Old Fairbridgians’ Association Newsletters - 2000 to 2009
Spring 2009 (November)
A late reminder that the OFA Christmas function will be held on Sunday December 6th in the Clubhouse with the "Man in the Red Suit" paying his customary visit.
OF's numbers are sadly decreasing and we regret to note the passing of some of our friends, namely: Syd Stonehouse (1928), Gordon Hayes (1930), Millie Lander nee Wackrill (1934), Albert Johnson (1933), John Holland (1951), David Bellamy (1951), Garth Pinnegar (1950), and Frank Ingram (1933).
We also note the passing of Miss Rita Thompson, much loved cottage mother in Shakespeare.
Mr Ambrose Depiazzi has replaced Mr John Collett as Chairman of the Board of Fairbridge W.A. Our sincere thanks to John for his support during his term in office.
The Association has recently re-negotiated the Letter of Understanding with Fairbridge W.A. thus guaranteeing the tenure of the Museum and the exclusive use of the Clubhouse flat until at least 2014.
OFA MEMBERSHIP: The OFA is facing a membership crisis and as such needs to look very seriously at its future. To anyone reading this: If you are an Old Fairbridgian then you are encouraged to join the Association to help assure its future and to preserve the memory of the work of Kingsley and Ruby Fairbridge. Please download the Membership Application form on the OFA main page.
Winter 2009 (July)
Founder's Day 2009 is fast approaching. OFA's would have recently received two invitations. One to the traditional Founder's Day service and get together and another for the official naming of the "Belinda Barry Wing" - the west wing of the clubhouse. All OFA's and friends are welcome. Belinda Barry (nee Holland) is being formally recognised through this naming for her sterling work she did for OFA's and Fairbridge, particularly in the latter years of her life.
Well done to all those who took part in the busy bee on June 6th, cleaning up our Founder's gravesite in the back paddock. There are arrangements in place to lay pea-gravel on the site to prevent the re-occurrence of weed growth.
Does anyone remember John Hughes who came to Fairbridge in 1956? He died in Sydney in 1989 and we have been contacted by a relative who seeks information. Also, the family of Alf McDowell (1924) .. also known as Joe .. is anxious to find papers relating to his life story which he was compiling and which seem to have disappeared. Does anyone have any ideas on the subject?
Don Finlay is making a good recovery after falling and breaking his ankle. He will be with us on Founder's Day as usual.
We have also been contacted by Linda Alexander, daughter of Jack and Jean Hogg, who is also interested in hearing about her parents time at Fairbridge. We are hoping she will be able to join us on Founder's Day.
Autumn 2009 (April)
One hundred years ago this year, Kingsley Fairbridge founded the Child Emigration Society to provide an opportunity for disadvantaged boys and girls to make a new life overseas. In 1913 the first party of boys arrived in Pinjarra at the old farm site. The OFA, which was founded in 1929, is planning a major re-union in 2013 to mark the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the first party of boys to Fairbridge. The date seems a long time ahead and maybe is a bit ambitious as OFA membership is dwindling, but we would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
Due to the continued rise and uncertain price of base metals we are no longer able to set a firm price for plaques on the Memorial Wall. Henceforth we will accept deposits for plaques with the proviso that a guarantee is given that the balance of the cost will be paid from the estate of the deceased person.
The ANZAC Service will be held on Sunday 26th April 2009. The Service commences at 10.45am at the Memorial Gates. After the parade all are welcome at the Clubhouse. The Memorial Gates and Gardens are sadly in disrepair and an application to Fairbridge (with the RSL) for maintenance has been made. Should this work be in progress or the weather wet on the day, then the ceremony will be held in the Clubhouse.
It is with regret we note the passing of a number of Fairbridgians - Stan Trigg (1934), Harry Horne (1950), John Whiteman (1950), Robert Pilmoor (1928) and Jim Blake (1930).
The OFA proposes to hold a Busy Bee to clean up the bush cemetery on Saturday 6th June from 10.00am, followed by a BBQ picnic. Please brings along suitable tools (rakes, hoes, secateurs). We'd still love you to come down and see us even if you are unable to participate.
