The following pertains to training beginning in July 2011. The term FYGME and post-graduate year one (PGY-1) are used interchangeably. You must refer to the training locations grid on this website to determine the training locations for your desired specialty.
- Aerospace Medicine(AM): There is only one Army residency program in Aerospace Medicine; the preliminary position is located at Eisenhower Army Medical Center. A continuous contract is not offered in AM; selectees will have to re-apply for PGY-2 positions. Barring any problems during internship, selectees should expect to be re-selected for the PGY-2 positions, which will include completing a MPH degree. Selectees may participate in the Army Flight Surgery Course in February 2011 if practicable.
- Anesthesiology: There are two Army residency programs in Anesthesiology. Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of anesthesiology and rank the two anesthesiology programs on the Preference Priority Sheet (PPS) first. Applicants will then rank the remaining four preliminary programs that will feed into the two residency programs as indicated on the Transitional Preliminary Position pairing chart below. The objective is to pair the remaining preliminary site with your desired residency program location. Inconsistent pairings will be returned to the applicant for correction.A continuous GME contract for four years of training will be offered.
- Dermatology: There are two Army residency programs in Dermatology. Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of dermatology and rank the two dermatology programs on the PPS first. Applicants will then rank the remaining two preliminary programs that will feed into the two residency programs as indicated on the Transitional Preliminary Position pairing chart below. The objective is to pair the remaining preliminary sites with your desired residency program location. Inconsistent pairings will be returned to the applicant for correction. The fifth choice should consist of a general transitional program at any of the training locations except NCC. A continuous GME contract for four years of training will be offered for those selectees whose academic achievements meet pre-established requirements; otherwise, individuals will be offered only a preliminary position and be required to reapply for PGY-2 to PGY-4.
- Emergency Medicine: The principal track for training in emergency medicine is PGY1-3 and is available at three Army hospitals and via integrated training at Medical College of Georgia (MCG). Applicants interested in training in emergency medicine must indicate a specialty goal of emergency medicine and rank all four programs on the PPS. The remainder of the rankings should consist of a transitional programs first, then any another specialty choice(s), if you would like to be considered for another specialty.A continuous GME contract for three years of training will be offered to those selected for the PGY1-3 track. If selected for training at MCG, it will be Army –Sponsored so you will be on active duty and the training obligation will be served concurrently with an existing obligation.
- Family Medicine: There are seven programs in family medicine. Applicants for this specialty must indicate a specialty goal of family medicine and rank all seven programs on the PPS. The program at Dewitt Army Community Hospital is included in the National Capital Consortium. Those applying for this program should select NCC on the PPS but continue to use Dewitt/Family Medicine on MyERAS.A continuous GME contract for three years of training will be offered.
- General Surgery (Categorical and Preliminary): Since there are both categorical and preliminary positions in the general surgery programs, it is important to ensure that the correct specialty goal is named on the PPS.
- Categorical General Surgery: Applicants who indicate general surgery as their specialty goal will be placed in categorical positions. There are six active programs in general surgery. Those students interested in training in this specialty must rank all six programs on the PPS. Selections for categorical general surgery are for the PGY1 only. Re-application for the remainder of the training will be done after entry onto active duty.
- Preliminary General Surgery: Positions exist for the following specialties:
- Neurosurgery – There is only one neurosurgery program in Department of Defense. It is part of the NCC and the FYGME position is in the NCC general surgery program. Since this is a competitive program students should plan to do an ADT with the neurosurgery service at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC). Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of neurosurgery and indicate GS Neurosurgery NCC as their first choice on the PPS. On ERAS, indicate General Surgery NCC if Neurosurgery NCC is not an option. The remainder of the rankings should consist of the VA-DoD neurosurgery programs and other general surgery programs. A continuous GME contract for seven years of training will be offered.
