Hawley Township Special Meeting Minutes

Location: 405 6th St. Hawley

Date: April 17, 2018

Chairman Everett Nelson opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 pm.

Present: Chairman Everett Nelson, Supervisor Rick Weaver, Supervisor Dennis Olsen, Clerk Barb Gilson, Raymond and Lynn Reading, Chris Heyer, JJ Cline, Chris Guida, Karen Hanson, Claire Hanson, Bill and Beverly Henning, Richard and Sheila Toczek, Randy Ellefson, Brad Weiss, Chad and Claudia Murray, Tracy and Carla Halvorson,Paul and Ann Jean Wibe and Michael Raum.

Chairman Nelson opened the meeting with the clerk reading the public notice. He explained that the primary reason of the meeting was to address road right-of way in phase two and three of the proposed Bison Ridge Subdivision.

Chris Heyer from Moore Engineering distributed copies of the preliminary plans. He noted that after the township decided on the road; a finalized design would be completed.

Weaver was concerned about the 4 way stop at the intersection of 12th Ave South and 200th St. JJ Cline, the town’s attorney, reviewed the plats with the engineer.

Guida asked why there was only one way in and out of the phase two plan. Weaver said that was a concern of his also. Why the road was being approved before the plat was also questioned. JJ Cline explained that the Clay County and Hawley Township Land Ordinance requires it before a plat can be approved. A subdivision cannot be built on a private road.

When discussing the road in phase three, Henry asked if he could use the road to access his property. Yes he could because it would be dedicated as a public road.

Henning questioned the cost of the additional roads to everyone else in the township. Nelson explained that the town doesn’t take over maintenance of the road until there is enough tax revenue raised. Until then, it was the developer’s responsibility. Cline said a separate resolution would be needed when the township takes on the maintenance.

Chairman Nelson then closed the public comment portion of the meeting.

The town’s attorney passed out copies of a sample Road Agreement .Cline explained that it covered an agreement to road location between the town and the developer, road specifications, storm water issues, security and warranty agreements.

Cline said it was necessary to meet with Reading’s attorney Raum so they could negotiate an agreement.

Murray asked who was going to contact the landowners so the 12th Ave South and 200th St intersection could be finalized. Henry had already come to an agreement with Reading. Reading said he would contact Paul Johnson and the board agreed to speak with Doug Keeping.

Guida asked about Eminent Domain. Cline said that a township could only take eminent domain if it served a public purpose. Heyer, Reading’s engineer said he would try to re-design the road to limit encroachment to Keeping’s property. After the new design is shown to the the board, someone from the board would speak with Keeping.

The Building Permit for lot #4 in phase one of the Bison Ridge subdivision was next. Reading said he wanted to start building after road restrictions were lifted. (May 15th).

Supervisor Weaver wanted shared driveways like in the Henry Subdivision. Cline said that it would be difficult to do now since the Plat for Phase One had already been approved.

Chairman Olsen moved to approve the building permit, Weaver second, motion carried. Nelson abstained from voting.

Weaver moved to adjourn at 8:26 pm, Olsen second, motion carried.

Everett Nelson, Chairman ______

Dennis Olsen, Vice Chairman ______

Barb Gilson, Clerk ______