The Minutes of the 230th meeting of the Stainton & Thornton Parish Council held in the Memorial Hall, Stainton on Tues. 13th December, 2016 at 7.15 p.m.

Present: P/Cllrs. A. Liddle (Chair), J. Holmes (Vice Chair), A. Cooper, C. Dean and B. Neale; M. Newbould (Clerk to the P/Council); Public: one.

79/16, Apologies were received from Cllrs. D. Coupe (in London) and A. Conroy (in Torquay).

80/16, Declarations of Interest – none.

81/16, Public Participation - Opportunity for members of the public to address the Council. Mr. Ron Dennison addressed the Council re the messy state of No.1, Hemlington Road. Elizabeth Green, Senior Environment Protection Officer, Middlesbrough Council had been contacted and she would write to Mr. Stephen Rose, part owner, for permission to improve the outer appearance of this private property in the centre of Stainton village and in the Conservation Area. She would then visit Stainton to inspect the site. There was no public access to the property. The Parish Council resolved to write to Mr. Stephen Rose and the Brewery as joint owner to find out their intentions. Planning permission for the property had expired in 2014. The Chair would re-contact Elizabeth Green.

82/16,The Minutes of the 229th meeting held on Tues, 11th October, 2016 were approved by the Parish Council and signed as a true record by the Chair.

83/16, Matters arising from the above Minutes including:-

(a) P/Councillor profiles for the website Cllr. D. Coupe would send his profile to the Clerk.

(b) Defibrillator and cabinet purchased and installed. Parish Councillors Jim Holmes and Chris Dean were thanked for all of their work on this item. Cllr. Holmes was appointed as the official defibrillator guardian. He would make weekly checks to make sure the equipment was always in excellent working order. It was suggested that the Memorial Hall Committee might require recompense for the use of the Hall’s electricity supply.

(c) Plaque for Maelor’s Seat at Vernon Court: The Chair would progress the plaque engraving for the seat in Maelor’s memory.

(d) Dog Fouling problems: Cllr. A. Cooper reported that the situation had recently improved. A request for wording on normal litter bins would be made to MBC saying that ordinary bins could now be used for Dog Litter also. The Parish Council would continue to monitor the situation and possibly consider enforcement.

(e) Christmas Lights “Switch-on” ceremony 2nd Dec. - report. Fifty people had attended. Musical entertainment had been provided by the Stokesley Ukulele Group. Cllr. A. Conroy had requested that thanks to Cllr. J. Holmes be recorded for his assistance in putting up the lights. The P/Council thanked Cllr. A. Conroy very much for his work on this item.

(f) Transport – funding for a village bus service. The Middlesbrough Local Plan stated that new housing developments should be provided with easy access to public transport. Cllr. D. Coupe would keep pressure on MBC to enable this. A document had been received “Connecting the Tees Valley”, i.e. connection by public transport for residents to get to shopping centres, hospitals, medical centres, dentists, hairdressers, etc.

(g) Neighbourhood Plan construction progress: list of volunteers compiled. The

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N/Plan application had been submitted to Paul Clarke, Head of Planning, MBC. A map of the parish was now awaited from MBC. A meeting would then be arranged to take place in January 2017 for the S & T Interested Volunteer Group, Parish Councillors and MBC Officers.

(h) Roads resurfacing in Stainton & Thornton – it was noted that Maltby Bank

had now been resurfaced. Cllr. D. Coupe would make sure that the outstanding S & T roads & pavements were included in the following year’s budget by MBC.

84/16,The Report of the Clerk to the Council

1) On circulation to Parish Councillors: the Clerks and Councils Direct magazine, the Local Council Review, the Bulletin (War Memorials Trust), and the CPRE magazine.

2) All NALC information, circulars, newsletters received from CLCA had been forwarded to the 7 Parish Councillors.

3) Transparency Code Funding – an application would be submitted via CLCA for £20.00 per month for the Clerk for the extra work necessary to ensure that the Parish Council was compliant with Transparency Code regulations. The Parish Council fully supported this application.

4) Two raffle books had been supplied to Mrs. Jacqui French for the Methodist Chapel and 6 books to Mr. Brian Chapman, Stainton Memorial Hall/dominoes.

5) The Financial Statement: the Balance in the Account at 13th Dec. 2016 was £4473.03, After Adding zero and After Deducting: M. Newbould – Clerk’s salary £300.96, HMRC PAYE £1.60, SLCC subscription £55.00, Baines Jewitt, RTI/PAYE £37.20, Defib Store Ltd. £1956.00, Viking Direct re office supplies £29.87, Prontaprint £57.50, E.Revett re IYN Awards £15.00, Galliford Try re Xmas Lights £555.00, J. Holmes re defibrillator £20.39, GLS Ltd. Re Electrician for defibrillator £90.00, Northumbria in Bloom entry fees £75.00, Northumbrian Water £2.16, Prontaprint re newsletters £116.66. Authorisation for all the above payments was given by the Parish Council.

