July 18, 2011
Present: Committee Chairperson, Kay Stuligross, Deb Currie, Tracy Baker and Ed Marchi.
Absent: Committee member, Rich Murphy
Representative Stuligross stated that the committee is looking for more employees to be put on the committee.
Deb Currie stated that the suggestion to reduce the cost of the promotional exam fee has been forwarded to the Personnel Officer, Jennie Gliha.
Representative Stuligross stated that the prior 2 suggestions from the County Office Building concerning an incident in a specific department has been discussed with the department head and has been resolved.
In reference to vending machines, Tracy Baker suggested that they include healthy choices. For example: a sandwich, fruit, etc. Ms. Baker suggested sending out a questionnaire and ask employees what choices would they like to see in the vending machines, what they would purchase and how often would they purchase an item from the vending machine.
Deb Currie suggested that evaluations for permanent employees occur every 2 years instead of the current policy of every year.
Tracy Baker asked what the smoking issue was from last meeting. Representative Stuligross stated that there are signs posted outside of the County Office building that state no smoking is allowed within 50ft of building, but the cigarette butt receptacle was still located just outside the main door. Representative Stuligross stated that the policy is in place but not implemented/enforced.
Representative Murphy arrived and had several suggestions from the Public Safety Building and the Meadows building. The suggestions from the Public Safety Building were:
- The suggestion box needs to be moved at the Public Safety Building because the box is under surveillance therefore the suggestions are not anonymous. The committee suggested they use the suggestion box at the Meadows Building if necessary.
- Hire a county manager and eliminate the county board.
- Settle the PBA contract.
The suggestions from the Meadows Building were:
- County employees driving a county owned vehicle have been seen talking on cell phones.
Deb Currie stated that complaints she has heard is that county employees
that are driving county vehicles are stopping to cash their paychecks, get lunch, etc in the county vehicle.
The committee discussed that contracts for vending machines should be put into place.
Ed Marchi stated that the Life Safety committee at the Manor (the committee is committed to make the Manor smoke free by 2012, residents and employees) is having Bassett come in on July 20th to discuss a plan to accomplish this goal with the Life Safety Committee.
Tracy Baker had a couple ideas such as a Harvest Lunch and a countywide picnic @ Glimmerglass which she will elaborate on at the next meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned until Tuesday, August 23rd @ 11:15 @ the County Office Building.