Kansas Model


Standards Guide

Novice Mid

This document has been created to transfer indicators of the Kansas Model Curricular Standards for World Languages, 2008, into specifics for instruction of Spanish language and cultures. It reflects the collective understanding of the standards, benchmarks, and indicators adopted in August 2008. We hope that it is useful in planning standards-based curriculum for beginners.

This curriculum guide is based on the Kansas Model Curricular Standards, 2008. The entire document is available at


Thank you to the Sunflower Chapter of Kansas Association of Teachers of Spanish and to Shawnee Mission teachers for hosting a workshop to start this document, and Salina USD 305 for providing facilities to finish it. Thank you to the following dedicated teachers who participated in various stages of the work.

Margarita Barnett, Derby USD 260

Eileen Beavers, Chapman USD 473

Jane Bodecker-Johnson, Halstead USD 440

Chelsea Cassell, DeSoto USD 232

Melanie Dill, Shawnee Heights USD450

Bianca Elliott, Lansing USD 469

Jennifer Ferrance, Kapaun High School, Wichita

Sally Guillen, Shawnee Mission USD 512

Fabiola Herdoiza, Shawnee Mission USD 512

Betzaida Imperiale, Kansas City USD 500

Randy Kirkpatrick, Cherryvale USD 447

Cheryl Loeffler, Newton USD 373

Bonnie Manuel, Manhattan-Ogden USD 383

Bonnie Orozco, Ellsworth USD 327

Norma Pando, Cimarron-Ensign USD 102

Maria Rosario Ramirez, Dodge City USD

Peggy Shortridge, Centre Schools USD 397

Suzanne Street, Fort Scott USD 234

Facilitated by Phyllis Farrar, Education Program Consultant

World Languages and ESOL

Kansas Department of Education

120 SW Tenth Avenue

Topeka, Kansas 66612


Spanish Novice Mid
Standard 1.1 Communication – Interpersonal/Conversational. The student engages in conversations, provides and obtains , expresses feelings and emotions, and exchanges opinions.
K-12 Benchmark 1.1 Novice Mid: The student asks and responds using high-frequency questions and memorized phrases.
Indicators – Interpersonal listening and speaking / Spanish / Instructional Examples / Assessment
  1. Expresses basic courtesies, greetings, and salutations, appropriate to register. (teacher-student; formal-informal)

informal / Stress tú vs. Usted
Discúlpame vs. Discúlpeme
(informal) (formal) / During routine class activities, 1-2 students wear a formal hat, tie, and scarf to designate adult and must be greeted appropriately. / Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA)
  1. Answers questions with simple responses and asks simple questions – about self, family, extended multi-nuclear family, school, leisure activities, weather, seasons, sports and hobbies

question words
interrogative pronouns
idiomatic tener expressions / ¿Cómo….?
¿(De) dónde….?
hombre / mujer / señor/a/ita
chico/a,muchacho/a, niño/a, bebé
joven, viejo/a, anciano/a
profesor/a, maestro/a, estudiante, alumno/a
amigo/a, novio/a
menor / mayor
mejor / peor
conocer vs. saber
tener miedo/suerte/prisa / “Where’s my twin?” Use a “bingo” card full of questions. Each student first fills in the card with correct personal information to answer the questions, and then at a designated time all students circulate through the class asking questions in order to find others with the same answers. Duplicate answers are designated as “twins.” / Interview
  1. Uses common expressions about basic needs.

I am hungry / thirsty.
I am right / tired / in pain.
I have to / have desire to.
I am sick / tired / bored.
To take notes.
To get/obtain grades
to need
Explain to me.
I lack …./I am missing… / Tengo
-hambre / sed
-razón / sueño / dolor
-que / ganas de
Estoy – enfermo/cansado/aburrido
Tomar apuntes/notas.
Sacar notas./Obtener calificaciones.
Me falta(n)…. / Requests for paper, pencil, book, supplies, missed assignments, explanation of activity, grades, and test scores are made in the target language. Students are regularly expected to express hunger, thirst, being tired or bored, interested or happy in the target language. / IPA,
Classroom observation checklist
  1. Responds to questions concerning likes and dislikes.