Does anyone remember Christine Dixon (1956)? Christine passed away some years ago at the age of 26. Her daughter would like to hear from anyone who knew her at the school. Please contact OFA Secretary (email address on Home Page) for details.
Please don't forget that Founder's Day will be held on Sunday 19th July.
Spring 2008 (October)
Founders Day, held on July 20th, was well attended in spite of a number of apologies. The Service was conducted by our own Don Finlay and the Address was given by Mr John Alexander, an incoming member of the Board of Fairbridge. Unfortunately the choir could not attend as it had a prior commitment. Our thanks to Richard Stewart for setting up the Clubhouse. The collection raised some $440 towards the Chapel maintenance fund and the OFA raffle raised $477. Our thanks to Anne and Steve Bohan for their usual excellent lunch. In the Clubhouse, the Association was presented with the original trowel used to lay the Church Foundation Stone (February 14, 1931) by Mr A.E. Joyners descendents - the Chiffing family - who very generously donated the trowel. Jan Churchill accepted it on behalf of the OFA.
On September 2nd His Excellency the Governor of W.A. the Hon. Ken Michael was at the Village to officially re-open Livingstone and Nightingale after renovation. Later the same morning, ably assisted by David Buck, he cut the ribbon to declare the Clubhouse open notwithstanding that the building has been in regular use for over a year. The Museum was also open to visitors who were very impressed with the work done by Jan Churchill and her helpers to coordinate the photographic collection. Notable OFA's who were there on the day were David Buck and Joan Halls, both of whom were at the School in the 1930's. Mrs Beryl Newberry was present after the ceremonies to see the The William Newberry Scholarship awarded to one of the trainee apprentices.
Sadly, we note the passing of a number of Old Fairbridgians: Charles Hughes (1935), Herbert (Blue) Ernest (1929), Charlotte Couldridge (nee Hichcliffe) (1932), Florence Hinton (nee Thorn) (1932), Harold Abbott (1928) and Harry Boucher, a well-known identity in the Goldfields (1928). There will be a short Memorial Service for Harry on Saturday 1st November at 11.00am. This will be held at the site of his Memorial Tree and will be following by the scattering of his ashes.
Now that the Museum is functional again is it proposed to open it to visitors on two Sundays per month from 10.00am to 3.00pm. Jan Churchill is seeking volunteers to help with this. OFA's please contact Jan direct.
Winter 2008 (July)
On Saturday June 29th a gathering was held in the Clubhouse to celebrate the life of John Lane (Jacky Ramsbottom) who passed away on June 24th after a long and courageous fight against Motor Neurone Disease. Our sincere sympathy to Rhonda and family. He will be sadly missed. John had a long and full life and Fairbridge and the Association were very close to his heart. The gathering was well attended by family and friends together with a good sprinkling of OF's who came to Fairbridge in the same party, 75 years ago.
We also note the passing of Colin Jeffrey (1951) and deepest sympathy to his wife and family.
In the last (November) newsletter we stated that the cost of plaques on the Memorial Wall would remain at $260. Unfortunately this will no longer be possible as the casters have advised a steep price rise in base metals. The cost henceforth will be $300.
At last the OFA Museum is again open, thanks to the Fairbridge team and to Jan Churchill. Any donations of exhibits of photos (we'll make copies) that relate to Fairbridgians and Fairbridge and life at the Farm School would be extremely welcome. We'd especially welcome photos of Service Personnel. Our curator, Jan Churchill, advises that panoramic photos of the Village can be purchased at a cost of $40 each.
The year 2009 will mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Child Emigration Society by our Founder, Kingsley Fairbridge whilst he was at Oxford in England. It is fitting that the OFA should recognise this with some kind of celebration, a Reunion week at the end of July 2009. Perhaps you can give some thought to this matter and let us have your thoughts and ideas?
Autumn 2008 (April)
Please note that the ANZAC Day Memorial Parade will be held on Sunday 4th May at the Memorial Gates - unless it's wet then we will hold the Service in the Clubhouse. The parade will muster at 10.45am, and again we will have the services of the Mandurah Concert band for the Service and afterwards they will play for us during lunch.
It is hoped that the Museum will be open so you can assess the renovations. Our thanks to Jan Churchill and her elves for all the hard work in getting the photographs and exhibits back on display.
