(Matt 16:18, John 10:9)


November 2013 – January 2014

Join God at work


Partnering with Him in Moving Forward to


Where We Are Now

Benin RepublicMozambique

Burkina FasoSierra-Leone

Chad RepublicSouth Sudan

Cote D’IvoireTogo

MaliUnited Kingdom

Where We Are Trusting God to be in the Next Decade

AlgeriaSaudi Arabia




Morocco Tunisia

Niger RepublicTurkey



“And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the entire world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come”. Matt. 24:14

The Nigerian Baptist Convention is a denomination that is committed to seeing that this gospel of the Kingdom is preached in the entire world for a witness to all nations. With her 12,000 Nigerian Baptist Churches and over 8million members, she has decided to launch out to the entire world in corporate outlet through the Global Missions Board.

Generally speaking, the harvest is truly great but the Labourers are few but the Lord Jesus Christ says “Pray the Lord of harvest to send forth labourers into the field of harvest” LK. 10:2.

The 10/40 Window still remains a great challenge to the entire world in terms of preaching the gospel of the kingdom. Within the 10/40 window lives, 3.2billion of the world population mostly Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, indigenous religionists, etc.

The Nigerian Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA) in her vision 5015 decided to work raising 50,000 supporters and sending 15,000 out of them to 31 countries within the 10/40 Window. The Nigerian Baptist Convention is already in 5 of those countries.

In this year’s edition of International Mission Week of Prayer, our focus is to “Engage New Gates” for the Lord meaning that we are moving forward into new territories, breaking new frontiers, as we advance with the gospel to countries like Niger Republic, Republic of Togo and Tanzania.

We must register our profound gratitude to all mission lovers of our great Convention; to those individuals; organizations; families; churches; associations;conferenceswho have prayed, given, visited and have been sent for the work of missions in our corporate thrust and have thus helped us to be in 5 countries out of 31. We pray that God will continue to bless you greatly and continue to empower you to do more as we together “Engage New Gates”.

However, we solicit your cooperation again this year 2013 in that:

  1. You organize the International Mission Week of Prayer in your churches and organizations, associations or conferences.
  2. You regularly support the mission work with fervent prayers individually, corporately and at family levels (forming prayer networks, using the GMB quarterly prayer bulletin, using the list at the back page of this booklet).
  3. You or your church, association or conference can adopt a mission field; a missionary couple, missionary kids; a church on a field, as your own contribution to God’s work of global harvest.
  4. You visit the field of your choice as the Lord of harvest will be leading you; you or your church, organization, association or conference.
  5. You willingly, cheerfully and generously give to the work financially and materially.
  6. You make yourself available responding to God’s call for short-term, part-time or full-time mission work.

You may reach us through the following:

08034404498, 08159990008, 08100192797


Yours In His Vineyard,

Ojo, Samuel Kolade




Through the Prelude

Through Prayer of Thanksgiving

Through Hymn of Adoration (BH. 1) – Holy Holy Holy


As we welcome one another and Guests

As we share Mission Testimonies

As we pray together


Through Scripture Reading

Through Choir Ministration

Through His Servant


As we give our tithes and offering

As we sing Hymn of Commitment (BH 435)

As we give our Special Mission Offering


As we pray and share the benediction

Through the postlude.


17th November, 2013.

Text:Matthew 16:18, John 10:9

Topic:Engaging New Gates


As we consider the theme “Engaging New Gates” this year, there is need to note that “Gates” are very significant in a building. Gates serves as the point or access to entering a building and to exiting. Gates can either be small or big, wide or narrow; it can be open or closed. The state of the gate determines whether people will have ready access to enter into a building or they will be denied access.

The word “gate” is defined as

“a mean of entrance or exit.”

“a barrier like a door that is used to close an opening in a fence or

a wall outside a building”.

These two definitions are relevant to our passages of today.

  1. Old Gates – Matthew 16:18

We know that when God created Adam & Eve, the original purpose of God is that they live forever and be in fellowship with him eternally, but sin cut them short. God sent Jesus Christ to redeem mankind from the bondage of sin and eternal damnation, but the devil did not give up, he is still doing all in his capacity to fight against God’s people (the church).

In Matt. 16:18 Jesus said “the gate of hell shall not prevail”. Until now “the gate of hell” which signifies the activities of the kingdom of darkness has taken ground in so many countries of the world, on the peoples, tribes and nations to resist them from having access to the gospel using various methods; the law of the government, false religion and so on. But as believers in Christ, we have His promises if we will only engage the “gates of hell” in battle to dislodge them. (Matt. 16:19, 18:18-19). We have a responsibility to apply the weapons at our disposal to engage the old gates: (the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, the word of God). IICor. 10:4-6. Eph. 6:12-18.

