Old Sweetbriar Farm Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 304 Troutdale, OR 97060
Google Voice Mail: 503-893-9596 Website: sweetbriarfarmhoa.org
Minutes forAugust 2014
Guests:Board Members
Staff Members: / President: Joni Jones, Sec: Glenna Pelham-Kruckman,Russ Ashley: CC&R Specialist/Sgt at Arms, Becky Paulson, Derek Richoux
V.P.: Gene Bendt, Shalina Cale
Linda Clark, Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper, Joseph’s Landscaping Maintenance
Open Forum /
- Joni opened the meeting asking, “Who will win the election in 3000”? With puzzled looks on everyone’s faces; she stated that the question was irrelevant. She then stated that there is an issue and went on to explain that the HOA has two people who are contractors; contracts voted on, ratified, and now irrelevant. She stated that the board will not visit contracts until it is time. She presented 4 options to the board; 1. Enough said. 2. Formal motion made not to be brought up. 3. Invoke Presidents right of censorship. 4. Discuss a vote. Russ made a motion to accept Joni’s intent to resolve to abide by intent. Glenna requested an explanation from Joni as to what all this means. After some explaining; Glenna stated that she is hard on Linda and confused by Joni’s issue and stated that it is a moot point. Russ withdrew his motion.
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- Addressing the Minutes for June 2014:Russmoved to approve the May 2014minutes. Becky 2nd the motion. Passed.
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- Financial Report: Linda gave the June & July 2014financial reports.
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- Landscapers Report: Linda had emailed Mario’s report out to the board. Linda put the scanned report on the screen for Joni to read as she cannot receive her emails.
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- Light replacement on E tract: Linda informed the board that she would need to contact Orient Electric due to an issue with the photo cell not working properly.
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- 3580 Pelton: Russ & Linda updated the board on what they saw from the creek bank side behind this property while looking for the HOA 4’ fence. The fence is missing. Russ presented his copy for the board to peruse. They explained that law enforcement was contacted after a few marijuana plants were discovered; code enforcement has been involved for a while now, was updated with a copy of the photos as John Copeland.
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- 3880 Pelton: Russ informed the board that the boat & trailer is being stored elsewhere, however, he is working with Mr. Taplin on a couple of options he can use; one being storing it behind a fence beside his home with the tires on cement stepping stones.
- With this violation being brought into compliance; the topic of Thank you notes was brought up. Russ stated that he is against this idea stating it would costs money and time neither of which are needed. Becky spoke about this and suggested a general thank you to all homeowners who have brought their properties into compliance, in the newsletter. Linda explained where this Thank you could go permanently in the newsletter under the board of director’s block. Linda also spoke of her concern if a violation goes to court and the judge sees a thank you note in the file. The board agreed to drop the thank you notes.
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- 3825 Clark: Linda spoke of the photos she took of the now missing shower chair, rake, shovel, bucket, etc that the Resident and owner claimed was needed for the Resident to get into & out of his vehicle. She took pictures of the 2 jugs of something which are the only violations on this property currently. The owner was notified when these jugs were observed during a 2nd observance.
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- Used Car/Detailing Business at 3135 Evans:Becky spoke of this homeowner and 2 others who made contact with them during the tract walk. She explained to the board that she had recommended they come to the August meeting to talk with the rest of the board. This homeowner did not come to the meeting.
- Derick spoke of the livability of the neighborhood and although they have brought the activity nearly to a halt at this property; they are still doing some detailing.
- Russ spoke of the MSDS book that this homeowner would need to keep records of the chemicals they use for the detailing.
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- 3800 Pelton Demand letter: Linda requested a Demand letter be sent concerning the over growth and the household trash in the back yard. She also explained that although the board voted in June to proceed with legal action regarding the chickens and the coop; she will build the case with all the violations instead of just the chickens and the coop since there has also been a boat & trailer in the front yard frequently, and the attorney does not agree with just adding addition violations to those that have already gone through the process. Glenna moved to have a Demand letter sent to 3800 Pelton for the overgrown back yard and the household trash. Derick 2nd the motion. Passed.
- 1215 34th: Yard maintenance and weed control. Glenna moved to have a Demand letter sent to 312 Sweetbriar for the yard maintenance and weed control. Becky 2nd the motion. Passed.
- 3380 Pelton: Miscellaneous household items beside the garage as well as cans. Glenna moved to have a Demand letter sent to 3380 Pelton for the miscellaneous household items beside the house and the can. Becky 2nd the motion. Passed.
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- 312 Sweetbriar: Yard maintenance and weed control. The owner, who lives in NE Portland has ignored the Demand and the Final Demand letters. Glenna moved to proceed with the attorney concerning 312 Sweetbriar for property maintenance and weed control. Becky 2nd the motion. Passed.
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- UT at 431 40th:Linda played the voice-mail dated ____ where Mr. Oliver is makes a comment repeatedly. Derick suggested a clarification letter to explain that there is no need to call constantly. Just needs to put the trailer behind his fence when he’s done using it.
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- 3595 Pelton: Linda reportedwhat she, Gene, & Russ had seen while inspecting this vacant bank owned property; the garage personnel door had been kicked in fracturing the door jam. They saw furniture in the garage, the attic steps dropped down, and the kitchen door to the garage open. Linda notified law enforcement as well as the property manager.
- Russ reminded the board that this is the property with the fence that violates city codes. He also spoke of getting in front of the city of Troutdale/Council with our issues with code violations.
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- Review of Meeting: 1.Russ moved to approve the May 2014 minutes. Becky 2nd the motion. Passed. 2.Glenna moved to have a Demand letter sent to 3800 Pelton for the overgrown back yard and the household trash. Derick 2nd the motion. Passed. 3.Glenna moved to have a Demand letter sent to 312 Sweetbriar for the yard maintenance and weed control. Becky 2nd the motion. Passed. 4. Glenna moved to have a Demand letter sent to 3380 Pelton for the miscellaneous household items beside the house and the can. Becky 2nd the motion. Passed. 5. Glenna moved to proceed with the attorney concerning 312 Sweetbriar for property maintenance and weed control. Becky 2nd the motion. Passed.
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- Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M.