Another option for training in Neurosurgery will be offered under the VA-DoD training program. Up to one student may be selected for training at each advertised location. The civilian programs that are offering this training opportunity are the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL and the University of Texas at San Antonio, TX. The individual(s) selected will be given a continuous contract. Students interested in this opportunity must indicate their desire for consideration by ranking the VA-DoD training locations. For more information or assistance with this training opportunity, please feel free to contact Ms. Janis Jones at (877) 633-2769, menu option 5, (703) 681-8042 or for the Army Neurosurgery specialty consultant’s contact information.
- Urology – There are four urology programs in the Army and two VA-DoD locations. Students must indicate a specialty goal of urology and rank all six GS Urology programs on their PPS. Any remaining rankings should consist of other general surgery programs. A continuous GME contract for six years of training will be offered.
One student will be selected for training at each advertised VA-DoD location. The civilian programs that are offering this training opportunity are the University of Texas at San Antonio, TX and Duke University, Durham, NC. The preliminary general surgery year of training for the University of Texas at San Antonio will be at SAUSHEC and the preliminary general surgery year of training for Duke University will be at the NCC Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The individuals selected for this will be given a continuous contract. For more information or assistance with this training opportunity, please feel free to contact Ms. Janis Jones at (877) 633-2769, menu option 5, (703) 681-8042 or for the Army Urology specialty consultant’s contact information.
- Internal Medicine: There are six programs in internal medicine. Students must indicate a specialty goal of internal medicine and rank all six programs on their PPS. A continuous GME contract for three years of training will be offered.
- Neurology/Child Neurology: There are two programs in neurology. They are at MAMC and NCC. Students applying for neurology must indicate a specialty goal of neurology and rank both programs on their PPS. The remainder of the rankings should consist of at least one transitional year program first, then any other specialty choice, if desired.A continuous GME contract for four years of training will be offered.
Training in child neurology may be accomplished via two different tracks. Students may opt for this as their primary residency. This track consists of the FYGME in neurology followed by four years consisting of pediatrics and child neurology. FYGME applicants should rank child neurology at NCC on their PPS with the specialty goal of child neurology. An alternative is for individuals to first complete a residency in neurology or pediatrics then apply for a three year child neurology fellowship. For a student selected for child neurology on the FYGME track, a continuous GME contract for five years of training will be offered.
- Obstetrics and Gynecology: There are four Army programs in OB-GYN, with the possibility of a 5th program at Womack Army Medical Center, Ft. Bragg, N.C. being approved this fall. Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of OB-GYN and rank all five programs on their PPS. Any remaining ranking should consist of a transitional year program first, then any other choice. A continuous GME contract for four years of training will be offered. If the Ft. Bragg program is not approved, the match will be conducted on the basis of the 4 current programs.
- Ophthalmology: There are three Army residency programs in Ophthalmology. Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of ophthalmology and rank the three Ophthalmology programs on the PPS first. Applicants will then rank the remaining three preliminary programs that will feed into the three residency programs as indicated on the Transitional Preliminary Position pairing chart below. The objective is to pair the remaining preliminary site with your desired residency location. Inconsistent pairings will be returned to the applicant for correction. A continuous GME contract for four years of training will be offered.
- Orthopaedic Surgery: There are six programs in orthopaedics. It should be understood that the program at NCC-Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) is a six-year program (including a research year). Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of orthopaedics and rank all six programs to maximize their chances for selection. A continuous GME contract for five years of training (with the exception of NCC-WRAMC which is six years) will be offered. Applicants not selected to military orthopaedics programs should expect no deferments for civilian training in orthopaedics as the number of military training positions are sufficient to meet the Army’s needs for the foreseeable future.
- Otolaryngology: There are four otolaryngology programs in the Army. Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of otolaryngology and rank all four Otolaryngology programs on their PPS. The remaining ranking should consist of a transitional year program first, then any other specialty choice, if desired. A continuous GME contract for five years of training will be offered.
- Pathology: The American Board of Pathology has eliminated the clinical year prerequisite for training in pathology. Consistent with this, the Army offers four year training programs in pathology beginning at the FYGME. Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of pathology and rank the three Army programs on their PPS. The remaining rankings should consist of a transitional year program first, then any other specialty choice, if desired. A continuous GME contract for four years of training will be offered.
