ClassZone Exploration Name:

For your Biology class you will often use the online resources that accompany your textbook. Whether it is assigned or not, there are many great activities to support you in the class. To help you get familiar with the website follow the following instructions.

Go to the following web address:

1.  Q1 -List the names of the nine areas in ClassZone. Look at the description for each section.

2.  Click on the link for Animated Biology. Notice that the animations showing are all for Unit 1 in your book (chapters 1 and 2). You can navigate to different units using the bars on the left of the screen.Choose one of the Chapter 1 Animations and step through it. Be sure to turn on your sound! Q2 - Write a 2-3 sentence summary of what the animation taught you.

3.  Click on the Interactive Review tab at the top of the page, then click on the “Interactive Review” Link. (note: it should open into a new browser window!). Explore the six sections in this area of ClassZone. Q3 - Which two activities look the most helpful to you and why?

4.  Go back to the first browser window and click on Activities. Q4 - What four resources are available in the Activities section?

5.  Click on Audio Downloads. Choose one of the three options to listen to or download. Make sure that you are able to open it and hear it on your computer. Notice that the file type is ‘.mov’. It can be heard using quicktime. In order for the download to work, the entire file needs to be loaded. Then choose the ‘save as quicktime movie’ option. You may want to experiment with putting the file into your ipod. Q5 – Were you able to complete this step? Do you think this feature will be helpful to you?

6.  Go back to the previous screen. Click on the Labs tab at the top of the page. Q6 - What are the two options in the Labs area?

7.  Go back to the first browser window. Click on the Assessments tab at the top of the page. Take the Section 1.1 Quiz, submit your answers, and then record your score HERE: Q7______

8.  Click on the Research Center tab at the top of the page. Q8 - In what way might the Research Center in ClassZone be useful?

9.  Go back to the first browser window, the ClassZone Home page. Select the Biozine option in the middle of the page. Q9 - Use 2-3 sentences to describe what Biozine is and some of its features.

10.  Find the picture of the state of California on the upper left hand side of the page. Next to it is a drop down menu that says ‘chapter home’. Use the menu to go to Chapter 1: Biology in the 21st Century. Q10 - How is this page different from the last one?

11.  Go back to the home page using the link in the upper left hand corner that says “<home page”. Q11 - Of all of the resources on this site, which two do you think will be the most useful to you?