
Reform Project: Honors

Reform in America

Task: Your task is to analyze a reform movement from the 1800s and one from today. Your final project is going to be posted into your wikispace on a new page titled: Reform. Though you will have multiple requirements for this project, it is expected that you be CREATIVE and use web tools, graphics, fonts, and interactive materials to make your project stand out! The following is a list of the requirements for the final project:

Requirement / Explanation/Helpful Hints
One Page (double Spaced) Biography of Reform Era Important Figure (early to mid-1800s) with Photo / DO NOT plagiarize! This needs to be done IN YOUR OWN WORDS!
Try and for info!
Concept Event Map (who/what/when/where/why)for ONE 1800s reform movement / Think about exploring a Web 2.O tool for this part (animoto, glogster, sliderocket, etc.) Ask me for suggestions…
Check the textbook for ideas on which movement to choose!
One page summary/explanationof how that reform movement changed America (double spaced) and whether or not you think it was successful. / Include both positive and negative affects!
Think about the goals of the movement….Did it reach its goals?
One Page (double spaced) Biography of an Important Reformer from TODAY
(1980s-present) / Look @ CNN Heroes website and PBS New Heroes website for inspiration!
A Marked up News Article that illustrates a reform movement that has happened in the last 10 years w/ a 5-7 sentence summary of the movement. / Use Microsoft Word or try
Sources: CNN, NY Times, PBS, etc…
One page explanation of how your current events reform movement has changed America AND whether or not you think it has been successful. / Include both positive and negative affects!
Think about the goals of the movement….Did it reach its goals?
What is still left to do?
Works Cited: A Works Cited Page of AT LEAST 5 sources that you used to gather and analyze information…Properly Cited! /