The AGM was held at the end of February and Stuart Law was re-elected President. Val Hobbs was elected Vice President with committee members Jan Churchill, Rosemary Pearce, David Buck and Graham Bennett, with big welcome to Lyn Alfonsi (Rainey) to the committee. Irena Harrison is our Special Projects Member, and again, Pam is Secretary and Treasurer. Well done all!
Thanks to Sue Parker and her helpers for work done in the Memorial Gardens and also to Ollie Swiderski for the reticulation work in the rosebeds.
Summer 2008 (February)
What wonderful generous people you are! Thanks to you all and to an O.F. who wishes to remain anonymous, we have raised the whole of the $15,000 that Fairbridge needed to complete the work on the Museum and we are now waiting for the work to be completed. We hope to be able to start putting the photographs and exhibits in place before the Fairbridge Festival in April.
On December 8th we saw the Governor, the Hon. Ken Michael, open Rosa Nobes Cottage. Your President, Mr Stuart Law, and myself (Pam Wilson) together with a sprinkling of O.F.'s, John Lane's sons, the Friends of Fairbridge and members of the Board of Fairbridge gathered to thank John Lane for his generosity in endowing this replica boy's cottage which is named after his much loved foster mother.
We have been contacted by Christine Douglas nee Hinch (1953) and June Bachelor (1976) with regard to joining the Association.
Our love and best wishes to John Lane who is now in Murray Districts Hospital, however he insists that he is not sick, just taking time out! Also to Stan Trigg who is now in "high care" in Midland.
Spring 2007 (November)
The year is nearly over and it has seen us lose three links with our past, namely the passing of Barbara Rowley and Professor Rhodes Fairbridge, daughter and son of our Founder, and of Queenie Walsh (nee Bitmead) who came to the School in 1924.
In July we were delighted to welcome Sean Fairbridge, grandson of Rhodes and great-grandson of our Founder. He spent a few days in the Village and was absolutely fascinated by the work being done at/by Fairbridge and also by the friendliness of the O.F.A. During the Founder's Day memorial service Sean read a eulogy to his grandfather Rhodes, and later unveiled a Memorial Plaque on Kingsley's Memorial Stone in the paddock behind the Chapel.
Perhaps you have noticed that the flag pole has been re-furbished with a new Australian flag, donated by Mr Don Randall, and is proudly flying over the Memorial Garden. Thanks to the efforts of John Cooper and Richard Stewart.
Our President, Stuart Law, has launched an appeal for funds to help complete renovations to the Museum Wing of the Clubhouse. $15,000 is required to complete the work. If the O.F.A. can raise half the amount then the Fairbridge Board will contribute the other $7,500. We already have $1,000 towards our share. Donation Details.
It is with regret we note the passing of George Hine (1930) and Gordon Bowles (1930). Sincere sympathies to their families.
Next year Val Hobbs and Sue Chafer are hosting a reunion for parents who came to Western Australia in 1977, bringing with them their children, some of whom only stayed with us a few weeks, others for several years. Unfortunately very few of those parents have stayed in touch with us. Further details in the next Newsletter.
As always, if you are a member of the O.F.A. and have changed address, please let the Association know of your new address!
Winter 2007
Your Committee has been in consultation with the Board and Management of Fairbridge to negotiate some kind of loyalty scheme for Old Fairbridgians whereby we will be entitled to discount accommodation at the Village. I am in the process of drawing up a list of those persons who will qualify.
We are still unable to access the Museum as progress has been slow with the Club House renovations. It has now been some two years since the Museum was dismantled and packed up and stored away!
Founder's Day will be held on Sunday July 22nd and we understand Fairbridge is to put up a Memorial plaque to Rhodes Fairbridge on Ruby's stone outside the Chapel.
Summer 2007
2006 was a sad year for the Association with the passing of Barbara Rowley following in November by Rhodes Fairbridge, thus severing the last direct link with the Founder. Many of the post-war Fairbridgians will remember Rhodes as he used to meet the new arrivals at Fremantle. However links with the family are not wholly lost as Barbara's sons and their families have expressed a wish to keep up the connection and we welcome them all to the Association.