April 2015


2 Make-up Day – School in Session

2Last day to return “Pennies for Patients” collection boxes

3-6Spring Break – No School

7PTA meeting - 7 p.m., in the Library. Childcare is provided.

8Kindergarten Registration Day 2 in AM Only, Appointment Required

8Senior Scholarship Application Deadline

13-17 Gr. 3-5 PSSA English/Language Arts

20-24 Gr. 3-5 PSSA Math

27-5/1 Gr. 4 PSSA Science


4-6Morning with Mom

4Book Fair Family Fun Night

5PTA meeting -- 7 p.m., in the Library. Childcare is provided.

NOTES from Mr. C

It appears that Spring has finally arrived!! Please know that April is another busy month at WH. Please remember that school will be in session this Thursday, April 2nd as it is a make-up day. The 3rd Marking Period officially ended on March 27 with report cards being sent home with our students in Grades K-2, and will be made available in HAC for students in Grades 3-5, after we return from Spring Break.

It is also that time of the year again for the PSSA testingwhich begins next month for all students in grades 3-5. The testing window for the English/Language Arts Assessmentwill be from April13 - April 17, the MathAssessmentwill be from April 20-24, and the 4th GradeScience Assessmentwindow will be April 27 – May 1. Good luck to all our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders as they take the PSSA assessments this year!

Just a reminder, Educational Trips cannot be approved during the PSSA testing window. Also, please note that all cell phones, smart phones, and other prohibited electronic devices are to be off and in the student’s backpack during all testing. Unapproved devices are not permitted in a testing location. It is recommended that these devices remain home during the testing days.

Please continue to share with your child how important these tests are to themselves as well as the school and the district and ask them to do their very best. Please make sure your child is well rested and eats a good breakfast prior to coming to school, especially on the testing days.

Now that Spring is here and our students are participating in all the spring extra-curricular activities, please remind your children that there is still one marking period of school left and their school work should continue to be their #1 priority.

Finally, thank you to all who participated in our magazine fundraiser and our Pennies for Patients project.



Check out West Hanover PTA on the web!!! Go to under “organizations”

Heather Wagner President 651-0724

Vice President

Kelly Horney Secretary 541-1340

Connie Billett Treasurer 583-2209

NOTES from the PTA

Our volunteers are busy planning and preparing for many fun events and programs happening this spring. If you are notalready actively involved, please consider signing up for one or more committees for the 2015-16 school year. All are welcome. You can make a positive impact in our school by sharing your time and talents. A sign-up sheet is included at the end of the newsletter. Please return the form to the office as soon as possible so that lists can be compiled by the end of the school year.

For those who want to make an even bigger difference, consider joining the PTA Executive Board. Elections for new PTA officers will be held at our regular meeting on May 5. During the month of April, the nomination committee will be seeking candidates for the office of vice president and treasurer. This year, the office of presidentwill also become vacant in July, as our current president transitions to the middle school. It’s very important that we find dedicated volunteers to fill these roles. If you or anyone you know is interested in getting more involved and serving as an officer of the PTA, please speak to one of the current officers (Heather Wagner, Kelly Horney, Connie Billet) or contact a member of the Nominating Committee (Carrie Criley, Tina Henry, Nancy Ludwig, Michelle Smith, Christine Warren).

U.S. Flags

If you have any U.S. Flags that are no longer fit to serve as a symbol of our country, please send them in to Mrs. Dunkle. She will make sure that they are properly disposed of by our local VFW.

Tabs for Labs

Reminder to save your aluminum can tabs for recycling in support of the Susquehanna Service Dogs. Mrs. Dunkle continues to collect these throughout the entire school year.

Pennies for Patients

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Pennies for Patients drive for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society 03/20-4/02/15. Donation boxes are currently being counted and we will give the final count next month. Stay Tuned!

Giant A+

This year’s Giant A+ program has come to an end. Thank you to all who designated their bonus cards to support our school. During the current school year, West Hanover earned over $2800.00.


West Hanover Elementary PTA will be awarding two $1,000 scholarships to two graduating seniors who completed at least three years at West Hanover Elementary School. Please encourage any college bound senior who meets the criteria to apply. The application form can be found on the West Hanover Website. All completed applications should be forwarded to the address listed on the application by April 8, 2015. If you need any additional assistance, please contact Melissa Van Eck .

5th Grade Committee

Attention all 5th grade parents!!!!! 5th Grade Graduation event planning has begun. Please reserve Thursday, May 21st, 4:00-9:00PM for the student class trip and Wednesday, May 27th, 7:00PM for 5th Grade Graduation ceremony. If you have questions or are interested in helping with the committee, please contact Nancy Ludwig at .

