AuchengrayChurch Centre Trust SCIO No 043509

Hall Booking Application - Terms and Conditions of Use (contd)

Bookings and donationsmay be made through:
Linda Fisher 01501 785413 email
Name of Group
Contact Person
Contact Address
Telephone email
Proposed Use
Will food or drinks be served? a) none b) tea/ coffee, biscuits etc c) home baking* d) other*
*Person Responsible for Food Safety ______Contact Details ______
(if other than the person making the booking – see t & c below)
Complimentary Tea, Coffee and Sugar (usually Fairtrade) is available free for all Hall Users
Weekly / Monthly Bookings
Mon /Tues /Wed /Thurs /Fri /Sat / Dates / Time from
Other Bookings
Mon /Tues /Wed /Thurs /Fri /Sat / Dates / Time from
Donationtowards costs (recommended minimum, if possible):
Weekly / Monthly groups
Other groups: / Standard booking
Minimum booking
Half day
Full day / up to two hours
up to two hours
up to four hours
up to eight hours / £10
Use of hot food facilities up to half day £5
Additional time for setting up and clearing up may be arranged.

I / We request the use of the hall on the above day(s) and time(s).

I / We have read and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use as stated on pages 2 and 3 of this form:

Signed Date

Position in Group

Please return this page to:Linda Fisher, email:
or Auchengray Church Centre, Auchengray Road, Auchengray, ML11 8LN
A countersigned copy will be returned to you as confirmation of the booking.

Safety and security:

  • Group leaders are asked to be vigilant as to the security of the building and their group while they are using the premises.
  • All groups / users must familiarise themselves with FIRE ALARM PROCEDURES and EXIT DOORS.
  • The First Aid Station is located in the back corridor. Accidents / Incidents must be entered in the Accident Book which is withthe First Aid Box.
  • *Food Safety: The person making the booking will be responsible for ensuring that the group / activity complies with FSS (Food Safety Scotland) requirements unless another person is named.

When Leaving:

  • Please leave the premises clean and tidy.
  • Check that all other users have left the building
  • Check the toilets, making sure all taps are turned off (lights will go off automatically).
  • Check that all kitchen equipment, lights and taps are turned off. Fridge(s) remain switched on.
  • Switch off all internal lights apart from the timed hall welcome light. The outside lights are also timed and remain switched on.
  • Ensure that all external doors are securely closed and locked.


  • Breakages, faults or damage should be noted in the Repairs Book and reported to Campbell Fisher 01501 785413, email
  • Equipment storage is by arrangement.
  • Groups having the use of storage areas must keep these tidy.
  • Equipment which is not for general use may only be used by permission of the owners thereof.

Children and Young People:

The Trust takes the safety and wellbeing of children and young people seriously. We are registered with Disclosure Scotland via CRBS and have a Safeguarding Policy, copies of which are available on request. Hall users working with children and young people under the age of sixteen must undertake to follow the provisions therein.


The users are responsible for providing adequate insurance cover for themselves, those associated with them and their equipment and any other property they bring into the premises in connection with their use of them and, if required, shall exhibit the relevant policies and premium receipts to the Trust. Without prejudice thereto and to the other provisions of this agreement:

  • The users shall be responsible for providing adequate public liability insurance cover in respect of their use of the premises; and
  • The Trust shall be entitled, at their option, to require endorsement of the relevant insurance policies in their name, or alternatively to insure separately against any possible claims and liabilities arising from the users’ use of the premises and to recover the relevant premiums, as the case may be, from the users.


The Trust shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or claim by any party of any kind, including claims in respect of any deficiency in respect of the premises themselves, arising out of this booking; and the users shall indemnify the Trustees against all such loss, damage or claims.

Contact Person:

Enquiries relating to the above Terms and Conditions of Useshould be addressed to:

Campbell Fisher, Chairman,

AuchengrayChurch Centre Trust

Auchengray Road,


ML11 8LN

t: 01501 785413

m: 07907 696404


Revised August 2017

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