Manager as Coach I -- Timeline and Logistics Checklist
Revised 30 March 2017
MaC I Session date: ______
When / What / Who / Actual date / NoteAnytime
/ Review all logistics informationContact Ontos to coordinate calendars, if not already part of established calendar
-Provide Ontos contact information (title, email address, phone) of HR leader who sponsors the program locally and who is the person playing the coordinator role - managing logistics.
Schedule prep call with Ontos to go over the local context. / Liz Bruhnke or Local HR / Please copy and and on all correspondence.
8 weeks before session / Send invites to potential participants signed from business leader with the program summary.
Program consists of two, 8 hour days. Please choose the timeframe you prefer and let Ontos know:
- 8:00 – 5:00
- 8:30 – 5:30 pm
- 9:00 – 6:00pm
Reserve 1 main training room (for 16 participants + 2 faculty) and 1 breakout room (for 8 participants + 1 faculty).
Arrange for the leader who will kick off: Business leader who is well regarded, has notable leadership ability and can also kick off the program. (Ontos can prep the business leader, as necessary, about the program and the kick-off. Sample talking points/ideas below!) / Local HR / -We do not allow any observers (non-participants) in the room.
-See details below regarding room set-up.
6 weeks before session / Confirm with Ontos that the program is full and provide Ontos with local travel information: hotel preference, training room location, who to ask for upon arriving at the facility, etc.
Send Ontos name and contact info to business leader who will kick off on Day 1 of program / Local HR / Note changes and cancellation clauses in the contract.
4 weeks before session / Ensure all arrangements are in place per the requirements list below. / Local HR / List below has all specifications.
2 weeks before / HR: Send final participant list in excel form to ONTOS with names, title, email address
Updated 3/30 / Local HR / Send to trainers and Chris Fagan, cc David and Lisa
1-2 weeks before session / ONTOS emails all participants:
1. Introductory message
2. Pre-work assignment
3. Coaching Guide / Ontos
5 business days before session / HR reminds workshop sponsor about kick off on Day 1 / Local HR
1 week before session / ONTOS sends handouts to local HR for printing and subsequent delivery to meeting room the morning of Day 1 of the session. / Ontos / Copies should be printed in “Handout” mode (a Power Point print option), 2 slides per page in color, double sided, 18 copies - 16 for Participants and 2 more for the facilitators.)
Room & Set Up:
1. 2 rooms reserved for 2 days (please consider using an offsite location if people coming and going from training is a problem)
o Room 1 with a capacity for 18 people (16 participants, 2 facilitators)
§ Tables configured as “islands”: round tables for 4 people each, or square tables abutting each other for 4 people each
§ Projection equipment for laptop computer (we bring laptop)
§ 2 Flip charts and 4-6 dark-colored, flip chart markers (please test that they work well J)
§ LARGE Name tents for each participant on each table, with function, if possible
§ Audio capability (if possible) – to connect to our laptop
o Room 2 - “breakout” room for 9 people (8 participants + 1 faculty)
§ No tables; just 9 chairs in a circle (prefer to avoid rooms with large tables in the space)
§ 1 Flip chart (or space on a wall for a sticky Flip Chart page)
§ 2-3 flip chart markers – black, blue, green
2. Breakfast and lunch service available on premises
3. Beverages available all day available in room or nearby (coffee and water service at a minimum)
4. Copies of Presentation – 1 copy per participants
o Color copies
o “Handout” mode (a Power Point print option), 2 slides per page
o Double sided
o Do not print hidden slides (a Power Point option – check the box)
o 1 copy of presentation for each facilitator with 3 slides/page
5. Copies of Program Feedback form – 16 copies
On-site Leadership
6. Local Program Sponsor: Designated local program sponsor (HR or business leader) to provide business rationale and other program information as necessary to participants prior to the program, and to kick-off the program on Day 1. We are happy to schedule a call with the sponsor on messaging, etc., however a few ideas here:
a. Address local business issues that reflect a need for strong leadership. Why can the business use more leaders who can coach? (retention, stronger teams & employees, employee engagement, career development, org stability, etc.)
b. Relay a story about someone who coached you effectively and what value it had for you. (Ensure your story is not about receiving “advice”, but instead how the asking of great question(s) helped you have a breakthrough.)
c. Relay a story about someone who you coached and the impact of that coaching.
d. Set expectations on taking advantage of the opportunity, to focus, to not be distracted by business issues today, to enjoy, to experiment with new behaviors.
7. Logistics Support Coordinator: Designated administrative resource for printing, copying and other administrative support, and the name of the person we should ask for upon arriving in the morning
Qtns to: ONTOS Global 415-418-7326 or Page 1