Vocabulary relevant to movies, clothing,school subjects, after school activities, music, sports / Querer / preferir / odiar
Gusta(n) / fascina(n) / encanta(n) / interesa(n) / importa(n)
object pronouns (indirect)
-más que / menos que
-tan… como…
-muchísmo / poquísimo
-En absoluto / nada / Collect multiple positive expressions and multiple negative expressions. Put them on a diagram, ladder, scaffold to depict their level of intensity. Have students mime facial expressions and/or body language to go with each expression. / Interview
  1. Responds with short phrases of agreement/disagreement.

I (don’t) agree.
Sure. Of course.
Always / never / sometimes / (No) estoy de acuerdo
Claro. Claro que sí. Claro que no.
siempre / nunca / jamás
a veces / de vez en cuando / rara vez / muchas veces / frecuentemente
Es probable / posible
Por supuesto / cómo no / After reviewing multiple affirmative/negative expressions, ask the same question of several students, not allowing anyone to use an answer that has previously been used. / IPA,
Classroom observation checklist
  1. Makes and responds to simple requests. --Singular Commands--

Do …
Come here.
Give me
Turn in…
Help me.
Tell me.
Stand up
Sit down.
Raise your hand.
Be quiet, please!. / Abre(informal) / abra(formal)
Cierra(informal) / cierre (formal)
Entra (informal) / entre (formal)
Sal(informal) / salga (formal).
Haz…(informal) / haga… (formal)
Pasa a …(informal) /
pase a… (formal)
Ven aquí (informal) /
venga aquí (formal)
Dame(informal) / déme (formal)
Entrega…(informal) /
entrégueme (formal)
Ayúdame(informal) /
ayúdeme (formal)
Mira(informal) / mire (formal)
Escucha(informal) /
Dígame(informal) / dime (formal)
Levántate(informal) /
levántese (formal)
Siéntate(informal) /
siéntense (formal)
Levanta la mano. (informal)/
Levante la mano. (formal)
¡Silencio, por favor! / Students play teacher by taking turns giving a series of 2-3 commands to their classmates. Reward originality and creative combinations. / IPA,
Classroom observation checklist
Standard 1.2 Communication – Interpretive.The student understands and interprets written and spoken/signed language on a variety of topics.
Benchmark 1.2 Novice Mid. The student understands practiced spoken/signed and written words and sentences.
Indicators – Interpretive listening and reading. / Spanish / Instructional Examples / Assessment
  1. Follows practiced classroom commands.--Plural Commands--

tell me / give me
practice in pairs
turn in
turn around
put everything away
get into groups
sit down / stand up
go to …
turn on/off the light
move around
guess / estimate
open your books / díganme / denme
practiquen en parejas
den la vuelta
guarden todo
pónganse en grupos
siéntense / levántense
vayan a …
apaguen / enciendan la luz
abran sus libros / Play “Simon Says” led first by the teacher, and then led by students. / IPA,
Classroom observation checklist
  1. Understands simple phrases and sentences with some recombination, repetition and visual support.

Vocabulary relevant to family, extended multi-nuclear family,school, school schedule, leisure activities /after school activities, daily routines and time, movies, clothing, food, music, weather,seasons,
directions to places in town.
neither/nor, also / refer to Standard 1.1.2 above
dobla a la derecha/ …izquierda,
sigue derecho
lejos de / cerca de…y otras
preposiciones de lugar
ni…ni… , también / Identify famous people based on simple descriptive phrases.
  1. Deduces meaning from intonation and re-combinations of familiar words

