XII Civilizing Process International Symposium (XII CPIS)

November 10, 11, 12 and 13, 2009

Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE

Joaquim Nabuco Foundation – FUNDAJ

Recife – PE / Brazil


Dear colleagues,

The following members of the Organizing Committee for the XII CPIS were present at the meeting of June 10: Ademir Gebara, José Luis Simões, Ricardo Lucena, Edílson Fernandes, Túlio Barreto, Jorge Ventura and Mauricio Antunes, as well as the following members of the Support Committee: Maria Helena Câmara Lira, Elicia Barros, Verinalda Gomes, Joana and Izabel Sena. Below we send a brief overview of the meeting:

About the XII CPIS:

The Program for Thematic Tables are now in phase of confirmation of themes and participations. Thematic Tables will be accepted with four participants, including new names, when it is the case. We request the lecturers to send their themes and a brief summary of their presentation (5 to 10 lines), so that it can be included in the program of the event. Till the moment we have the following preliminary program:

XII Cpis preliminary program

November 10, 2009 (Tuesday)

Place: Joaquim Nabuco Foundation/FUNDAJ

14h00 – Credentials and material handing

17h00 – Cultural Activity (It will be checked a suitable time to visit the Museum “Homem do Nordeste”, at FUNDAJ, as well as the presentation of the Orchestra Meninos do COC.)

18h00 – XII CPIS oficial opening

18h30 – Conference: Dr. Niko A. Wilterdink (University of Amsterdan/ Netherlands). Theme: “Civilization and problems of self-control in present-day societies”.

19h45 – Participants reception party

November 11, 2009 (Wednesday)

Place: UFPE Educational Center

14h00 – 16h00: Round Tables

1. Norbert Elias – a processual thought

  • Dr.Tatiana Savoia Landini (UNIFESP/Brazil): "Norbert Elias and Sigmund Freud on the concept of civilization"
  • Dr. Vera Weiler (UNAL/Colombia): "Norbert Elias concerning the barriers that difficult the development a processual thought in present time."
  • Dr. Luci Ribeiro Frey (UNICAMP/Brazil): "Processual Sociology – contributions for a contemporary social theory"
  • Dr. Helmut Kusmics (Universität Graz): “Sociology as narrative: examples of sociological language in ‘classic’ texts (Weber, Goffman, Elias and Adorno)”

2. Civilizing Processes and Virtual Sociabilities

  • Dr. Reinaldo dos Santos (UFGD/Brazil)

16h00-17h30: Workshop/Communication

P.S.: For more details, check the website of the event. www.uel.br/grupo-estudo/processoscivilizadores

18h00-20h00: Round Tables

3. Education and Contemporaneity (Colloquium Education and Civilization - FUNDAJ)

Coordinator: Janirza Cavalcanti (FUNDAJ)

  • Dr. Ademir Gebara (UFPE/Brazil)
  • Dr. Ali (Alida Jacomina) de Regt (Amsterdam School of Social Science Research/ Netherlands)
  • Dr. Lucas Krotsch (UBA/Argentina)
  • Dr. Mauricio Antunes (FUNDAJ/Brazil)

4. Visibilities and gender: power and figurations

  • Dr. Maria Beatriz Rocha Ferreira (UNICAMP/Brazil)
  • Dr. Marina Vinha (UFGD/Brazil)
  • Dr. Marizabel Kowalski (UFV/Brazil)
  • Dr. Hugo Rodolfo Lovisolo (UERJ/Brazil)
  • Dr. Tânia Mara Tavares (UFRJ/Brazil)

20h00: Cultural Activity

November 12, 2009 (Wednesday)

Place: UFPE Educational Center

14h00 – 16h00: Round Tables

5. Civilization and Power

  • Dr. José Luis Simões (UFPE/Brazil)
  • Dr. François Depelteau (Laurentian University/Canada)
  • Dr. Jason Hugues (Brunel University/England)
  • Dr. Christopher Powell (University of Manitoba/Canada)
  • Dr. Edilson Fernandes de Souza (UFPE/Brazil): “Norbert Elias – a theory disconnected from Brazilian reality”

6. Civilizing Process and New Generations Education (Colloquium Education and Civilization - FUNDAJ)

Coordinator: Rosângela Tenório (FUNDAJ)

  • Dr. Cas Wouters (University of Utrecht/ Netherlands): “Informalization and Education: between teachers and pupils”
  • Dr. Altina Abadia da Silva (UFG/Brazil): “Childhood and education – contributions from Norbert Elias' work.”
  • Dr. Carina V. Kaplan (UBA/UNLP/Argentina): “Assigning labels in school life - the violent pupil as a symbolic construction”
  • Dr. Cynthia Greive Veiga (UFMG/Brazil): "Conceptual matters for a discussion on the history of children's civilization”

