Organisations supporting the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
November 2017

Name of document1

Organisation / How they can support you / Contact details
Association for Children with Disability (ACD) / ACD supports parents, families and carers of children with a disability so they have the necessary information, support and confidence to successfully transition to the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 9880 7000 or
1800 654 013 (rural callers)
Website: ACD
Email: ACD Support <>
AMAZE / AMAZE helps toidentify and work with peer-support groups of people with autism to build their capacity to engage with the NDIS whilst developing skills and confidence to participate in the community. / Phone: 1300 308 699
Website:AMAZE <
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) / AFDO aims to increase people’s understanding of the NDIS and boost their confidence in accessing the scheme. / Phone: (03) 9662 3324 or
1800 219 969 (freecall)
Website:AFDO <
Australian Services Union (ASU) / ASU provides assistance for people who work in psychosocial mental health community services with the transition to the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 9342 3400
Website: ASU

Carers Victoria / Carers Victoria providesextended personalised support to carers who are assisting someone to transition to the NDIS through their NDIS Carer Advisory service and online resources. / Phone: 1800 242 636 (freecall)
Website: Carers Victoria
Community Lifestyles Accommodation (CLA) / CLA provides NDIS transition support for families and carers on the Mornington Peninsula. / Phone: 0423 356 878
Website: Community Lifestyle Accommodation <
Early Childhood Intervention Australia Victoria/Tasmania Limited (ECIA) / ECIA provides a range of resources and information events to support the Victorian Early Childhood Intervention services transition to the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 8559 2620
Website: ECIAVIC <
Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV) / ECCV provides support for people with a disability, their families and carers from culturally and linguistically diverse communities to be informed about the NDIS and how to access it. / Phone: (03) 9354 9555
Health and Community Services Union (HACSU) / HACSU is supporting the Victorian disability workforce as they transition to the NDIS. / Phone: 1300 651 931
Website: HACSU <
Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) / MAV delivers information and resources to local councils to support the transition to the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 9667 5555
Website: MAV <
National Disability Services (NDS) / NDS provides a range of supports to disability service providers and workforce to transition to the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 8341 4300
Website: NDS <
Self-Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU) / SARU works to strengthen self-advocacy groups and networks and increase engagement with the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 9639 6856
Solve Disability Solutions / Solve supports people with disability, their families and carers to choose assistive technology and ensure equipment needs are considered in planning. / Phone: 1300 663 243
Tandem Carers / Tandem Carers delivers NDIS information and helps with capacity building for carers of people with psychosocial disability. / Phone: (03) 8803 5555
Website:Tandem Carers<
Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) / VACCHO supports members of the Victorian Aboriginal community-controlled organisations (ACCOs) to better engage with the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 9411 9411
Website: VACCHO <
Email: Enquires <
Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability (VALID) / VALID provides NDIS related informationand support for getting ready for planning and navigating the system, especially for people with a disability, their family and carersin complex circumstances. / Phone: (03) 9416 4003
Victorian Healthcare Association (VHA) / VHA provides information and resources to public health and residential aged care providers to assist them to transition to the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 9094 7777
Website: <
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC) / VMIAC provides peer support, information and resources to assist people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition to get ready for the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 9380 3900
Website: VMIAC<
VICSERV (Psychiatric Disability Services of Victoria) / VICSERV supports mental health organisations and their workforce by providing learning opportunities, information and resources to prepare for the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 9519 7000
Website: VICSERV <
Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) / WDV offerssupport to inform and empower women with a disability during transition to the NDIS. / Phone: (03) 9286 7800
Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) / YDAS provides information for young people with disability, their families and other supporters about the NDIS and how to get the most out of it. / Phone: (03) 9267 3709
Young People in Nursing Homes National Alliance (YPINH) / YPINH offers specialist advice, assistance and information to assist people with disability and complex health needs who are transitioning to the NDIS. / Website:Young People in Nursing Homes National Alliance

To receive this publication in an accessible format phone 03 9096 5474, using the National Relay Service 13 36 77 if required, or email NDIS

Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Australia, Department of Health and Human Services, September 2017.
Available at NDIS Victoria

Organisations that can support your transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)1