Interpret question vs. statement
Interpret emotions (happy vs. sad/excited vs.bored)
Recognize word families based on a root word (derivatives) / Comes vs. ¿Comes?
cocinar/cocina/cocinero/cocido / Read an advertisement and identify pertinent information such as time, location, price.
HL: Watch a movie scene with subtitles, both in the target language, and make a list of new words recognized, list predicted meaning, then use a dictionary to select the best meaning.
Standard 1.3 Communication - Presentational. The student conveys information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners, viewers, and readers for a variety of purposes.
K-12 Benchmarks 1.3 - Novice Mid. The student reproduces mostly memorized words and phrases.
Spoken production / Spanish / Instructional Examples / Assessment
  1. Sounds out familiar words with inflections/ tones.

Observes basic rules of pronunciation, i.e., produces proper vowel and consonant sounds and correct word accentuation. / ca-mi-nan te-lé-fo-no
a-ma-bles ma-tar
a-e-ro-puer-to ca-nal
pero /perro
está / ésta / Student repeats vocabulary word after teacher pronounces it.
Indicators - Spoken
  1. Gives personal information using memorized vocabulary.

Gives personal information using memorized vocabulary, self, family, school, leisure, activities and sports, weather, food, shopping, travel,friends, clothing and basic chores. / Mi mamá es alta, hermosa, y
Me gustan las matemáticas, las
deportes y la música.
Juego al fútbol y toco el piano.
Estudio física, sociología,álgebra, geometría, computación ybiología. / Students create a 2-minute biography, introducing themselves with as many details as possible in the time limit. / IPA: poster orPowerPoint presentation
  1. Tells a memorized story with visual cues.

First, second,
finally / at last
then/ later
At three o’clock… / primero….segundo….tercero….
después (de)
antes (de)
por fin, finalmente
luego, entonces, pues / más tarde
A las tres… / Retells a story, such as Goldilocks in 4 scenes using transitions:
“Primero, Goldilocks entra en la casa de los osos. Segundo, ella se sienta en las sillas de los osos. Entonces ella come el cereal. Después, ella se duerme en las camas de los osos.»
Indicators - Written production
  1. Spells familiar words accurately.

Accents on vowels
Unique consonants and sounds
Uses diacritical marks
Question words
Lower case for days of
week,and months, / á,é,í, ó, ú
ñ, ll, rr, b/v, qu/c/k, z/s/c
á, é, í, ó, ñ,ú, ü
(See 1.1.2)
Porque/¿por qué? Como/¿cómo?
si/sí el/él
cocer / coser
lunes, martes, miércoles, etc.
enero, febrero, marzo, abril, etc. / Take dictation from a text that is familiar.
HL: dictate self-assessable texts.
  1. Fills out a simple form.

Full name
Address (street, then number)
Date of birth
Phone number (grouping of #’s)
ID number
Alergies / Nombre, apellido
La fecha de nacimiento
El título (Sr., Sra, Srta)
Las fechas
Número de teléfono
El correo electrónico
El número de identidad/
pasaporte ’/ seguridad social
Penicelina, asma, cacahuates / Complete a form to apply to be an exchange student. Create a party invitation describing who, what, when, where and contact information. / form
  1. Writes about familiar topics.

See 1.3.2 for topics. / Hola. Me llamo Juan/a. Soy de los Estados Unidos. Estoy estudiando español. Para el año que viene voy a estudiar español avanzado. Y tú, ¿qué piensas estudiar?
iHasta luego! / Design, illustrate and write descriptions on Son of the Year or Daughter of the Year poster (nominating themselves.) / Write short paragraph
  1. Organizes steps in a process.

See 1.3.3. / See 1.3.3.
  1. Writes a 3-4 line story with visual cues.