Election Day Bake and Sub Sale

The Election Day Bake and Sub Sale will be held outside of the multi-purpose room on Tuesday, May 19. The PTA will be selling Subs and Pretzel Sandwiches from R & K subs for $5 each. Look for an order form coming home in your child’s backpack. Soup, extra sandwiches and baked goods will also be sold to the public during the election. Consider stopping in to pick up lunch or dinner! If you would like to donate a baked good or help with the sale, please contact Michelle Snyder at 566-3705 or ith questions.

International Week

International Week will be held the week of May 11. This year the students will learn about Denmark. Plans are under way for fun games, crafts and delicious food! Activities will be held throughout the week.

Morning with Mom

Moms and Muffins are looking for a few good men. We're planning to host the Moms and Muffins breakfast over the 4th, 5th, and 6th of May, and we need your help! Volunteer Dads are needed for getting the muffins, fruit, and other supplies. We also need help setting up and serving all of these muffins to all of our West Hanover Moms! Any Dads interested in volunteering for this please contact Eric Zeltmann by email r by phone at (252)-916-8548. With your help we can make this a great set of mornings! Thank you!

Scholastic Book Fair

Don't miss the West Hanover BOGO book fair the week of May 4th!!All books are buy one get one free of equal or lesser value.We will open for Moms and Muffins, Family Night (Mon., May 4th), and classroom visits. This is a great time to stock up on summer reading andlook forbooks you might have missedduring the year. See you there!


Thank you to everyone who sent in their candid photos for the yearbook. We have tried to include as many as possible. The yearbook will be delivered sometime in May.

Talent Show

Missed the talent show this year? You still have an opportunity to see the acts performed by our talented students of West Hanover. A professionally filmed video by John DeVitis of JD Video Productions is available for purchase. An order form is attached at the end of the newsletter for anyone interested in purchasing a copy. You won’t be disappointed.

Happy April Birthday to our staff….

04Mrs. Manley

18Miss Wolford

20Mrs. Black

21Holly Haig

27Mrs. Sheridan

May Fair Festival 2015
/ Please join us and support your school for fun, food, games and amazing raffle items!!
  • Lots of games!
  • Inflatable obstacle course!
  • Food Trucks (yummy!)
  • Unique classroom baskets for raffle!
  • Amazing raffle prizes donated by your local businesses and community!
  • Lots of fun!

May 16, 2015, 11am-3pm at West Hanover Elementary School. We look forward to seeing you there!!!


has completed...

West Hanover's Annual

Talent Show 2015


All those interested in purchasing this

Professional Keepsake

can send this Form & Money byWednesday, April 15to

West Hanover Elementary School in an envelope marked:

"West Hanover Talent Show Video -

Attention: Tracy Murphy"

Cash or Check made out to: John DeVitis for $19.08($18 plus $1.08 tax)


"West Hanover Talent Show Video -

Attention: Tracy Murphy"

Cash or Check made out to: John DeVitis for $19.08($18 plus $1.08 tax)

______Number of Videos

______Total $ Amount enclosed

______Name of Parent(s)

______Name of Student

______Teacher & Room #

2015-2016 West Hanover PTA Committee Sign-Ups

The West Hanover PTA is seeking volunteers to serve on and chair the PTA committees for next school year. Listed on the volunteer form is a brief description of each committee and a place you can check whether you would like to serve as a member or a chairperson. More information can be found on line: Check out West Hanover PTA on the web. Go to under “organizations”. Look under “Committee Binder” for more detailed information regarding the committees.

If you are considering volunteering as a chair, please note:

1)For some committees, it is preferable for a chair to be someone who has previously served on the committee. This is signified by an asterisk (*).

2)Chairs are asked to attend a chairperson meeting in August prior to the school year to receive some additional PTA information and budgetary guidelines.

3)Chairs are required to attend PTA meetings each month (or send a committee representative in their place) to report on committee plans and activities to the general membership.

4)Committee chairs may serve up to 2 years, but sign up is required each year.

Committee Chair assignments will be made before the end of the current school year and included in the June PTA newsletter.

Please return the form to the school office.

Our PTA is so effective for our students because of fabulous parent and family member volunteers. Your time and talents are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about any of the committees or membership in general, please feel free to contact Heather Wagner, at 651-0724or by email at .

Thanks in advance for your support of the WH PTA! We look forward to working with you next school year!!

