The Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish Building and Equipment Maintenance Ministry inspects, ascertains the needs for upkeep, repairs, renewals and/or changes for all parish plant facilities. This ministry incorporates the Safety Ministry and the Carbon Footprint Ministry within its responsibilities.



CALLED TO ORDER BY Jerry Lucha, Chair at 9:30 a.m.



Jerry LuchaJim McLaughlinPaul Titterton

Mario VeloroChuck TullyHelen Baumann

Katia ReevesFather Matt, Pastor


Ms. Judy Foley


“Almighty God and Father, as we sit here to deliberate on vital issues that relates to building and maintenance of our parish facilities, always guide us and give us a clear mind to realize what is necessary and beneficial to the needs of the Parish and its parishioners as a whole. Let us understand fully our stewardship role and listen carefully and attentively to the views and wants of the users of these facilities and future structures to be built, while at the same time, protects us from the traps and pitfalls of frivolities that may be presented before us. Fortify us so that we may render sound decisions and fair judgment when confronted with difficult situations. Let us always be reminded that these properties we are trying to conserve are from the generosity and charity of fellow parishioners, past and present, who placed their trust in us to administer properly and who trust we should not betray. Let us also always keep in mind the primary concern of safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of their occupants, whether transient or permanent. Guide us always to be able to achieve the right and conscientious performance expected of us that at the end, our individual, impartial and unselfish offerings will reap the reward of your abundant blessing.” Amen!

Note: After this was read and discussed, the ministry agreed to have this read at our next meetings, as it clearly depicts what our ministry is all about.


It was agreed to move our Guest presentation from Ms. Judy Foley to the top of the agenda. Topic is an update on the Renovation of STA Church Interior.

There being no other additions or deletions to the agenda it was approved by voice vote.


Discussion of the Draft copy of the October Minutes resulted in minor changes. They are:

  1. Bottom of Page 5, Paragraph beginning with “Mario moved” and that entire paragraph was reworded. However, the Motion was tabled so that additional information could be obtained before next meeting.
  2. Top of Page 6, Change $38.00 to read $3800.00. Also change the Termite Work to read Termite Inspection in that paragraph.

The amended minutes were approved as corrected by voice vote.


Ms. Judy Foley, Chair of the STA Interior Remodeling Committee, provided a handout on the status of the Interior Project to date. (Copy included with these minutes). Included in discussions were thoughts about including a Bathroom in the remodeled Sacristy and the consideration of a Fire Sprinkler System for the church. The group will meet again with Father Chris Bennett of the Diocese of SJ, scheduled for 12-15-11. They will be reviewing their progress.

Ms. Helen Baumann asked if Judy could provide a PDF copy of her report for the minutes. She indicated that she would do that. (Copy not received at this time)

Discussion regarding an “interior design agreement” which is or has been agreed to and the estimated cost between $10,000 and $15,000. Not to exceed $14,000 was mentioned.

A copy of this agreement was to be provided to this committee.

A question was asked about the length of time the church would be unavailable for services? This answer will be needed to inform all schedulers at that location. Judy indicated that the committee was attempting to get this information, which will be provided to Ms. Nora Lundin for scheduling purposes.

The Ministry asked Ms. Foley to keep this group up to date on this project and return whenever she has more information on the projects status.


Jim McLaughlin, the representative of this ministry to the PSC provided copies of the brief notes written by the Chair of the PSC, Ms. Kay Williams, reporting on what was discussed. Jim further pointed out key areas in this document that members should be aware of in this report. They were:

  1. Mr. Lucha and McLaughlin advised the PSC that they were “dismayed” at the comments made to the PSC that the 3rd apartment in the Thomas House would not be rented out, but used for STA Activity Storage. (i.e. storage of musical instruments, potential offices for related church activities in the community etc.) The minutes included a statement that the STA Site Committee is preparing a proposal for the use of this 3rd apartment as an alternative to renting it as previously agreed to.
  1. Under New Business, President Kay announced the Annual PSC Ministries Retreat will be May 19th, and that all ministries are invited to attend. Additionally, she pointed out that there were several PSC representatives, including her, which will be “Termed Out” soon. New Ministry representatives are to be officially appointed at the March 2012 PSC meeting.
  1. Jim pointed out that his term as the PSC Representative from this Ministry is one that will be termed out and in need of a replacement by March 2012.

NOTE: Complete PSC minutes are provided on the parish website and are more inclusive than the selected information taken from the meeting and presented here.

Website: .


