Spanish I Lesson Plans

Monday, March 10, 2014

Finish Power Point of Family album.

Drawing for order of family presentations. Share scoring guide with students.

Students finish family tree poster, identity paragraphs, and practice memorizing/reading smoothly for presentations on Tuesday, March 11. Make sure that students put each family member’s name under the photo on the Power Point, so that students can copy the names.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Begin Family Presentations

In order of drawing. Students take notes on handout for entrada points.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

No entrada

Continue family presentations. Students take noteson handout for entrada points.

Extra Credit family tree posters due today.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Inform students about Chapter 5 writing evaluation for Friday, March 14.

Do scaffolding activities for writing practice.

Chapter 5 Final Writing Evaluation About Family

40 points

Vamos a escribir: Write a l20 word letter in Spanish about your family to a new pen pal in a Spanish-speaking country. You may write about your “class family” or your real family.

  • Introduce yourself
  • Make a general statement about your family, it is large / small / social / quiet / crazy / etc.
  • Give family members’ names
  • Tell family members’ ages
  • Describe physical characteristics of family members
  • Describe personality traits of family members
  • Ask one or two questions about the pen pal’s family
  • Include a closing
  • Include a word count

You may use one notecard with names, vocabulary, etc. The letter & your notecard are due at the end of class. The letter will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Addresses the prompt- letter in Spanish about family
  • Meets 120 word minimum
  • Accuracy of Spelling
  • Correct forms of verbs ser, tener
  • Correct forms of adjectives, masculine, feminine, singular, plural

Introduce “All Spanish Day,” one day a week for the rest of the year.

  • Students must speak all Spanish on NO INGLÉS, VIERNES (No English Fridays)
  • Students may use the “cheat sheet”
  • Students will complete & hand in a self evaluation sheet during the last 5 minutes of the period.
  • Students hand in recommendations for the “cheat sheet”

Friday, March 14, 2014

Family Writing Assessment, see above.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Entrada: Review Questions

  1. ¿Cómo te llamas?
  2. ¿Cómo eres? (give physical characteristics)
  3. ¿Que te gusta hacer en el verano?
  4. ¿Qué te gusta comer en la cena?

What should you be able to do in Spanish by the end of Chapter 6? Read the objectives on p. 181.

Begin Chapter 6:

Read the Paso Cultural with students, also on p. 183

Photos of shopping on pp. 182-83. Read and comment together.

Introduce/ Review the vocabulary on pp. 184-85.

Students fill in flashitas.

Next introduce the vocab in the blue box: También necesitas p. 185. Students fill in flashitas.

Practice with colors / clothing items in classroom.

Homework: Finish flashitas, color and add a price; study vocabulary.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Period 1: extended period due to HSPE

Review Activities.

Period 5:

Entrada: finish coloring flashitas, and cut out. Then study with a partner.

Use my flashitas screen, ask ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)? about clothing articles with the whole class.

Study flashitas. Play Remate Rápido game with flashitas, or apunta + clothing. Add color. Student who shows me the correct item in the color that I called earns a dulce. Partner practice: ¿Cuánto cuesta ….? ¿De qué color es? Students use their own flashitas to create conversation.

Homework/Tarea: Workbook p. 64

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Period 1:

Entrada: finish coloring flashitas, and cut out. Then study with a partner.

Use my flashitas screen, ask ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)? about clothing articles with the whole class.

Study flashitas. Play Remate Rápido game with flashitas, or apunta + clothing. Add color. Student who shows me the correct item in the color that I called earns a dulce. Partner practice: ¿Cuánto cuesta ….? ¿De qué color es? Students use their own flashitas to create conversation.

Homework/Tarea: Workbook p. 64

Period 5:

Entrada: In Spanish write down three clothing items you are wearing today. Example: Llevo una camiseta blanca. Make one statement false. Now read the read the statements to a partner. Can your partner figure out which statement is false?

Check homework.

Ch 6 Clothing Practice: listening. Students complete on entrada sheet.

¿Cuánto cuesta…? Practice with flashcards.

With desk partners, students to do activities 1, 2 on p. 187. Notice “cuesta” for singular items = how much does it cost, as compared to “cuestan” for plural items =how much do they cost.

Tarea: Workbook, p. 65

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Period 1:

Entrada: In Spanish write down three clothing items you are wearing today. Example: Llevo una camiseta blanca. Make one statement false. Now read the read the statements to a partner. Can your partner figure out which statement is false?

Check homework.

Ch 6 Clothing Practice: listening. Students complete on entrada sheet.

¿Cuánto cuesta…? Practice with flashcards.

With desk partners, students to do activities 1, 2 on p. 187. Notice “cuesta” for singular items = how much does it cost, as compared to “cuestan” for plural items =how much do they cost.

Tarea: Workbook, p. 65

Period 5: Review Activities.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Entrada: ¿Qué ropa? (handout that I made) partner activity your desk partner.

Check homework.

Watch Moo video of shopping in Mexico. Student list items that American shopper tries on or buys. Students list the purchases on their entrada papers.

Turn in entrada papers.

Partner practice: communicative handout (pp. 43-44) with desk partner. This activity reviews clothing vocabulary. Homework is on back.

Homework: Handout, Crossword (p. 35, writing workbook)

Monday, March 24, 2014

Entrada: You just received a $125 gift card to buy clothes. You can’t use it for any other type of merchandise. Describe the items of clothing you want to buy, including colors and approximate price.

Modelo: Voy a comprar jeans verdes por cuarenta dólares en Hollister. También voy a comprar una sudadera blanca por treinta y dos dólares en American Eagle. En Target, voy a comprar tres camisetas (negra, azul y roja) por cuarenta y cinco dólares. Etc.

Check homework.

Review physical characteristics with photos of people to prepare for activity below.

Drawing activity: you have been asked to draw the three suspects accused of robbing the Burger King on Yelm Hwy. The only witnesses were a group of tourists from Spain. They gave the following descriptions to the police, but had to return to Spain, since their vacation was over. Here are the three descriptions each of the three tourists gave.

  1. Es un muchacho alto con pelo rubio. Tiene ojos verdes. Lleva una camiseta negra y una chaqueta anaranjada. También lleva los jeans y los tenis blancos y verdes.
  2. Es un muchacho pelirrojo. No es alto, no es bajo. Tiene los ojos azules. Lleva una chaqueta amarilla y una camiseta azul. También lleva pantalones negros y zapatos blancos y negros.
  3. Es una muchacha alta con pelo rubio. Tiene ojos azules. Lleva una chaqueta rosada y una camiseta morrada. También lleva una falda negra y los tenis blancos y azules.

Judge drawings: most accurate, most artistic, most creative. 5 points extra for each winner.

Homework / Tarea: : Handout w/ 3 questions (similar to #’s 6, 7, 9 on p. 188 in text.) Write out answers in complete sentences. Also: study for vocabulary quiz on Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

No entrada: check homework. Study for quiz.

Check homework.

Quiz: clothing.

Introduce vocabulary on pp. 190-191: shopping.