PTA Officers

2015-2016 West Hanover PTA Committees

NAME______(Please print clearly)

PHONE #______E-MAIL______(info to be listed on volunteer sheet)

Committee / Description / Chair / Member
(Check to sign up)
Art Goes to School OR Van GO! Program / Coordinates the program once a year and secures classroom volunteers, as needed.
Assemblies / Planning is done throughout the year. Researches topics for school assemblies and works with principal to choose and coordinate program dates.
Bake and Sub Sale / Coordinates the bake and sub sale held during Fall and Spring Election Days. / *
Book Fair / Coordinates the Scholastic Book Fair in Fall and Spring. / *
Consumer Rewards
Box Tops / Collects Box Tops; runs contests throughout the year to increase collections.
Campbell’s Labels / Collects labels, suggests items to purchase for school
Giant A + / Organizes card designations throughout the year to increase participation.
Directory / Compiles a list of students, by grade and class including contact information supplied by parents to be used as school directory.
Fall Fest / Plans an event of fun fall activities for grades K – 3.
Fifth Grade / Plans the end of year celebration activities (graduation ceremony and class trip) for the 5th grade class. / *
Fundraising / Coordinates major PTA fundraiser which is currently Race for Education (held alternating years). / *
Halloween / Plans an event of fun spooky activities for grades 4 and 5. / *
Holiday Workshop / Chooses a vendor and plans a shopping experience for children to purchase seasonal gifts for friends/family.
International Week / Plans a week of activities in the spring for students to experience a foreign country’s traditions and foods.
Legislation / Updates members on state & federal legislation related to children and education.
May Fair / Held the 3rd Saturday in May. Organizes games & prizes, secures volunteers, and contracts food vendors. MUST BE ABLE TO BE PRESENT AT MAY FAIR EVENT. / *
May Fair Raffle
Solicitation Sub-
committee / Procures donations for May Fair raffle. / *
See next page for additional committees
Committee / Description / Chair / Member
Membership / Promotes PTA membership during the annual membership drive and throughout the year. Collects dues and distributes membership cards.
Morning with Moms/Dads & Doughnuts / Plans breakfast at school event in the fall for Dads and a similar event in the spring for Moms.
PAC Representative / The Parents’ Advisory Committee (PAC) is a representative group of parents who discuss issues pertaining to the Central Dauphin School District. West Hanover Representative attends meetings a few times/year and reports back to the PTA.
Party/Homeroom Parents / Coordinates the sign up for homeroom parents and classroom party volunteers
Publicity / Promotes school and PTA activities throughout the community. Enters contests for PTA awards through state PTA and other venues.
Reflections / Promotes the annual National PTA arts contest in the fall, announces winners, presents awards.
Scholarship / Upholds the criteria for the scholarship given to a graduating senior who attended West Hanover Elementary. Chooses judges to review entries and select a recipient.
School Spirit / Plans family fun activities and theme days to encourage school spirit.
School Store / Oversees school store run by 5th grade students and parent volunteers. Open most mornings before school
Service Project / Coordinates school service projects (i.e. Pennies for Patients and canned food drives for the local food pantry). MiniThon falls under this committee.
Staff Appreciation / Plans activities to show thanks to teachers and staff. Provides staff with conference day luncheon2 times per year.
Talent Show / Schedules & holds rehearsals for annual talent show typically held in February.
Wildcat Spirit Wear / Organizes two spirit wear sales to encourage school spirit. Selects a vendor, logo design and items to offer.
Yearbook / Creates yearbook for WH Elementary within district guidelines, using a web based design program. Collects candid pictures from parents.

* It is preferable for the chair of some committees to be someone who has previously served on the committee.

May Fair 2015 Volunteer Sign Up Sheet

Hi Wildcat Parents!

Would you consider volunteering some of your talent, time and enthusiasm for our annual May Fair (Saturday, May 16th)?

We are asking for 1, 2 or 4 hour intervals.

Please complete the information below and send it to the school with your child by Thursday, May 7th or email . We will get back to you to confirm your hours and area that you are assigned to!

Please sign in with Lori Fahringeror Melissa Leonard when you arrive at the school to volunteer. We will be located by the lower entrance doorways of the school. If you have a conflict the day of the Mayfair and will not be able to volunteer your time, please text message Melissa at 480-0098.

Thank you so very much!!


Lori Fahringer and Melissa Leonard, May Fair Committee 2015



Email address and/or phone number______

I have an interest in:

  1. Set up 9am to 11am____
  2. Clean up 3pm to 5pm___
  3. Working/running one of the game, prize or ticket tables.

Time intervals:

11am to 1pm____

1pm to 3pm____

11am to 3pm____

A 1 hour block of time______