Curriculum Vitae

Elīza Kušķe

Date of birth: 08.02.1985.

E-mail address:

Education and qualification


2009- / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, PhD studies
2007-2009 / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, Master’s studies / - obtained the diploma of the master in geology
2003-2007 / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography, Bachelor’s studies / - obtained the diploma of the bachelor in environmental sciences


19.07.-22.07.2010. / Certificate of attendance on seminar “Habitat of the European Union importance mapping in Lithuania”. Organized by Latvian Fund of Nature and International environmental consulting company „Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment”
Certificate on participation in doctoral school “Resources of the Earth and Its Sustainable Use”. University of Latvia.
Certificate of attendance on course “The Basics of Pedagogical Education of the Universities Lecturers/Universities Didactics" (No. 014486). University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art.
Certificate of attendance on course „Modelling of Palaeoshorelines of the Baltic Sea”. University of Tartu, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences. Tartu, Estonia.
Certificate of attendance on course „Quaternary biostratigraphy”. Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Geology. Tallinn, Estonia.
Certificate of attendance on course “Seminatural communities”. University of Tartu, doctoral school “Earth Sciences and Ecology”. Haapsalu, Estonia.

Work experience

2007. / Latvian Fund of Nature
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, project No. 2010/0264/2DP/ financially supported by ERDF “Innovation in Peat Studies for Development of New Applications”
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, Latvian Science Council Grant No. 09.1768 „Influence of geographical and geological processes on nature conditions and society in Latvia”
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia project No. 2007/ZP-29 „Impact of environmental factors on peat and their humic substances properties„ / -habitat expert
-research assistant
-laboratory assistant
- research assistant

Teaching and administrative experience


Supervision of 3 Bachelor Thesis (for the last 5 years)

Research experience

Research directions:

·  Palaeoenvironmental changes

·  Formation and development of mires and lakes

Research projects: (for the last 10 years):

·  2011.- Project No. 2010/0264/2DP/ financially supported by ERDF „Innovation in Peat Studies for Development of New Applications”. University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences (researcher)

·  2010.-2011. Latvian Science Council Grant No. 09.1768 „Influence of geographical and geological processes on nature conditions and society in Latvia” (research assistant)

·  2009.-2011. NordForsk project “LandClim 10 000” (researcher in Latvia)

·  2007. Reserch project No. 2007/ZP-29 of University of Latvia „Impact of environmental factors on peat and their humic substances properties„ (research assistant)

Most important publications:

·  Klavins, M., Silamikele, I., Nikodemus, O., Kalnina, L., Kuske, E., Radinov, V., Purmalis, O. 2009. Peat properties major and trace element accumulation in bog peat in Latvia. International Journal on Geosciences BALTICA. 22(1): 37 – 50.

·  Krūmiņš, J., Kušķe, E. 2012. Kalcija un magnija izplatības likumsakarības zemā tipa purva kūdrā/The Distribution Regularities of Calcium and Magnesium in Fen Peat Profile. Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Earth and Environmental Sciences. 785: 42-55.

·  Kuske, E., Kalnina, L., Cerina, A. 2012. Changes in vegetation composition during the development of fens in glaciodepressions of the Austrumkursa Highland, Southern Latvia. In: Peatlands in Balance. Proceedings of the14thInternational Peat congress. Sweden. pp. 1-6. Extended abstract No. 415.

Monographs and textbooks:

·  Kušķe, E., Silamiķele, I., Kalniņa, L., Kļaviņš, M. 2010. Peat formation conditions and peat properties: a study of two ombrotrophic bogs in Latvia. In: M. Klavins (ed.), Mires and Peat. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. Riga. 56–70.

·  Silamiķele, I., Nikodemus, O., Kalniņa, L., Kušķe, E., Rodinovs, V., Purmalis, O., Kļaviņš, M. 2010. Major and trace element accumulation in bog peat in Latvia. In: M. Klavins (ed.), Mires and Peat. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. Riga. 96–114.

Other publications: (reports, popular science publications etc) (for the last 5 years):

·  Kalnina, L., Cerina, A., Ozola, I., Grudzinska, I., Pujate, A., Kuske, E. 2012. Fen and raised bog Development in the areas of former Littorina sea lagoons at the Coastal Lowland of Latvia.In: Peatlands in Balance. Proceedings of the14thInternational Peat congress. Sweden. pp. 1-6. Extended abstract No. 320.

·  Stankevica, K., Rutina, L., Kuske, E., Klavins, M. 2012. A comperative study of low moor and sapropel properties. In: Peatlands in Balance. Proceedings of the14thInternational Peat congress. Sweden. pp. 1-5. Extended abstract No. 43.

·  Krumins, J., Kuske, E., Klavins, M. 2011. Major and Trace Element Accumulation in Fen Peat from Elki and Viki Mires in Western Latvia. RTU zinātniskie raksti. 1. sēr., Materiālzinātne un lietišķā ķīmija. 24. sēj.: 71-81.

·  Silamikele, I., Klavins, M., Kalnina L., Kuske, E., Nikodemus, O. 2008. The impact of environmantal factors on metal accumulation and peat properties. In: After Wise Use – The Future of Peatlands, Proceedings of the 13th International Peat Congress, 8–13 June. Volume 1. Tullamore, Ireland. International Peat Society. pp. 81 – 84.

International Conferences Organizing

·  16.05.-18.05.2011. NordForsk project “LandClim 10 000” workshop; University of Latvia, Riga (organizing group member)

·  28.08.-01.09.2011. 8th Baltic Stratigraphic Conference; University of Latvia, Riga (assistant)

·  14.09-16.09.2011. 11th Baltic Countries Peat Producers Forum, Riga (assistant)

Additional information on professional activities:

2010.- Member of Latvian Quaternary Association.
