Homework 9th September 2016

/ The children have been recapping on the different representations of the long vowel sound ee, focusing on knowing which words contain the different patterns. Look out for words with these different representations - you may wish to help your child organise the words that they find in a table in their homework book:
ee / ea / e / ie / y / ey
seem / leaf / she / chief / happy / monkey


/ Choose a story that you have read recently. In your homework book, draw a picture of the main event in that story and write sentences to explain what happens. Remember to use capital letters and full stops.

Maths homework

We have been recapping how 2 digit numbers are made up of a tens number and a units number e.g. 36 is 30 and 6. Please help your child to find 2 digit numbers e.g. on doors, in a comic or on a receipt. Then help them to split the numbers into the tens number and the units number. This does not need to be written down but can be a discussion. For those children who are confident with 2 digit numbers, this can be extended to include larger numbers.

Homework 9th September 2016

/ The children have been recapping on the different representations of the long vowel sound ee, focusing on knowing which words contain the different patterns. Look out for words with these different representations - you may wish to help your child organise the words that they find in a table in their homework book:
ee / ea / e / ie / y / ey
seem / leaf / she / chief / happy / monkey


/ Choose a story that you have read recently. In your homework book, draw a picture of the main event in that story and write sentences to explain what happens. Remember to use capital letters and full stops.

Maths homework

We have been recapping how 2 digit numbers are made up of a tens number and a units number e.g. 36 is 30 and 6. Please help your child to find 2 digit numbers e.g. on doors, in a comic or on a receipt. Then help them to split the numbers into the tens number and the units number. This does not need to be written down but can be a discussion. For those children who are confident with 2 digit numbers, this can be extended to include larger numbers.