Vocabulary relevant to family, extended multi-nuclear family,school, school schedule leisure activities /after school activities, daily routines and times,movies, clothing, food, music, weather, seasons, and directions to places in town / Este(a) es
Hay un(a)....
Te presento a….
A las cuatro tomo la clase de…
Por la mañana/tarde/noche….
Vamos al cine….
Hoy va a llover y….
Es la primaver / verano / otoño /
invierno y….
En la primavera me gusta...
Para llegar…viras a la...sigue derecho...doblas a la…. / Use a series of three or four pictures to provide a story line. Students create their version of the story.
Write a story about a wayward or unlucky student or an exaggerated story about the perfect girl or boy. / Look at a picture, or series of pictures. Write a short narrative.
  1. Summarizes the main idea of a paragraph in a few simple sentences.
/ Trata de/sobre….
Se trata de….
Habla de/sobre…..
Tiene que ver con … / Write 2-3 sentence summary.
Standard 2.1 Cultures - Practices and perspectives. The student demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of target language cultures.
K-12 Benchmarks 2.1 Novice Mid. The student imitates generally accepted social behaviors of home and school life.
Indicators / Spanish / Instructional Examples / Assessment
  1. Initiates greetings and uses appropriate gestures with support.
Traditions vary from country to country. Some universal to Hispanic community. / Nod of head with greeting of older people
Palm-down ‘come here’
Both hands on hips for a reprimand
Touch elbow for ‘stingy’
Make a ‘C’ with hand to talk about money in Mexico and S.
Rubbing index and thumb to talk about money in Caribbean
Shake index finger side-to-side to emphasize ‘no’
Index finger pulls skin slightly down under the eye to
indicate ‘I’ve got my eye on you.’= “¡Ojo!” / Use props (police hat, lady’s dress hat, name badge, or child’s cap, etc.) to distinguish age, position, or profession. Students use appropriate greeting for situation or register.
  1. Imitates some common home and school practices.
/ family meals: father served first, then small children, and the mother/cook is last
meal times differ
whole family sits down at the table to eat together
boys give up their seats if needed for girls / Learn proper table setting and etiquette.
Learn how to use a telephone directory or Internet resource and how to leave voice mail message.
  1. Identifies some major, traditional events.
Running of the bulls
Hispanic Heritage Month,
holy week
soccer and world cup
3-Kings Day
Columbus Day / Corrida de los toros. (San Fermín, España)
Corrida de toros (varies from country to country)
Mes de la hispanidad (US)
La semana santa
Copa mundial, fútbol
Día de los reyes
Día de Colón, Día de la raza / Invite a native speaking child into class to be interviewed by the class about the child’s birthday celebration.
Standard 2.2 Cultures - Products and perspectives. The student demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of target language cultures.
K-12 Benchmarks 2.2 Novice Mid. The student identifies and describes the most common objects, symbols, and contributions of the target culture.
Indicators / Spanish / Instructional Examples / Assessment
  1. Identifies and describes 20+ tangible products, i.e., flags, symbols, classroom objects, landmarks, clothes, transportation ,and technology.
/ Popocatepetl y Ixtaccihuatl
Templo mayor
Museo de Prado
DonQuijote (España)
Machu Picchu
Bear in a tree (symbol of Madrid)
Flamenco dresses (regional)
Transportación pública (tren, autobús, subterráneo, avión, barco)
Flags of all 23 Spanish-speaking countries
Teléfono cellular/portable
Coins, paper money and credit cards of Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico and any two additional countries. / Use PowerPoint or research for a specific location to learn about symbols, landmarks, geography, and lifestyle. Take a ‘virtual tour’ of a target-language location then make a list of what was discovered.
  1. Identify expressive products such as stories, poetry, music, art, dance, and drama.
/ Viernes song, Macarena,
Lasmañanitas, etc.
Música popular, azteca y inca
“ La persistencia de memoria”
--Salvador Dalí
“La sagrada familia”
Ballet folklórico, flamenco, tango,
salsa, merengue
Don Quijote
Pablo Neruda
Gabriel García Marquez
Isabel Allende / Explore art, famous people from target culture, poetry from target culture and present verbally. Learn traditional dances.
Use songs/lyrics to model structure in language. Discuss meaning and style of language/expression in the song.
Standard 3. Connections - Content. The student makes connections to other disciplines and to authentic sources through knowledge of a world language.
K-12 Benchmarks 3.1.1 Novice Mid. The student reinforces and furthers reading skills through world language (based on KansasReading and Literature Standards).
Indicators / Spanish / Authentic sources / Assessment
  1. Recognizes cognates, root words, prefixes, and suffixes similar to English to determine meaning.
/ false cognates: carpeta = folder, alfombra = carpet
molestar = to annoy, bother
ante-, ad-, ab-, sub-, super-, pre-, post-, in-, circum-, trans-, re-, co/con-, pre-, re-
-mente, -dad, -ión, -ismo, -ista, -or/a
See 1.2.3 / Menú del Restaurant Samborns.
Collección de cuentos infantiles del fondo de Cultura Económica
Juegos de niños de restaurantes
Sección de niños en periódicos como el Reforma & Primaria
  1. Recognizes the difference between literal expressions and some idioms.
Tener vs. hacer
to ride a bicycle
on foot
to make a mistake / Tengo calor. vs. Hace calor.
montar/pasear en bicicleta
a pie
meter la pata
  1. Uses text features (e.g., title, graphs/charts, and maps, table of contents, picture/illustrations, glossary, index, headings, subheadings, captions.) Identifies the topic and supporting details in appropriate-level texts.
/ Referir las zonas montañosas;identificar los llanos y la
ciudad capital…
Inferencias basadas en la representación de
Explicar la organizaciónde un libro a través del análisis
de la tabla de contenido..,
  1. Identifies and describes characters, physical and personality traits, and the setting (time of day, season, place) of a story. (Reading 2.1.1 and 2.1.2)
/ ayer / hoy
anoche /esta noche
la semana pasada / esta semana
el lunes pasado / este lunes
el año pasado / este año
anteayer/ pasado mañana
hace + length of time + que
Había una vez….
Era una vez…..
K-12 Benchmark 3.1.2 Novice Mid. The student reinforces and furthers writing through world language (based onKansas 6- TRAIT Writing Model).
Indicators / Spanish / Authentic sources / Assessment
  1. Applies the 6-TRAITmodel (ideas and content, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions) at the appropriate level in all types of writing. See Standard 1.3.
/ 1)ideas y contenido
4)selección de palabras
5)fluidez de oraciones
6)deletreo, puntuación y capitalización / Exchanges email with a native speaker