This track may not meet the requirements of the American Osteopathic Association nor will it satisfy credentialing standards for utilization as a General Medical Officer. Therefore, students who wish to perform a transitional year prior to entry into pathology training will continue to have that option. They must rank transitional year programs and indicate pathology on the PPS. Those individuals who complete a clinical FYGME will be eligible to apply for Pathology at the PGY2 level. Medical students who enter pathology residency without completion of a clinical year will be required to sign a four year training contract. Residents who resign or are terminated, upon the completion of FYGME training, will be required to enter directly into a transitional year program to complete sufficient clinical training to meet standards for credentialing and assignment as a General Medical Officer. If resignation or termination is finalized prior to the completion of FYGME training, the resident will be re-branched to another Corps in the Army, due to the fact that they are not Medical Corps (MC) branch eligible (medical license eligible).
- Pediatrics: There are four residency programs in pediatrics. Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of pediatrics and rank these four programs on their PPS. The remaining ranking should consist of a transitional year program first, then any other specialty choice, if desired. A continuous GME contract for three years of training will be offered.
- Physical Medicine: There is one Army residency program in Physical Medicine. Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of physical medicine and rank the preliminary physical medicine program at the NCC on their PPS. The remaining rankings should consist of at least one transitional year program first, then any other specialty choice, if desired. A continuous GME contract for four years of training will be offered.
- Preventive Medicine/Occupational Medicine(PM/OM): There are two Army residency programs in Preventive Medicine/Occupational Medicine. Students may rank the programs in order of preference. A continuous contract is not offered in PM/OM; selectees will have to re-apply for PGY-2 positions. Barring any problems during internship, selectees should expect to be re-selected for the PGY-2 positions, which will include an MPH degree. The remaining rankings should consist of at least one transitional year program first, then any other specialty choice, if desired.
- Psychiatry: There are two Army residency programs in psychiatry. There is no longer an option for a combined residency program in psychiatry/internal medicine at the FYGME level.. Students may rank the programs in order of preference. The remaining rankings should consist of at least one transitional year program first, then any other specialty choice, if desired. A continuous GME contract will be offered to psychiatry selects for four years of training.
- Radiation Oncology: There is only one radiation oncology program in Department of Defense. It is trained at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) with the FYGME year trained in the NCC transitional year program. Since this is a competitive program students should plan to do an ADT with the radiation oncology service at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) and indicate prelim radiation oncology NCC as their first choice on the PPS. The remainder of the rankings should consist of transitional year programs programs. The specialty goal must indicate radiation oncology. A continuous GME contract for five years of training will be offered.
- Radiology (Diagnostic): There are four Army residency programs in Radiology (Diagnostic). Applicants must indicate a specialty goal of radiology (diagnostic) and rank all four preliminary radiology (diag) programs on the PPS. These four preliminary programs will feed into the four residency programs as indicated on the Transitional Preliminary Position pairing chart below. The remaining rankings should consist of at least one transitional year program first, then any other specialty choice, if desired. A continuous GME contract for five years of training will be offered.
Another option for training in Radiology (Diagnostic) will be offered under the VA-DoD training program. Up to one student will be selected for training at each advertised location. The civilian programs that are offering this training opportunity are the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, the University of Texas at San Antonio, TX and the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. The individual selected for these programs will be given a continuous contract. Students interested in this program should rank the VA-DoD option as their first choice on the PPS. To indicate your rank preference of the three VA-DoD programs, please outline your preferences in an email message to the FYGME program manager, Ms. Janis Jones, and rank the programs accordingly on your ERAS application. For more information or assistance with this training opportunity, please feel free to contact Ms. Janis Jones at (877) 633-2769, menu option 5, (703) 681-8042 or for the Army Radiology (Diagnostic) specialty consultant’s contact information.