Year 3 Episode of Care Example

Child ‘Complex Patient’

Student Reflection on the Episode of Care
Briefly outline how you have delivered high quality, complex care and give the rationale for the decisions you made.
During this 6 hour period I looked after a complex patient. I took handover. He required feeding via an orogastric tube. I took his observations and immediately informed my mentor of the outcome. The child needed to be placed back on CPAP. I safely administer the CPAP and monitored its effects. During assessment I also attended to his nappy needs. During this time I was also able to correctly calculate and administer some of him medicines under supervision. Throughout I communicated with his parents and informed them of all my actions. I handed off care to my mentor at the end of the shift. / Reflect on how you have worked in partnership with health and social care professionals, service users, carer and families ensuring that decision-making about care is shared.
I worked alongside my mentor to care for this patient. I communicated with other members of staff when administering medications. I communicated well with parents throughout.
What did you do well?
I was able to hand over care to my mentor with all the information about what had happened that day. I was also pleased with my communication with mother who was anxious about having the baby out of cot for cuddles.
Reflect on how you used leadership skills to supervise and manage others.
I used time management skills to prioritise my care. This had to be re-assessed when He required CPAP as a priority and I involved my mentor at most states to remain safe when I needed assistance / What would you have done differently?
I would have liked more time to spend with the mother to reassure, but also spend time helping my colleagues.
What learning from this episode of care could be transferred to other areas of practice?
Detailed handover to staff is very important, needs to be detailed in complex patients and you have to plan it.
-Administering and documenting enteral feeds
-Adding additives to expressed milk
