List of Co-Principal Investigator’s Eligibility Criteria

Each proposal must involve a demonstrable collaboration between 3 to 5 co-Principal Investigators; at least, one of whom is a basic scientist from BMRC and one a clinical scientist from a non-A*STAR public sector entity. All must be independent investigators with strong track records of peer reviewed research publications and grant support. They must fulfill the following:

The Clinical co-PI(s) must:

  1. Be a registered medical practitioner[1] in Singapore
  2. Be primarily employed by a local publicly funded restructured hospital, national specialty centre, medical school
  3. Have a demonstrable track record of independent research as evidenced by the award of peered reviewed research funding within the past 3 years
  4. Have a laboratory or clinical research program that carries out research in Singapore
  5. Reside in Singapore for at least 9months in a year

The Basic Science co-PI(s) must:

  1. Possess a minimum academic qualification of a PhD
  2. Must be an independent PI[2] with demonstrable track record and runs a laboratory in BMRC or non-A*STAR entity.
  3. Have a demonstrable track record of independent research as evidenced by the award of peered reviewed research funding and/or publications in within the past 3 years
  4. Reside in Singapore for at least 9 months in a year.

In addition, the co-PI in the restructured hospital may be considered for EOM funding if he fulfils the following conditions:

  1. Employed by a public sector restructured hospital or disease centre but is not salaried for his clinical services.
  2. Secure a joint appointment at a BMRC Research Institute.
  3. Spend at least 30% time of his time on this project.
  4. EOM will be funded proportionate to the amount of time spent on this project or up to $100k/year; whichever is lower.

Researchers from overseas institutions and private biotechnology companies can participate as collaborators. However, the terms of collaboration with overseas research institutions and private biotechnology companies must conform to both Councils’ prevailing policies.

[1] As defined under the Medical Registration Act.

[2] He must be at least an Assistant PI, equivalent to an Instructor. Research Fellows or scientists will not qualify.