Request for
Digital Story-Telling Workshop 7051
Anishnaabek Healing Circle ATR
Use this form to request Service Code 7051 Digital Story-Telling Workshop
ITC will follow-up to help you organize a workshop
Today’s Date: ______/______/______
The ______(name tribal access center) is requesting a Digital Story-Telling Workshop (ATR Service Code 7051).
We understand that in order to plan for the workshop, and to be cost-effective and efficient with limited ATR resources, the access center will recruit a minimum of 6 and maximum of 10, ATR Phase III clients to participate in the 4 day event.
Name of Person Completing this Form-PLEASE PRINT
Name: ______Title______
Tribal Access Center______
Phone: ______Email: ______
Name of Person at the access center who will be responsible to work with the nDigiDream Team to:
* Recruit workshop participants
* Enroll participants in ATR IV
* Orient workshop participants about preparation and the 4 day commitment to participate
* Take the lead in coordinating workshop at tribe (space, support etc)
* Take the lead in explaining the workshop so clients can participate
Name/ Digital Story Workshop Tribal Liaison: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
Once your request for a workshop is approved by ITC:
The Anishnaabek Healing Circle has added digital storytelling to the recovery support service array for ATR clients. This is a pilot service code that requires pre-approval from the ATR Director to use. Because this is a new code, and because digital stories are expensive and time-consuming to produce, we ask that you, as the tribal workshop liaison, work closely with the nDigiDream Team of story-telling mentors prior to talking to ATR clients about making a digital story. We want to protect the client, first and foremost. And we want to ensure that both the client, and the tribal site, is fully prepared for the workshop to be a positive, healing experience. The mentors have valuable insights to help you to recruit and prepare people to participate in the workshop. The mentors also know how you can best prepare to host the workshop.
* Request & receive approval for a Digital Story-Telling Workshop from ITC/ATR
* Contact nDigiDreams and complete a Qualified Service Agreement (form attached)
* Identify workshop participants and enroll them in ATR IV
* Obtain Informed Consent for Workshop 7051 from each participant (form attached)
* Share Informed Consent with nDigiDream Team so they can contact clients
* Share 7051 voucher with nDigiDreams for each workshop participant
* Tribal workshop liaison works with nDigiDream Team workshop organizer to finalize workshop
* Set a workshop date and fill story-teller slots
* Conduct the workshop
* nDigiDreams submits voucher transaction to ITC/ATR for each completed story
ATR/ITC Contact for information on getting approval for a Digital Story-Telling Workshop:
Eva Petoskey, ATR Director
Digital Story-Telling nDigiDream Team for details on workshop scheduling & logistics:
Linda Wood Story-Telling Mentor and 7051 Workshop Organizer
Arlene Kashata Story-Telling Mentor and 7051 Workshop Organizer
Brenda Manuelito Story-Telling Mentor and Workshop Co-Facilitator, nDigiDreams LLC
Carmella Rodriguez Story-Telling Mentor and Workshop Co-Facilitator, nDigiDreams LLC
Making a Digital Story
For the Tribal Workshop Liaison
The following are things you need to know to prepare yourself and your ATR clients for a Digital Story-Telling Workshop. You will be working with the nDigiDream Team to recruit and prepare people for the workshop.
The Digital Story-Telling Workshop takes four full days. Participants must come prepared to spend four days to complete their story from start to finish. The workshop is a supportive group process. Each participant will leave the workshop with a DVD of their personal digital story.
Details of what to bring and what to expect are in the handouts: “An Invitation to a Digital Story-Telling Workshop” and “Making a Digital Story.” These handouts should be given to the participant as soon as they have accepted the invitation to make a digital story.
Expectation for the Tribal Site to host a Digital Story-Telling Workshop:
___ Place: a space large enough for up to 10 people and 4 mentors to work for 4 days/ 8-5 pm
___ Room set-up: tables and chairs for computers, space for a story-circle. A separate, quiet space for voice recording on day two.
___ Technology: High speed internet access, adequate electrical outlets for multiple electronics (nDigiDreams supplies computers, extension cords, etc.)
___ Time: Four full days (8:00 am – 5:00 pm). If there is time/space to work into the evening, this is very helpful, but optional
___ Optional but very helpful: providing coffee, tea, water, snacks throughout the day, and lunch if possible. Participants become very focused and involved as the story-telling process unfolds, and it’s very difficult to leave the site for meals, etc.
____ Work on a case by case basis with the participant’s employer and others to advocate for the necessary supports etc, so the client can participate for 4 days to make their story (i.e. staff release time from work etc).
Digital Story Telling Workshop 7051
Materials Packet
For the Access Center and nDigiDreams:
Request for Digital Story-Telling Workshop (access center and ITC/ATR)
Qualified Service Agreement with nDigiDreams
Informed Consent for Digital Story-Telling Workshop 7051
ATR IV Voucher Transaction Form – Digital Story-Telling
For the Workshop Participant:
Before sign-up:
Invitation to Digital Story-Telling Workshop
Making A Digital Story
Digital Story-Telling ATR Recovery Support (interactive PDF)
At the workshop:
Media Release SSR Public & Private Usage
Media Release nDigiDreams form
Digital Story-Making Evaluation
Anishnaabek Healing Circle ATR Request Form Digital Story-Telling Workshop 7051Page 1
2015 (7-2-15) ITC