16h00-17h30: Workshop/Communication

18h00-20h00: Round Tables

7. Civilization and Environment

  • Dr. Ricardo Lucena (UFPB/Brazil)
  • Dr. Gláucio Campos Gomes de Matos (UFAM/Brazil)
  • Ms. Roberto Marin Viestel (EAFI/Brazil)
  • Dr. Antonio Carlos Sarti (UNESP-Rio Claro/Brazil)

8. Literature, History and Society

  • Dr. Renato Suttana (UFGD/Brazil): “The nationalist myth as memory and forgetfulness of the origin in Brazilian literature.”
  • Dr. Carlos da Fonseca Brandão (UNESP-Assis/Brazil): “Civilization, Violence and Control of Emotions”
  • Dr. Renarde Freire Nobre (UFMG/Brazil): “Kultur versus Zivilization – criticism of the German intelligentsia to the civilizing process.”
  • Dr. Alonso Bezerra de Carvalho (UNESP-Assis/Brazil): “The optimism of modernity on the fate of man and Weberian criticism”

20h00: Cultural Activity

November 13, 2009 (Wednesday)

Place: UFPE Educational Center

14h00 – 16h00: Round Tables

9. Elias and Soccer

  • Dr. Jorge Ventura (UFPE/FUNDAJ/Brazil)/ Ms. Túlio Velho Barreto (FUNDAJ/Brazil)/ Dr. Simone Brito (UFPB/Brazil): “Rules of the Game and Moral Rules.”
  • Dominic Malcolm (University of Loughborough/England): “Elias, sociology of knowledge and medicine in football”
  • Dr. Rosângela Pimenta (Ministry of Justice/Brazil): “Amateur football in the city and the hinterland: the set of rules and the Elisian figurational dynamics”
  • Dr. Heloísa Helena Baldy Reis (UNICAMP/Brazil): “The largest team fans of São Paulo and the violence issue on game days - approaches with Leicester School.”

10. Arts, Education and Civilization (Colloquium Education and Civilization - FUNDAJ)

Coordinator: Alexandro Silva de Jesus (UFPE)

  • Dr. Ana Mae Barbosa (ECA-USP/Brazil)
  • Dr. Joana D’Arc de Souza Lima (UFPE/Brazil)
  • Dra. Andréa Borges Leão (UFC/Brasil): "The civilization process of Sophie de Ségur – an editorial adventure between two worlds."
  • Dr. Magda Sarat (UFGD/Brazil): “The education of Mozart: contributions to the history of children’s education.”

16h00-17h30: Workshop/Comunication

18h00-20h00: Conference:

  • Dr. Eric Dunning (University of Leicester / England)

Theme: Figurational/process-sociological reflections on sport and globalisation: the case of ‘Soccer’.

20h00: Cultural Activity



a) Tables are supposed to have four participants. In case of a table with more than four participants, there must be guarantee of strict compliance to two (02) hours from the start to the end of the activity.

b) This program is the preliminary nr. 02. We expect to be able to announce a more complete and defined one in our next bulletin. This will be possible with more information from everyone.

c) It would be appropriate for Master and PhD students to send their themes of projects for the Workshops, indicating two debaters. Please, contact the debaters to assist in the program preparation. Any questions, please, contact the Organizing Committee.

d) We remind you that the Organization of the Symposium provides the infrastructure to achieve the proposals. However, the Organizing Committee is unable to take responsibility on financial help. The financial requests have already been organized. Therefore, if proponents or invited guests can afford the trip, transport, accommodation and registration, we are thankful for that.



a) For the papers presented in English, it will be prepared a translation to be projected in Power Point concomitantly to the conferencist / lecturer presentation. We already have a few names that could help in the translations (Ademir, Tatiana, Glauber e Simone). But we need more collaborators due to large number of international participants. We wait for manifestations.

b) To lecturers: please, send us, the sooner the better, the title and abstract of your lecture/presentation to this address: . This way, the Organizing Committee can complete and define the Program.

c) We reinforce that the number of participants is restricted to 230. Do not get delayed with your registration.

d) The registration procedures are already available at www.uel.br/grupo-estudo/processoscivilizadores. This is the web site of the Civilizing Process Research Group; you just have to click on the XII-CPIS icon.

e) Dead line for sending the texts (for lectures, communication or workshops) is July 31, 2009.



  • The air company Azul has flights to Recife/PR at low rates. For information: www.voeaazul.com.br
  • XIII CPIS/2010 will be held at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. Below you see the letter sent by the University:

Space for Thesis/Dissertations presented:

Congratulations to Prof. Mauricio Antunes Tavares (UFPE/FUNDAJ), member of Civilizing Process Research Group, for presenting his PhD thesis on May 22, 2009, under the title “Crossed paths, interlinked trajectories: social life of youngsters between country life and city in Pernambuco Hinterland. He concluded his PhD degree by the Post-Graduation Program in Sociology from the Federal University of Pernambuco, under the advisory of Prof. Maria Nazareth Baudel Wanderley. Address to contact the author: .

