Foster Youth Education Task Force
In-Person Meeting
September 12, 2011
I. Welcome and Agenda Review
Identify leg items in October, or today if possible. May coincide with the Special Topics discussion today.
II. Updates
Child Welfare Council, Chris Wu:
Justice Raye chaired the meeting in Dooley’s absence and provided a realignment update. There was discussion of a differential response endorsement. The framework created by the committee was endorsed, and additional information is on the CWC web site.
A workgroup was formed months ago on the concept of prioritization. The most controversial aspect was the inclusion of a recommendation that the governor make an executive order to that effect, which did not pass.
Council guidelines (bylaws) are also available on the site. Parent advocates, youth advocates have been added in recent months, which will help to generate discussion.
Chris staffs the data sharing committee. Stewards, Stuart Foundation are working on data sharing in human services, particularly in the areas of health, MH, education and substance abuse. Chris will report more in October.
Early Care, Tahra Goraya:
Tahra shared the Call to Action for Infants and Toddlers report from Zero to Three.
The report looks closely at policy agendas related to infants and toddlers.
You can find the document on
Higher Ed, Theresa Rowland and Kate Welty:
11 colleges statewide are studying enrollment trends.
Kate shared that Amy Freeman, Teri Kook and Michelle Francois are engaged with WestEd in a planning process to determine the direction of College Pathways. WestEd is developing interview protocols to develop a report on their recommendations for college pathway strategy.
AB 12:
Theresa Rowland inquired about AB 12 training.
Carolyn Shin shared that CalSWEC is working on AB 12 summits scheduled with the CC25 convening on November 1st and 2nd. Save the dates will be sent out this week. A southern CA Summit will be held on November 9th.
This specific Summit is targeted toward AB 12 coordinators and county supervisors. The Training and Focus Area Team is writing curriculum and developing a structure to engage youth.
Audiences and curricula are identified and development will begin in the next phase.
III. Leg Updates, Laura Faer
SB 368: Developmental services decision makers. On it’s way to the governor and is awaiting signature.
AB 207: Residency requirements- provides broader range of options.
AB 709: Provides that foster youth and homeless youth should be enrolled in school immediately. Provision in the law (immunization papers) provided a roadblock. Awaiting signature.
AB 194: Priority class enrollment. Awaiting signature.
AB 212: Awaiting signature
SB 578: Ensures that partial credits from non public schools transfer to the equivalent course at the new school.
IV. Special Topic Planning, Susanna Kniffen
Laura Faer, Jesse Hahnel and Karie Lew will be added to the Special Topics group. Laura will write up what she has heard and will send it back to Susanna before working behind the scenes on specific legislative issues. Mia will share the workgroup members with the whole workgroup- including new members.
1) Education Advocates:
Jill shared that caregivers can choose which classes to enroll in and they often find themselves in need of more information and it is too late to take a specific class.
Kaye shared that she believes there is a WIC/ Ed code conflict regarding this issue, which is also problematic. She is supportive of efforts in the area of Education Advocates.
2) AB 490 Transportation Funding:
A clarifying ACL is coming out this month.
Laura also added that there is question of which school pays. Different counties and different school districts are doing different things. IEP transportation should also be addressed.
Send your observations of what you’ve seen happened to Mia. We will have a discussion about them during our next meeting, so if you prefer not to send in anything in writing, that is okay.
3) Disciplinary Action:
Add social services and child’s attorney. Define the disciplinary action. Suspensions are treated differently than expulsions.
This topic has the support of the group- we will refine the bullet. Discipline and disproportionality is a huge issue. Data would help.
4) Higher Ed:
College readiness should be addressed much sooner than “near high school graduation.” Joy added that there is a program that many aren’t aware of that tests readiness during their junior year.
Jordan spoke on a TES A-G sequencing test.
AB 12 addresses part of this problem.
5) Early Childhood Education:
Not enough slots are a funding issue, not an implementation issue.
6) Mental Health Collaboration:
Send suggestions to Laura Faer, as she is on a task force that has the opportunity to submit ideas to CDE.
Betsy shared that youth, social workers, attorneys and families often complain on the number of therapists that are assigned to a youth. One therapist that can form a connection with a youth would be more beneficial for both the youth and the therapist.
Laura would support a group to address the 7 day notice. Number of placement changes directly effects education outcomes and is often the elephant in the room. Placement stability. Teri Self would also like to help.
A white paper on the link between placements and educational success was suggested.
Stuart mentioned that having the voice of the caregiver community could assist in moving forward many of these conversations.
Next Steps: ID point people around each topic (co-leads).
For the Ed Summit, the special topic groups will assist with program and workshops.
Leg- Laura
Educational Advocates- Leecia, Kaye, Linda
AB 490/1933- Adreena, Laura
Higher Ed or Post Secondary Transitions- Jordan, Joy
Mental Health- Betsy and Randi, Laura, Nancy
ECEC- Tahra and Jane Tabor Bane should be contacted
Discipline- Contact Deb Cromer, Dan Senter, Karie Lew, Laura and Kaye will help, and Katherine McLoughlin
Mia will send all the groups out with the volunteers and solicit more help. All names will be added to the policy obstacle group as well.
We will keep everyone apprised of the work as some people cannot commit, but can still provide valuable input.
SB 547: By 2014 will rate schools based on academic indicators. Items will be weighted differently and include career indicators.
Homeless and foster youth could/should be a population to be tracked. There is interest from the Task Force to start looking into this. Jordan will do more research and come back to the group with more information.
Mental Health Collaboration:
Ed Rights and Roles of Parents and Caregivers:
Jesse would like to convene a group around that issue
Riverside Pilot Education Courts:
Judges calendar meetings one a month- Project Graduate. Law folks volunteer to hold ed rights for youth in the program. Other lawyers are donating time working with youth in workshops on interviewing and business image, etc. A committee is working on getting business and formal attire for youth. It’s a voluntary program, and the court/judge specifically deals with education. It’s modeled after the drug court.
Safe Babies Court (SF- Zero to Three), Mental Health Courts
Rules of Court- elements that are supposed to be discussed (education) aren’t always discussed.
V. Ed Summit, Chairs
Working Summit- tools and structure, guiding conversation was helpful vs. workshop format. Maybe a 2 day Summit with a workshop day and a working day?
County teams- each member could attend something different and focus on a different subject area so when they come together they’ve gained a broad collective of knowledge. Speed sharing on specific areas.
Hydrid working/speed sharing Summit.
Post Summit Strategy Committee?
Location: Sacramento
Time: 3rd week in October if leg is not a focus, with February 2013 considered as a backup. We will begin to look at dates.
VI. Foster Ed Connect, Jesse Hahnel
There is currently no way to receive an email when conversation topics of interest have begun on the site.
All registered users will receive an email this week asking folks if they would like a notification when topics of interests are started.
VII Next Steps
Santa Clara’s Middle School Court presentation in October? Karie Lew will see if a representative can join the next call to give an overview and answer any questions.
Next FYETF call is on October 17th from 3-5p.
We will talk about next year’s in person dates next month.