early in the semester as possible to ensure that classroom and academic accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. All communication between students, the Office of Disability Services, and the professor will be strictly confidential. Contact the Office of Disability Services and Non-Traditional Student Programs at 242 SE Morse Hall, 620/341-6637 Voice, 620/341-6646 TTY, or via e-mail .

Electronic Device Policy:

All electronic devices are to be turned off. Cell phones are not to be answered in class. In the event of an emergency situation, please notify your instructor. If you are found using any electronic device, the consequences are at the discretion of the instructor. On tests days, only electronic devices approved by the instructor will be allowed.