Notes from Vermont Meat Processing Task Force 2013 Retreat

January 22, 2013, Shelburne Farms

1.Vision and Goals – What does Vermont’s Meat Industry look like in 2020?

A)Growth and Profitability
  • Profitable business models in both production and processing
  • Processing facilities more efficient through appropriately scaled technology, IT systems, and infrastructure improvements for process flow
  • More of processing dollar stays in Vermont
  • Increased capacity through optimizing existing facilities and 2 new plants coming on line
  • Producers able to access processing services most appropriate for their market channel, allowing for growth at pace desired
  • Growth is measured and progress evaluated regularly
  • More meat is marketed outside of Vermont
  • Vermont meats are available in a greater diversity of markets (institutions, large retail stores, out-of-state specialty foods stores, etc.)
  • Producers and processors have a better understanding of market channels and the opportunities offered by these channels – a market channel exists for every animal produced
  • Interstate inspection of state inspected meat allowed
  • The State of Vermont purchases more Vermont meat
C)Branding and Consumer Education
  • Quality standards exist to facilitate “scaling out”
  • Branding efforts help communicate quality beyond direct-to-consumer markets
  • Producers and processors work together to add value and communicate that value
  • Consumers appreciate the role of processing in the value chain (and the people who do the work)
  • Consumers understand the importance of whole-animal purchasing
D)Business and Industry Development
  • Succession planning
  • More TA for matching financing with business needs
  • Vermont is the place to come for high quality meat cutting training (Hannaford, VTC, other tech schools)
  • A Vermont prison implements a meat processing training program
  • Upward mobility within processing sector – more mid- and upper-level management positions
  • Better industry collaboration (growth of Meat and Poultry Processors Association)
  • Increased trust and professionalism between producers and processors

2a. Opportunities

  • Technology improvements to leverage efficiency and communications
  • Transparency as a means to build trust and educate consumers
  • Market high quality meat to regional population centers
  • Entrepreneurial spirit and support
  • Industry collaboration
  • New training program – new generation of interest and a willingness to teach
  • Financial, business, personnel management continues to improve
  • Building and marketing value chain relationships
  • Utilize Vermont Brand and add additional value to consumers, who are interested in responsible meat purchasing

2b. Challenges

  • Competition from niche/sustainable producers and processors out of state
  • Need for quality/brand standards – product inconsistency
  • Waste stream management
  • Transmitting market demand to producers and processors
  • Accountability and product integrity across the supply chain
  • Lack of understanding of urban markets
  • Animal rights groups (PETA)

3a. Task Force Role

  • Ambassadors for Vermont’s Meat Processing industry (including to the legislature)
  • Networking and introducing stakeholders to each other
  • Honor the culture of Vermont’s traditional meat production/processing, while encouraging those who want to enter commercial production to do so
  • Identify data gaps and drive research
  • Offer a strategic vision
  • Collect and evaluate metrics

3b. Priorities

  • Consumer Education
  • Contingency/Emergency planning
  • Workforce development and professional capacity
  • Create opportunities to finance capacity expansion
  • Networking/building community of practice – communicating lessons learned
  • Bringing outside perspectives to Vermont
  • Focusing on metrics, information collection
  • More direct communications with/between processors

4. Big Questions

  • How to balance need for collaboration with independence of individual businesses
  • What is our value statement? What makes VT’s meat industry better?
  • Is our task force limited to processing, or does it comprise meat as a whole?
  • Do we need a Task Force and the MPPA? How do they work together?