Event:East Kent Yachting Association Man of Kent Regatta / 25th June 2016 / For office use
Class: / Tally No.
Sail number / Entered Sailwave Y/N
Name of Helm
Forename / Surname / Calculations checked
Address / Post Code / Fees received / £
Home sailing club / Fees to collect / £
Home Phone / Email (to acknowledge entry etc.) / Method payment / Cash or Cheque
Name(s) of Crew
Forename / Surname
Declaration I agree
  • To be bound by the current ISAF RROS 2013 -2016, the notice of race, the appropriate class association rules and the sailing instructions of Hythe and Saltwood Sailing Club
  • That neither Hythe and Saltwood Sailing Club The Race Organiser or, or any Officers or persons acting on their behalf, during the event shall be held responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury arising from participation in this event. This is also valid for vessels involved in security, salvage or towing as well as the persons driving those vessels or having put their vessels at our disposal.
  • It is the sole responsibility for each yacht crew to decide whether or not to start or continue in any race.
  • That I will ensure the suitability of the said boat for the race or races.
  • That I acknowledge the Risk Statement set out in the event Notice of Race.
  • That insurance will remain in place to cover my craft for racing activities including 3rdparty risks of at least £2 m

Signed by Helm
If helm under 18 name & signature of Parent/
Guardianwho will prevent above starting in any race where boat/conditions are unsuitable / Name Signature

Sailing Fees

Number / Type / Rate / Total
Single Handed Craft / £25 / £
Double Handed Craft / £30 / £
Discount for HSSC Members £5.00 / £
Discount for under 18 helms £5.00 / £
Total / £
Please make cheques payable to Hythe and Saltwood sailing Club

Please post completed entry forms and fees (no cash)to:
Tony Wyatt
Hythe and Saltwood Sailing Club,
Marine Parade,
CT21 6AW
