Data Link Training Videos can be found on TSS:

Data Link Videos for Teachers
Prerequisite / Video and Objectives / Duration
TSS login / Overview
As a result of viewing this video, participants will be able to:
  • Log-in and navigate My Schoolnet (homepage)
  • Learn how to drill down into Standardized Tests, Benchmarks, Classroom Tests and access key reports
  • Access the results of formative assessments and disaggregate data by Item Analysis, Skills Analysis, and Standards Mastery to assess and inform your instructions
  • Understand the application of filters to focus on specific areas of performance
  • Understand the components of the Student Profile for examining current students Find options for Student Performance, Student Groups, Lesson Planner and Instructional Materials
  • Compare class performance with other sections in the school, network and district
  • Access the assessment dashboard, create a test, print answer sheets, view and score responses, and track completion rates
  • Access online help and online manual
/ 7:57
Overview video / Overview Training – Assessment
As a result of passing this assessment with a score of 80% or better, participants will be able to:
  • Access the Creating Assessments video and related assessment
  • Attend Data Link Beginner Work Session
  • Attend Data Link Intermediate Work Session
/ 5 questions
Overview Training – Assessment score of 80% or better / Creating Assessments
As a result of viewing this video, participants will be able to:
  • Create and customize an Express Test
  • Download the created test, answer key, and cover sheet
  • Change default score groups by overriding the default cut scores and schedule the online test
/ 6:31
Creating Assessments video / Creating Online Assessments – Assessment
As a result of passing this assessment with a score of 80% or better, participants will be able to:
  • Attend Data Link Beginner Work session
  • Attend Data Link Manual Test Work session
/ 5 questions
Data Link Videos for Teachers
Prerequisite / Video and Objectives / Duration
Print and Scan Video / Print and Scan
As a result of viewing this video, participants will be able to:
  • Print and Scan Assessments in Data Link
  • Learn about the revised printing guidance for Adobe PDFs
  • Understand the new process of generating answer sheets
  • Understand how ScanIt displays error messages
  • Score constructed responses
  • Understand scanner configuration

Login to the Data Link required to access scores / Print and Scan
As a result of passing this assessment with a score of 80% or better, participants will be able to:
  • Gauge their own understanding of Printing and Scanning Assessments
/ 5 questions
Data Link Videos for School Administrators
Prerequisite / Video and Objectives / Duration
TSS Login / Administrator Overview
As a result of viewing this video, participants will be able to:
  • Navigate the School & District Data Dashboard
  • Identify and understand Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and utilize the KPI support tools
  • Drill down from schools to classes, examine results by grade levels and subgroups, and view aggregated test results for all assessments
  • Use the Benchmark Dashboard to view aggregated test results for all active Benchmark Tests, sort results by date, test name, subject, grade level and percent proficient
  • Access a collection of reports via the Report Bank
  • Save/delete newly created reports, create a PDF, or export results to MS Excel,
  • Modify reports by editing Report Type & Data, Student Set or Viewing Options
  • Access/run Pre-formatted Reports, Custom Reports, Course/Section List, Define Student Set
  • Access saved reports and student sets
/ 16:20
TSS Login / School Administrators’ Overview – Assessment
As a result of passing this assessment with a score of 80% or better, participants will be able to:
  • Gauge their own learning of School & District Data tab
  • Attend Data Link Training for School Administrators
/ 5 questions
TSS Login / Administrator Overview – Interactive Assessment
As a result of passing this assessment with a score of 80% or better, participants will be able to:
  • Gauge their own learning of School & District Data tab
  • Attend Data Link Training for School Administrators

TSS Login / Classroom and Assessments Overview
*see details on previous page about Overview video for teachers / 7:57
TSS Login / Classroom and Assessment Admin Tab Overview – Assessment
As a result of passing this assessment with a score of 80% or better, participants will be able to:
  • Gauge their understanding of Data Link
Note:School Leaders do not have to pass this assessment in order to see the other online training modules / 5 questions
TSS Login / Administrator’s Interactive School and District Data Tab Overview
*see details above about Administrator Overview video / Duration depends on user’s interactive speed
Login to the Data Link required to access scores / Administrator Interactive School and District Data Tab – Assessment
By taking this assessment participants will check their own understanding of the click paths
Data Link Videos for School Administrators
Prerequisite / Video and Objectives / Duration
Print and Scan Video / Print and Scan
As a result of viewing this video, participants will be able to:
  • Print and Scan Assessments in Data Link
  • Learn about the revised printing guidance for Adobe PDFs
  • Understand the new process of generating answer sheets
  • Understand how ScanIt displays error messages
  • Score constructed responses
  • Understand scanner configuration
/ Duration depends on user’s
Login to the Data Link required to access scores / Print and Scan
As a result of passing this assessment with a score of 80% or better, participants will be able to:
  • Gauge their own understanding of Printing and Scanning Assessments
/ 5 questions