AAUS Scientific Diving History and Regulation

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True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

1. AAUS Standards state a scientific diver certification can be revoked or restricted for cause by the Organizational Member DSO or DCB.

Correct / Choice
X / True

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

2. AAUS Standards states: "The decision to dive is that of the diver. A diver may refuse to dive, without fear of penalty, whenever they feel it is unsafe for them to make the dive."

Correct / Choice
X / True

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

3. The ultimate responsibility for safe diving procedures rests with the ______.

Correct / Choice
Lead Diver
X / Individual Diver

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

Multiple Response, 10 points, 2 attempt(s) permitted.

4. Select all of the topics included in AAUS Volume 2 Standards.

Correct / Choice
X / Nitrox
X / Aquarium Diving Operations
X / Staged Decompression
X / Saturation
X / Surface Supplied
X / Rebreathers
X / Mixed Gas

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

5. OSHA exempted scientific diving from commercial diving regulations in ____. The exemption can be found in ______of the OSHA regulations.

Correct / Choice
X / 1982 / 29CFR Part 1910, Subpart T
1987 / 29CFR Part 1910, Subpart T
1975 / 29CFR Part 1910, Subpart T
1990 / 40CFR Part 1460, Subpart T

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

Multiple Response, 10 points, 2 attempt(s) permitted.

6. Select all Scientific Diver Certification requirements specified by AAUS Standards. There are a minimum of four correct answers.

Correct / Choice
X / Requires a medical examination
X / Requires a swim test
X / Requires theoretical and practical training for a cumulative minimum of 100 hours
Requires a minimum of 24 dives be logged during any 12-month period
X / Includes depth certification requirements
Requires training in specialized breathing gases

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

7. Aside from any major injury or illness, or any condition requiring hospitalization; AAUS Standards state the required interval for a diving medical examination is every 5 years for all scientific divers.

Correct / Choice
X / False

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

8. In addition to medical and minimum number of dives to be logged annually, AAUS standards state holders of a scientific diver certification must also maintain current certification in first aid, CPR, and oxygen administration for their certification be current.

Correct / Choice
X / True

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

9. AAUS Standards state: "A scientific diver may not deviate from the requirements of the Diving Safety Manual."

Correct / Choice
X / False

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

10. AAUS standards allow a diver wearing a drysuit to forego wearing a BCD.

Correct / Choice
X / False

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

11. A major factor in obtaining the scientific diving exemption was the low accident/incident rate documented within the scientific diving community.

Correct / Choice
X / True

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

Matching Drag and Drop, 10 points, 2 attempt(s) permitted.

12. Match the statement with the correct AAUS topic.

Choice / Match
Historic Slogan / Dedicated to the advancement and practice of scientific diving.
Mission Statement / To facilitate the development of safe and productive scientific divers through education, research, advocacy, and the advancement of standards for scientific diving practices, certifications, and operations.
Purposes and Goals / Develop, review and revise standards; collect, review and distribute statistics; conduct symposia and workshops; represent the scientific diving interests of the membership before other organizations and government agencies; and fund research, education and development of safe scientific diving programs and practices.

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

13. AAUS standards provide information on minimum equipment configuration that you need to be aware of and apply. For example: Assuming each item attached to a regulator first stage has its own hose and port (no combination items such as an octopus/inflator), what is the minimum number of ports necessary for a first stage supporting a diver wearing a drysuit? (One cylinder, one first stage, account for all regulator items specified in AAUS standards)

Correct / Choice / Feedback
3 / Incorrect, the correct number is 5; a primary 2nd stage, an octopus regulator; a cylinder pressure gauge, a BCD inflator, and a hose to feed the drysuit.
4 / Incorrect, the correct number is 5; a primary 2nd stage, an octopus regulator; a cylinder pressure gauge, a BCD inflator, and a hose to feed the drysuit.
X / 5 / Correct
6 / Incorrect, the correct number is 5; a primary 2nd stage, an octopus regulator; a cylinder pressure gauge, a BCD inflator, and a hose to feed the drysuit.

Multiple Response, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

14. Select all that apply to the operational control of a Diving Control Board. There are at least four correct answers.

Correct / Choice
X / Has autonomous and absolute authority over the scientific diving program's operation.
Has operational responsibility for the conduct of the local diving program.
X / Shall establish and/or approve training programs through which the applicants for certification can satisfy the requirements of the organizational member's diving safety manual.
Shall be at the dive location during the diving operation.
X / Shall assure adherence to the buddy system for scuba diving.
X / Empowers and guides the Diving Safety Officer in the performance of required duties.

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

15. The fight to obtain a scientific diving exemption began in 1975 as a result of a petition filed with OSHA by the ______.

Correct / Choice
X / United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
Association of Dive Contractors (ADC)
United Auto Workers
American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS)

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

16. Unlike scientific diving, recreational diving is required by law to adhere to the buddy system for scuba diving.

Correct / Choice
X / False

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

Multiple Response, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

17. Select all the true statements applying to Scientific Diving and the exemption to OSHA Commercial Diving regulations. There are at least four correct answers.

Correct / Choice
X / diving performed solely as a necessary part of a scientific, research, or educational activity by employees whose sole purpose for diving is to perform scientific research tasks.
is exempt from commercial diving standards as long as the dives are under the supervision of a Diving Safety Officer.
X / must be under the direction and control of a diving program with a diving manual, and a Diving Control Board.
X / the tasks of a scientific diver are those of an observer and data gatherer.
construction and trouble-shooting tasks traditionally associated with commercial diving are included within scientific diving.
X / scientific divers are scientists or scientists-in-training.
only members of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) can qualify for the scientific diving exemption.

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

18. One of the requirements for meeting the scientific diving exemption to OSHA commercial diving regulations is that the majority of members of an organization's Diving Control Board must be active scientific divers.

Correct / Choice
X / True

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

Multiple Choice, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

19. Which of the following individuals is required to be present at the scientific dive site?

Correct / Choice
the DSO
a member of the DCB
X / the Lead Diver
a Diving Medical Technician (DMT)/Chamber Operator

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect

True/False, 10 points, 1 attempt(s) permitted.

20. AAUS Standards state: "Under all circumstances, a diver will terminate the dive, without fear of penalty, whenever they feel it is unsafe to continue the dive."

Correct / Choice
X / False

Feedback when correct: Correct

Feedback when incorrect: Incorrect