Nombre ______Clase______Fecha ______

A conocernos u 2

EspaÑol 1- GUIA

Your unit test it set up as the following (the sections are the same, the questions will be different. Use your check list to help you focus your study. Brainstorm ideas for what your essay might be about and write those ideas down):

Self check. Check where you are for each skill. Can I……? Sí Somewhat Not yet

·  Ask and tell time, read schedules (for shows and transportation)

·  Identify clothing items and what clothing and accessories are

appropriate in different seasons and occasions (A

·  Identify friends and family based on their descriptions

·  describe people (physically as well as personality) and their clothes

·  in different cultures and climates (Cultures) (pg.44-45, 159, 273)

·  identify similar and opposite personality and character traits

·  hold a basic conversation when you first meet someone

(asking and telling basic personal information)

·  discuss what you and others like and dislike

·  describe things (pg. 48, 58)

·  express ownership (pg. 162- my, your, his, her, their…)

·  identify family members and their relationships to each other on

a family tree

·  describe people and family relationships; (pg. 44-45, 158)

·  discuss activities and preferences of family members (SB) (pg. 82-83)

·  recognize and state the ages of friends and family

·  Create a presentation/book describing yourself and your family,

basic information about them, their activities, favorite things…

(Quien soy yo; C)

·  Discuss African influences in Latino cultures (Cultures)

Remember in Spanish all tests are comprehensive and build on what you already know, so be sure to review information from unit one and your mid-term. (Pay particular attention to birthdays, dates, numbers, and colors).


A Listen as Patricia reads an e-mail from Yoli. Then decide if the statements are Cierto o Falso. (Prepárate para el examen p. 71 actividad 6. CD 2, track 11)

_____ 1. A Yoli no le gustan las clases porque son aburridas.

_____ 2. Los compañeros de clase son antipáticos.

_____ 3. El cumpleaños de Yoli es el 16 de agosto.

_____ 4. A Yoli le gusta la comida china.

B Listen to the Integración activity 1( page 74 in your book) . Listen to the statements and match them to the appropriate picture. (CD 2, track 15)

/ / /





C Listen to the following questions and choose the correct English translation. Use the word bank below to make your selections. Be sure to mark your scantron with the correct letter.

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

D. Descripciones de la familia-

Write the letter of the familia member being described, using the visual provided. Age, physical descriptors, and clothing will be used. Note: not all family members will be described.











E ¿Que hora es? Write down the times that you hear.







F Read your book page 68 Integración actividad A.

Antes de leer. Pick your favorite color. Then write what you think is a personality trait that goes with that color. (Make it up)

Lectura. Read the article. Now match each color with what the article says it represents.

Color What it represents (personality)







Post reading. Did your favorite color match the personality trait you picked? Why do you think that is?

G. Libro p. 74 Integracion Actividad 2. Read and answer the questions in Spanish.

1. / ¿Quién es inteligente? ¿simpático(a)? ¿activo(a)?
2. / ¿Cuántos años tiene Andrés?
3. / ¿Qué le gusta a Liliana? ¿Qué no le gusta?
4. / ¿A quién le gustan las hamburguesas? ¿los libros de aventuras?

H. Read the blog in order to answer the questions that follow. (Edited for grammar)

Mi familia esdemasiadogrande. Por parte de mi papá y por parte de mi mamátambiéntengo13tíos. Por parte de papá y por mamá 4 tengo aproximadamente 150 primos. Hay algunos que no conozco y con los otros comparto bellos momentos.
En mi casa yo vivo con mi papá que se llama José Julio Quesada Rivas y mi mamá se llama Delia Ducuara Vera, y mis dos hermanos. Uno de mis dos hermanos, el mayor, se llama Eduardo Julián Quesada y el menor Felipe.

Publicado31 de octubre, 2012poryisel quesada

1. What is the main thing the author tries to convey about her family?

2. How many people live in her house.

3. Is her extended family close? (Yes or no)

4. What is one other thing you understood.


I. Answer the following questions and /or complete each of the following statements about Puerto Rico. Look in your notes and the notas culturales in this chapter.

1. What is the capital of Puerto Rico?

2. A guero is a person who is ______.

3. Puerto Rico’s national symbol is ______. (Name and explain what it is).

4. Special celebration masks made of coconut are ______.

5. ______music was made popular by Puerto Rican musicians.

6. How old are Puerto Ricans when they can get their driver’s license?

7. Puerto Ricans are also______citizens.

8. The name Puerto Rico means ______.

9. ______was a Spanish fortress built in the 1500s.

10. Puerto Rico was discovered by ______.



Complete the following conversations using adjectives,ser,and question words. Remember to use the correct adjective and verb forms.(Complete page 70, actividad 2.)
1. / —¿______es tu mejor amigo(a)?
2. / —______Paco.
3. / —¿______día es hoy?
4. / —______sábado.
5. / —¿Cómo ______tu mejor amigo(a)?
6. / —Es ______. No es ______.
7. / —¿______eres tú?
8. / — ______.
9. / —¿______es tu cumpleaños?
10. / —______el ______.

K. Complete the paragraph using the correct word in parentheses. (page 71, actividad 4.

___1___ (El/La) cumpleaños ___2___ (de/del) Fernando y Maribel es ___3___ (el/la) catorce de diciembre. A ellos ___4___ (les gusta/les gustan) mucho las fiestas __5___ (de/del) cumpleaños. A Maribel ___6___ (le gustan/les gustan) los libros ___7___ (de/de las) aventuras más que ___8___ (los/las) películas. A Fernando ___9___ (le gusta/le gustan) los videojuegos más que ___10___ (el/la) música de Los Hidalgos.

L. Categorize the clothing items by the season in which you should wear it. (Note: choose the MOST appropriate answer according to our climate and there may be more that one correct answer).

a. primavera b. verano c. otoño d. invierno e. todas las estaciones

1. el traje de baño

2. los guantes

3. el paraguas

4. el suéter

5. las botas

6. los zapatos de tenis

7. los vestidos

8. los abrigos

9. los jeans

10. los pantalones cortos

M. Use the family tree and the word bank to complete the sentences about Roberto’s family. Be sure to mark the correct letter(s) on your scantron sheet.

1. Roberto es el ______de Eduardo.

2. Beatriz es la ______de Pedro y Mabel.

3. El ______de Sandra se llama Roberto.

4. Vilma es la ______de Mabel.

5. Pedro es el ______de Mateo.

6. Sandra y Beatriz son ______.

Banco de ideas

N. Read what these people say about themselves. Then choose the best completion to each sentence. Be sure to mark your scantron with the appropriate letter.

32. Yo soy extrovertido. Me gustan más ______.

a. los libros b. las fiestas

33. Ellas son muy serias. Les gustan más ______.

a. las películas de ciencia ficción b. las películas de amor

34. A ellos les gusta mucho la comida americana. Les gusta más ______.

a. las hamburguesas b. la pizza

35. Yo soy muy atlética. Me gusta más ______.

a. los videojuegos b. los deportes


O. Read the following words and then write the word in Spanish that means the opposite of each one

42. alto

43. horrible

44. moreno

45. simpática

46. serio

47. perezoso

48. aburrida

49. bueno

P. Write a question for each answer given. OJO: These are only samples- study all of your question words!

1. ______

Me llamo Juan.

2. ______

Soy de Puerto Rico

3. ______

Tiene quince anos.

4. ______

Es el 20 de diciembre.

5. ______

Soy alto y moreno.

II. Escritura. Practice writing out the answers to your writing essays. Think of our two biggest concepts and write a paragraph using each.

