18thAnnual Spring Fling – City Wide Beautification
The City of Paris and Ingrum’s Waste Disposalare pleased to announce their joint participation in this effort to assist local residents with the disposal of excess and unwanted items that have accumulated on their properties and around their homes. Residents will be required to haul their disposable items to the City’s facilities located on South Shore Drive, just off of North High Street where dumpsters will be provided for residents to place their acceptable items. The City of Paris reserves the right to refuse any items considered unacceptable.
THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPOSE A two(2) LOAD LIMIT. No Commercial haulers will be permitted to dispose of unwanted items.
Date: Friday, May 4th and Saturday, May 5th
Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Location: Paris Street and Water/Sewer Maintenance Departments atHigh St. and
South Shore Dr.
Program: Drop-off site only, no items to be placed on city boulevards for pick up.
- Metals & Appliances: Items such as stoves, dishwashers, clothes dryers, tire rims, and other large metal items will be accepted. Appliances containing Fluorocarbons (refrigerant gases i.e. Freon) such as refrigerators, freezers or air-conditioners must have evidence that the fluorocarbons have been removed and recaptured before they can be accepted.
- Household Items:Items such as furniture, carpet, small appliances, clothing, and unused lumber less than 2 feet in length will be accepted. Items such as household garbage, concrete, bricks, demolition materials, roofing materials, railroad ties, 4 x 4 boardsor hazardous wastes such as cleaning fluids, chemicals, paints and pesticideswill not be accepted.
- Batteries: Automotive type batteries will be accepted. “Dry Cell” batteries will not be accepted.
- No Tires will be accepted this year.
- No Electronics will be accepted this year.
Disposal site for other items:
- Tree limbs, brush, and yard waste: may be hauled to the City’s landscape waste facility located on Potts Lane, provided that the material being disposed of was generated on residential property located within the City of Paris, Illinois.Commercial haulers will be charged according to the size of the load delivered.