85/16,Committee Reports: a) Planning Committee: Cllr. A. Liddle reported Planning Applications granted by MBC and any new applications: 14, Cedar Drive – single storey extensions at front & rear; conversion of garage to habitable room and widening of vehicle access. Stainton Grange Cleveland Police Hub – work to commence in 2016; Silk Healthcare Care Home and flats on Strait Lane – a modified plan submitted by Silk. One of the approval conditions stated that Silk must park within the confines of the site. Strait Lane was in a very dirty state with Silk vehicles parking on the grass verge. Cllr. Coupe had complained to Silk and the situation was being monitored. Upper Farm, Maltby Road, Thornton – outline application to build 3 x 5-bedroomed properties & demolition of the barn. The Chair had submitted a strong P/C letter of objection. Other P/Cllrs. had also objected. A “Looking for Sites” government circular had been sent to P/Cllrs. by the Chair. A great amount of good agricultural land in the Ward was being sold for development. Footpath No. 16: Taylor Wimpey had applied to close the footpath (Public Right of Way) temporarily for a period of 3 years during the building of 360 houses, Strait Lane, on the grounds of Health & Safety. The Chair had replied to S. Williams, Public Rights of Way Officer, MBC.

b)Environment Committee:Northumbria in Bloom Entry 2017 had been agreed and the £75.00 entry fee submitted. Committee meeting: held on 28th Oct. 2016 – Minutes circulated to Members & P/Cllrs. ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ Awards

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Ceremony on 2nd November: Mrs. E. Revett and 2 other members had attended. Letters of thanks had been sent to helpers & a reply received from Mr. Bob Small. Purchase of three Amberol barrels for Seamer Rd. and renovation of rose-beds at Thornton & Strait Lane discussed and agreed. £500 had been provided in the Community Fund by Chris Hobson. A report was given re Quotation 8862. The Thornton T-junction bed had now been dug over and roses removed but daffodil bulbs had yet to be re-planted. A reduction in the size of the T-junction rose-bed was advised + purchase of Paving slabs shrubs ; a seat would also be sourced.

c) Crime & Disorder Report – Cllr. J. Holmes reported that he had written to the Police about their non-attendance at the Community Council meetings. Cllr. D. Coupe had recently attended a Police meeting and in future monthly crime figures for the S & T Ward would be provided. The Deputy Police Constable would attend the Community Council meeting on 10th January, 2017. Cllr. B. Neale had spoken to Barry Coppinger. S & T were still entitled to Police presence at Community Council meetings. Cllr. B. Neale also reported a problem with a person at a DISC flat in Cedarwood Glade.

86/16,Friends of Stainton & Thornton Green Spaces Cllr. Alan Liddle, Chair, reported that a meeting had been held on 31st October, 2016 and gave an update re the Quarry LNR & Kell Gate Green & High Rifts field - drains would be put in where necessary and footpaths improved. Groundwork NE had advised. Maelor’s Wood carvings & sculptures; Natural Rubbings Trail/Family Treasure Hunt Day; new signage; 2 new information boards and wildflower meadow. Paul Bamber had provided a nature trail booklet of which 700 copies would be printed for local schools & Church groups. No-one at MBC had taken responsibility for a Memorial Bush planted without permission. The Chair would attend a Volunteer Group meeting on 14th Dec. 2016.

87/16,Four-Column Draft Budget Proposal and Precept - Following further discussion, it was resolved to keep the Precept at £6500 and the Environment Committee budget at £500. The Precept demand would be submitted to MBC.

88/16,Gala Day, 16th July 2017. Portaloo to be booked later by the P/Council.

89/16,CLCA meeting at Skelton on 7th December Cllrs. A. Liddle & J. Holmes, who had attended, gave a short report. The Chair of NALC was there as Speaker. 2% precept grant capping proposed by Central Government. Central Gov. was also trying to move everything back to grass roots and pushing Neighbourhood Plans. Borough Councils were receiving less & less from Central Gov. Cllr. Jim Wingham was re-elected as CLCA Chair.

90/16,Date for the next Parish Council Meeting, Tues, 14th February, 2017 at 7.15 p.m. in the Memorial Hall, Stainton

The Chair formally closed the meeting at approximately 9.25 p.m.

Accepted and agreed as a true record ...... Dated ......

M Newbould, Clerk to the Parish Council, 4 Thornton Close, Thornton, TS8 9BT E-mail: Tel: 01642 590340

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