Your name: ______
Class Period: _____
Edmodo Setup Instructions
Directions; Once you are in Edmodo, complete the following and check these off as you complete each step. Turn this in when you are finished. It is worth 16 points (2 pts per blank.)
____Add a photo/custom icon to your profile(by clicking on the icon in the top right corner, then Settings. Make sure you have an email listed and add any additional information you think the class might like.
____ Next click on the left side pane in Settings on “Email and Text Updates”. To set your email or cell phone up to receive ALERTSfor notes and posts, click the drop down arrow under “Update Type” and choose email or phone. Then select Alerts, Notes, and Direct Messages. You can also check “Replies” if you want replies from other students to go to your email or phone. You will need your cell phone to verify you are getting the alerts. Click SAVE UPDATES when finished.
_____Go to our class group you joined (you can always click on the “home” button in the top left of your screen if you get lost). Answer the “Poll”!
_____ Next, click on Folders in our group. You should see several folders with class notes (American History classes) or helpful resources. Open these folders and browse what is available to you. If you have an IEP that requires printed class notes, PLEASE let me know via a direct message to me in EdmodoNOW so I can make sure to print these for you at the start of each new unit. DO NOT PRINT THESE YOURSELF NOW…save a tree or ten.
____Start using Edmodo for Social Networking and helping out your peers! To post something to a group or individual, type your note at the top, then type the group name or individual student name and send something! Take time NOW to introduce yourself to your class online and post something POSITIVE or INFORMATIVEon the edmodo wall.Maybe post of video or web link if you want to share something with the class. (I love videos of ya’ll in your sports or other extra curricular activities!)I do approve posts first,so let's all becoherentladies and gentlemen, right? :)
When you are comfortable with Edmodo, sign the statement below and raise your hand to turn this to me. Then, go back to your Webquest online and move on to the next step…
I have completed all the above steps (your signature) ______
Your printed name ______
For alerts I chose: (check one) ______email only ______text messages ______both