Routine (Yellow) Emergency (Pink) Critical (Blue)
Today’s Date: 5/22/2008 / See AttachedWhat systems are involved?Building W79
Reason for routine shutdown.Phasing of High Voltage Cables because of recent repairs being made.
Building and Rooms Directly Affected:Entire building
Requested Date(s):5/29/2008 / Day(s):Thursday / Duration:2 Hours(Include prep time) / Start Time:10:00 AM / End Time:12:00 PM
TRIGGER: Complete as much as you can of applicable areas. Forward to and the appropriate zone. Shutdowns take five (5) business days to process. Trigger has primary responsibility for communication.
Trigger Info
/ Name:Rich Lucas / Page/Radio #:100Work Order #:4746145 / Phone:617-324-6801 / Cell: 617-594-3460 / E-mail:
Project #: / Cost Object #:1933000 / R&M SAP #:
(R&M Use only)
List names, groups of Facilities’ personnel and occupants contacted and have provided consent/notification to proceed. Electrical and HVAC (chilled water, etc.) shutdowns must involve IS at onset of action planning.
Dept./Group /Name
/ Phone / Dept. Group /Name
/ PhoneIS&T / Network Operations / 3-8400
IS&T / Hardware Services / 3-1410
Registrar / Schedules Office (Classrooms) / 3-4788
Types of services affected, check as needed:
Access controls / WATERChilled water / AIR
Supply-ventilation / STEAM
High pressure / OTHER
Fire alarm
Emergency generator / Condenser water / Supply-cooling / Medium pressure / Fire protect water
Emergency power / Pure water / Supply-heating / Low pressure / Natural gas
Building power / Hot domestic / Exhaust-laboratory / Condensate return / Odors
Elevators / Hot lab process / Exhaust-general / Smokes
Computers / Heating hot water / Exhaust-toilet /
/ Exhaust hoodTelephones / Cold domestic / Compressed control / Lab waste
Lighting / Cold lab process / Compressed lab air / Sanitary
Corridor/stairs / De-ionized / Lab vacuum / Storm drain
Investigated by: / 1.Mark Cote / 2.Kevin Doran / 3.Rich Lucas / 4.
****Lock Out/Tag Out Procedure Is Required****
Approved by: / Mechanical / Utility / Fire Prot.DISTRIBUTION: The person approving the shutdown will determine distribution as required.
Always include: / Could include: / Other:Trigger / 2nd Shift / Carp/Constr / Zone A
Bulletin Board / 3rd Shift / HVAC / Zone B
W. Scott / Fire Protection / Piping / Zone C
FCS Console / Utility / Struc/Paint / Zone D
Technical / Elec/Controls / Zone E
Cleared by/Signed by: / Time: / Date:
Revised: September 2006
P:\Policies and Procedures\Administration\Figures, Forms and Lists\ADM-FFL-01-Shutdown Request