Deutsch IV: Syllabus
Text: Kaleidoskop (2007 ed.)
Geschichten, Gedichte, und andere literarische Formate
The fourth year German language course is for the serious language student and carries a weighted grade. Therefore, the course requires more out-of-class assignments and more individually completed tasks. For example, you will be required to complete two research project/speeches (Referat) in German (250-400 words typed) during the year. There will be at least one in-class graded essay per marking period as well as biweekly graded conversation sessions. You will be responsible for journal assignments and for commenting on your classmates’ journals. There will also be many vocabulary, grammar, and chapter tests. In addition to reading the selections and completing the grammar and vocabulary assignments in the literature/grammar text, we will be reading some short stories, plays, and poetry by various German authors.
The focus of this course will be reading comprehension, writing, and discussion. You must be willing to participate actively in class. I expect to hear you using your German! There will be a review of grammar points covered in your previous three years as well as the addition of fine points of the usage that will make you sound more German. We will quickly go through the ten grammar chapters in the Kaleidoskop books as well as discuss the subjunctive mood and the passive voice. Verbs tests will continue this year with a list of higher level vocabulary. Although grammar will not be as major a focus as in previous years, you will be expected to write with care and accuracy and to clean up the little mistakes commonly made in the earlier levels of German class. This course is intended to greatly expand your vocabulary and improve upon your speaking skills. We will complete literature units based on themes and authors. Units will include Fairy Tales, Goethe, Borchert, Böll, etc.
There is the option to take the German AP test at the end of the year. If you are interested in this test, it is important that you keep a detailed notebook of fine grammar points and keep a list of useful vocabulary words as you acquire them. Also, keep any handouts and packets in a folder to refer to when needed. You will get out of this course what you put into it. I am aware of the affect of “senioritis’ on seniors at the end of the year (sometimes starting after January!!!) Therefore, it is imperative that you work hard throughout the year and truly learn the material. It may be difficult for seniors to cram at the end of the year for the AP test. Besides, cramming doesn’t work as well as learning the information little by little throughout the year.
I’d like this to be an informative, productive, and fun year for us all! I look forward to working with you again, and assisting you in your effort to improve your German. Welcome to German IV!