Novice Mid Spanish, KSDE standards project, 8-9-20111

Benchmark 3.1.3 Novice Mid. The student reinforces and furthers math skills through world language (based onKansas Curriculum Standards for Math).
Indicators / Spanish / Authentic sources / Assessment
Uses whole numbers to 100, computes simple problems, recognizes patterns and place values, uses centigrade and metric measurements.
[Expanded use of 3.1.3 Novice Low]. / y, más, +
menos, –
por, veces, multiplicado por,x, dividido por, /
metroscuadrados ( __2 )
grados Centígrados
centi- metros, gramos, líteres
kilo- / Realizar proyectos de arte con reglas usando el sistema métrico decimal
Benchmark 3.1.4 Novice Mid. The student reinforces / furthers knowledge of social studies through world language (based onKansas Standards for History and Government; Economics and Geography).Theme: Institutions and services.
Indicators / Spanish / Authentic sources / Assessment
  1. Identifies target language countries, major cities, and elements of weather including seasonal variations.
major geographical features / el Amazonas
los Andes
la Pampa
el Canal de Panamá
los Pirineos
Lago Titicaca
el Yunque
el Mar Mediterráneo
Chichen Itza
Río Grande/ Bravo/del Norte / Atlás de educación básica.
Mapa de España
Mapa de Latinoamérica
Guía de carreteras.
  1. Recognizes selected historical contributions of the target culture.
/ Juan Carlos I
Pancho Villa