Fund EcoMarketindividual FUND entry form

For publication on theFund fund hub

From sriServices

November 2017

This form is for individualfunds with SRI, ethical, social, environmental and/or sustainability themed policies and strategies only. (There is a separate ‘Corporate SRI Activity’ form for‘ESG Integration and Responsible Ownership’information. No other entries are acceptable.)

  • The quality of the data we display is essential to us. We would be grateful if you could review your fund entry(ies) on and respond to (or ) as soon as possible.
  • If you have completed this form previouslyplease note we have added newfields. These are highlighted.
  • If the information we hold on your fund(s) is up to date you can complete the new fields only. You can also indicate amends rather than completing the entire form again if you wish. (See ‘Data Entry Notes’ in box 2)
  • You can see your existing entries by going to and typing your company/fund name in the ‘Name’ field. (Please note we only add full data entries for primary funds – generally OEICs.)
  • If the information you wish to supply relates to more than one fund you can complete separate fund forms orlist the funds with their corresponding ‘Fund Identification Information’ on a single formproviding fund ethical/SRI strategies are the same. (Please cut and paste the ‘Fund Identification Information’ below to ensure we list all relevant funds.)
  • Please supply only information that will help users (manly retail investors and their advisers) to understand a fund’s ethical screening, sustainable/social/environmental or related thematic strategies.
  • Please keep your information brief using the URL link options to direct readers to additional information.
  • We cut and paste the information from this form directly onto Fund EcoMarket (as far as possible) however sriServices reserves the right to edit entries if necessary.
  • We can not accept pdf’s or images on this site. Hyperlinks and (up to five) URL’s are welcome.
  • Please note we do not charge fund managers to display onshore, regulated, retail fund information and our site – which is also free to use. Fund EcoMarket exists thanks to our sponsors and supporters.
  • Sponsoring fund manager entries are highlighted and displayed with logos on You can contact us to find out about becoming a supporter.
  • If you are unsure of any information please leave the relevant area blank, or contact us. (You are welcome to follow up with additional information at a later date.)
  • Thank you for helping us to grow retail sustainable, responsible & ethical investment!

Contact Details

Your name:

Job title:

Email address:

Phone number:


Fund Identification information
Fund Name:
Fund Management company:
Geographic Region(s): (eg UK, Asia, Global)
Asset Type(s): (eg Equity, Bond, Mixed)
Investment Type (eg UK Equity Income, Global Bond):
SRI Style: (sriServices to set, see our 'SRI Styles Directory' here.)
Product type (eg OEIC, Pension, IT):
Fund launch date:
Fund sector:
Data Entry Notes: ie
Is this a new fund entry?
Is this an update to an existing entry?
Brief SRI / Ethical Overview:
(briefly summarise this fund’s ethical approach, max 2-3 paragraphs.)
SRI / themed / ethical assets under management– overview
Fund Size (GBP)
Total value of SRI/ethical/environmental/ social/ environmental or sustainability themed funds under management
Total value of assets covered by responsible ownership policy
Total assets under management
Weblinks (URLs):
(Please note - Fund managers are responsible for relevant compliance.)
5 / Title (to display on website)

Fund EcoMarket filter options

SRI Policies:
(Indicate any of the following that are relevant to this fund)
Animal testing policy
Animal welfare policy
Alcohol production excluded
Avoids armaments manufacture
Avoids tobacco production
Climate change / GHG policy
Coal, oil & / or gas majors excluded
Environmental policy
Ethical policies
Fracking & tar sands excluded
Gambling (avoidance policy)
Governance policy
Health & wellbeing policies
Human Rights
Invests in clean /renewable energy
Limits exposure to carbon intensive industries
Measures positive impacts
Nuclear policy
Pornography (avoidance policy)
Social policy
Sustainability policy
SRI features:
(Indicate any of the following features that are relevant to or help describe this fund).
Aims to generate positive social or environmental impacts/ outcomes
Available via an ISA
Balances ‘pros and cons’ / best in sector
Clean energy theme
Eurosif transparency signatory
Faith friendly
Favours cleaner, greener companies
Favours companies with strong social policies
Limited / few ethical screens
Negative selection bias
Norms focus
Over 50% large cap
Over 50% small/mid cap
Positive selection bias
RSMR Rated
Specialist / boutique fund manager
Sustainability theme
Single resource theme
‘Strictly screened’ ethical fund
Corporate Activity
(stewardship/responsible ownership activity (not fund specific) - which are applied to all or most of a fund management company’s assets.
ESG/SRI engagement
In house responsible ownership / voting expertise
Integrates ESG factors into all/most fund research
Publish full voting record
Publish Responsible Ownership /Stewardship report
Regularly lead collaborative ESG initiatives
Responsible ownership policy for non SRI funds
Responsible Ownership / ESG a key differentiator
Review(ing) carbon / fossil fuel exposure for all funds
Vote all shares at AGMs/EGMs
UK Stewardship Code signatory
UNPRI signatory
SRI / ethical policy:
(e.g. explain in brief the fund specific policies, criteria, screens and themes – and any related Stewardship/ESG strategies if applicable.)
Overview of resources, affiliations and corporate strategies:
(e.g. What inhouse/external research resources are employed? What is the fund manager’s role? Who does what? What external organisations do you subcontract to or work alongside?)

Additional notes if required:

Fund EcoMarket is a free to use service from:

See for further information