Regarding the previous discussion concerning the Thomas House,

Father Matt suggested that the STA Site Committee should be placed on the agenda for this Ministries next meeting and be prepared to discuss it before

it is submitted to the Finance Ministry for consideration. The reasoning is that the use of Parish Buildings comes under the Building and Equipment Maintenance Ministry, which will forward the results and recommendation to the Finance Ministry.

There were no other comments or suggestions at this time.


  1. Prioritize projects or add/delete items.

Chuck Tully reported:

  • Updated Capitol Plan Priority Listing Sheet.

Discussion followed with several priorities changed from the original report. (Copy of report included here in)

OLR Hall’s Movable Wall moved from “Must Have” to the ”Needs” list., with the estimated cost of $10,000; and

OLR Kitchen Stove replacement added to the “Must Have” list with an estimated cost of approximately $2000.00; According to the Carbon Footprint Committee, the existing stove, with gas burners operating 24-7, costs the Parish $1000 to $2000 each year. It has proven that the existing stove cannot be adjusted to electronic burner ignition. Therefore, the expenditure of replacing the existing stove will be with 2 smaller, but commercial models, with electronic ignition.

SAG replacement of the Audio System, moved from a “Needs” list to the “Must Have” list, with an estimated cost of $10,000.

Explanation of listings.

Must Haves: (Immediate Safety & Health = Highest Priority List)

Needs: (Prevention Items, Needed Maint. Items, =

Next Highest Priority

Wants: (Nice to have, Regular Maintenance = Lowest Priority)

Motion by Jim McLaughlin, Second by Paul Titterton to approve the amended listing. Motion carried by voice vote.

  1. Dermody Center Action Items, Spreadsheet –Jerry
  2. Jerry presented a copy of the Dermody Youth Center Maintenance and Refurbishment Tasks list for discussion. This listing is the result of the Dermody Center Project group, a subcommittee of this Ministry. (a copy is included with these minutes)

Discussion of the listings resulted in the relocation of Double Pane Chapel Windows from Priority 1 Action Items to Priority 3 Action Items.

Rationale was that although the Termite people recommended the replacement of single pane windows with double pane, it was thought to be non-essential in preventing dry rot and/or termite infestation.

The Dermody Center Project Team provided an Action Item Spreadsheet, listing the work and estimated costs for each item required to be completed at the Dermody House, due to the evaluation during the Termite Inspections. This was color coded to represent Priorities and costs within each priority. (Copy provided with minutes)

The issue of the kitchen in the house was also discussed. Costs to make two kitchens, one for Father Hester and one for other users are considerable. Estimates appear to be around $ 20,000.00. Currently, Father Matt has described the kitchen as Father Hester’s.

  1. The Homer House was also discussed. Sidewalk repairs, as noted on the attached spread sheet was explained by Chuck. Helen also suggested that Chuck Tully have additional rock installed on the Homer House Driveway and Parking areas. No further action taken at this time.

Chair moved that the amended listing be approved and forwarded to the Finance Ministry. Second by Jim McLaughlin. Motion passed by voice vote.


  1. Energy Analysis presented by Katia Reeves. (Copy provided herein)
  • We as a parish are moving in the right direction. Color coded graphs are part of the report and show and compare usage over the last 3 years. Congratulations are in order, and continued efforts are recommended.
  • Closing exterior doors during masses and other activities has shown a significant improvement in the cost for electricity and gas. The Green Ministry and Carbon Footprint subgroup is currently looking at Solar Energy for our buildings as another way to save energy costs. More to follow on this effort.
  1. Tree Policy was discussed. Essentially, the agreement made in this Ministry regarding replacing trees with two new ones for every one we removed. Question asked, where is this Policy? How will others in the parish know about it? Agreement was that this should be placed in the parish information booklet, so it applies to all sites and ministries.
  • Katia advised the group that the Green Committee has had a survey conducted by the local group “Canopy”, showing where all our trees are located, the type of tree, etc., which can be useful in deciding where we need to place new trees.

It was pointed out that there is a continuing need and desire to plant new palm trees, so that the branches can be used on Palm Sunday during the year. Several have already been planted, but additional are needed.

  1. Building and Equipment Maintenance Ministry Representative to the PSC was discussed. The Chair pointed out that our Representative; Jim McLaughlin, will be termed out effective March of 2012. Therefore we need a new representative. This will be scheduled again at the next Ministry meeting. The Chair desires to elect one of our members to this post by February 2012.


No report at this time.


Katia Reeves volunteered


January 25, 2012, @ Pastoral Center at 9:30 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 12 Noon

Draft Minutes submitted by:

James H. McLaughlin

Secretary Pro-tem



The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held at the Dermody Center on November 30th at 9:30 a.m.


Draft minutes respectfully submitted for review:

James H. McLaughlin

Acting Secretary and PSC Representative