Below you have a brief overview of his work:

The thesis is a study on the lives of young people who live in Ibimirim, a small city of Pernambuco Hinterland, and describes the relationship between the individual trajectories in the path to adulthood, and the fields of possibilities existent in every social setting, considering the ways in which the social changes shifts the relationship between countryside-town. Young people who live in small towns are in the intersection of two codes of social relations, and occupy a privileged position for the study of social changes in rural areas. As each generation lives unique experiences, these young people today have greater mobility between countryside and city, and through communication technologies, especially the Internet, they experiment subjective experiences that go beyond the local social relations, leading to recognition of other modes of thought and social behavior. As the diffusion of cultural tastes, styles and attitudes is not confined to social spaces where they originate, more ideas and practices related to urban ways of life are spread among rural young people who, however, reformulate them according to their experiences, expectations and possibilities. Generational issues were addressed not only the private dimension of parent-child relationships, but also in the public dimension of relations between generations of adults "established" and generations of newcomers (outsiders), represented by new generations. It is in the societal plan that the blocking of opportunities for the young reach a more independent life is more evidenced, producing the effect of youth prolongation." However, as in contemporary society the adult life is increasingly marked by instability of all kinds, material and emotional, the adulthood, in this sense, loses the reference of stable model and ideal of life. This is evident in the case studied, due to experiences of failure in familiar agriculture, recorded in the collective memory of that social group. The variation of individual trajectories studied indicates that the "field of possibilities" of individuals and social groups is not in the form of the given conditions that affect individuals, but as dynamic social relations, with boundaries that are cut up in certain circumstances and particular conditions, for individuals who seek new ways of living, an attitude that is more frequent among young people, by the need to be different from the older.



The XI National Congress of History of Sports, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, held on 27, 28 and 29 May at the Federal University of Viçosa-MG, was a successful event ensuring its continuity and academic quality of a so important area for disseminating and training in the Physical Education academic area of correlated ones. Briefly, the Congress had the publication of proceedings and presentation of 85 papers, 27 posters, 04 thematic tables, 01 conference and 01 on communication on the Center for Memory-issued by the coordinator of CTT- Memories of Physical Education and Sports of CBCE.

During the Congress, there were approximately 260 participants from different cities and states in Brazil. This Congress is biennial and the next edition will be held in Londrina / PR. Until then we want to build a more effective and permanent information network.

We send our special thanks to Jorge Ventura, Ademir Gebara, José Luiz, Ricardo Lucena, Tony Honorato, Marizabel Kowalski, Adam Kleber, Maria Beatriz, Maria Helena Chamber, from the Civilizing Process Research Group (GPPC) for their participation and collaboration in the XI National Congress of History of Sport, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance/2009. Without you, the success would not have been reached! Sincerely, the Organizing Committee of the XI Congress.


Book to be launched at XII- CPIS Recife/2009:

“TIME, SPACE, CIVILIZATION: dialogues with Norbert Elias”

(Publishing house: EdUFGD)

Authors: Ademir Gebara; Cynthia Greive Veiga; Jones Dari Goettert (Org.); José Tarcísio Grunennvaldt; Levi Marques Pereira; Magda Sarat (Org.); Manuel Pacheco Neto; Marina Vinha; Reinaldo dos Santos; Simone Becker.

The range of authors gathered in this publication search, each and every one, to reveal the different perspectives of working with the theory of the "civilizing process." More than pointing summaries of each analysis developed here, it should be emphasized that this publication brings together efforts from group discussion and research that have annually met at "civilizing process" symposia, and have sought the construction of dialogues about the legacy of Norbert Elias .

Also, the efforts undertaken here together are an attempt to agglutinate contributions from four Brazilian universities: the University of Grande Dourados, the Federal University of Minas Gerais, the Federal University of Pernambuco and Federal University of Sergipe.

Thus, all the analysis, more than the reproduction of Elisian ideas, try to think them in relation to spatial-temporal processes in which civilizing processes are made, are shown, scratching and even subsuming other spaces, other times and other civilizations. Understanding those processes, we believe, is one of the first steps to combat them. (Jones and Magda Goettert Sarat)

  • There will be a moment at XII- CPIS to launch books. Authors interested, please, contact the Organizing Committee:


  • To our next News Bulletin, topics and suggestions should be sent to:

Best wishes!

XII-CPIS Organizing Committee

Civilizing Process Research Group


Translated by Profa. Regina N. Pagani