  1. Establishing New Gates – John 10:9

As we engage the old gates that have served to hinder the people and nations from hearing the gospel and being partakers of God’s redemptive purpose (Salvation), we need to engage the new gate which is Jesus Christ (John 10:9) via the preaching of the gospel. We have a responsibility to engage the whole world with the gospel of salvation (Acts 1:8) and the people will not hear or be saved unless they are told (Romans 10:4-15). We have the backing of God through His promises that the gospel is the power of God unto Salvation. Therefore, necessity is laid on us as individuals, organizations and corporately to engage new gates through our prayers individually and corporately for the salvation of the heathen. We are responsible to tell them, to take the gospel to them, to witness to them by showing them love, daring the danger and risk it takes, until every tribe, nation and people hear the gospel for a witness (Matt. 24:14).

Conclusively, the “Old gates” (gate of hell) is advancing against the church; subduing men from hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ; darkening people’s heart; blindfolding them from seeing the light. But we must step out as agent of Light to engage new gates as we contend with the “Old gate” to establishing “New Gates” which is Jesus Christ for men to come to salvation through the knowledge of His word. May the Lord of Harvest depend on us and may we not fail Him in our responsibilities.

MONDAY 18th November, 2013.


POPULATION:Republic of Niger has a population of about 16.2million.

RELIGION:Islam (80% – 98%), Animism (7%), Christianity (0.4%)


MAJOR TRIBES:Hausa, Djerma (Zerma), Fula, Tuareg, Beri Beri (Kanuri), Arab, Toubou and Gourman.

The Republic of Niger is one of the West African Countries bounded on the east by Chad, on the south by Nigeria and Benin Republic, on the west by Burkina Faso and Mali and on the north by Algeria and Libya. Niger is located at the border of Katsina, Sokoto, Kebbi, Kano and Yobe States of Nigeria.

Niger Republic has a population of about 16.2million. At present, the population of Niger ranks the 65th in the world. There are over 35 indigenous languages spoken in Niger. Islam spread from North Africa beginning in the 10th century and has greatly shaped the mores of the people of Niger. Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world. Approximately 95% of the population profess to be Muslim. Despite this, the form of Islam traditionally practiced in most of the country is marked by tolerance of other faiths and lack of restrictions on personal freedom. Many of the citizens are open to preaching and conversation on religion. Out of the 35 people groups in Niger, 29 are unreached (98% of the population), 3 have formative Churches in their midst (1%) and 3 are with established churches (about 0.7% of the population).

The Republic of Niger is highly fertile for mission works and the Nigerian Baptist Convention ministries will make a tremendous impact if we can start now as we “engage new gates” in the country.

We covet the prayers and support of the Convention family as we prayerfully target this country for strategic evangelism, reaching the people with the gospel, discipling the new converts and establishing model reproductive churches among the target people groups.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for the Board under the leadership of the Holy Spirit to be able to declare Republic of Niger as one of our International Missions Fields.
  2. Pray to God to send passionate labourers (Missionary Couple) to be deployed to this field.
  3. “Engage the old gates” (spirit of the bondwoman) in prayer and pull down every stronghold of Islam that has taken over the territory (II Cor. 10:4).
  4. Bind every spirit of Animism (Matt.16:19) and invoke the Spirit of the living God upon the land.
  5. Ask that there shall be great open doors for the gospel in the land, that God will open the heart of the people to be willing to hear/listen to the gospel and respond to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. (Acts 16:14)
  6. Pray that God will grant us definite direction on how to operate the work of missions on this field.

TUESDAY 19th November, 2013.



RELIGION:Indigenous beliefs (51%), Muslim minority (20%),

Significant Christians (29%)

ETHNIC GROUPS:Ewe (53%), Kotokoli (Tem) and Tchamba, Kabye (22%)

Ouatchis (14%), Mina, Mossi and Aja (8%), European (1%)


The Republic of Togo is a country in West Africa bordered by Ghana to the west, Benin to the east and Burkina Faso to the north. It extends south to the Gulf of Guinea, where its capital Lome is located. Togo is one of the smallest countries in all of Africa. The official language is French, with many other languages (i.e. Gbe, Kotolie and Kabiye) spoken in Togo. The largest religious groups in Togo are those with indigenous beliefs, and there are significant Christian and Muslim minorities. There are 36 tribes (99% African) and others (1%) in Togo. The population of Togo is about 6.7million and 65% of the population live in rural villages dedicated to agriculture or pastures. Education in Togo is compulsory for six years. The education system has suffered from teacher shortages, lower educational quality in rural areas and high repetition and dropout rates.

Despite the influences of Christianity and Islam on the culture of Togo, over half of the people of Togo follow native animistic practices and beliefs.

As a result of our mission work extension to the Northern part of Republic of Benin, there is gradual work in Togo Republic.

We covet your prayers as the Board officially launches out to “engage new gates” in the Republic of Togo.

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God will lead the Board to officially declare the Republic of Togo an International Mission Field of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.
  2. Ask that the power of God will subdue every power and forces of darkness ruling the nation of Togo. Pull down every stronghold of Animism and set loose the souls of men that have been held captive by these forces.
  3. Pray for more open doors for the Gospel of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask God to set apart and send forth labourers to this field of harvest.
  4. Commit the Global Missions Board to God’s hand to enable us locate a capable couple to be deployed to the field and for God’s provision of resources for the work.



POPULATION:Around 8million.

RELIGION:Indigenous traditional beliefs (32.9%), Islam (6.2%), Christianity (60.5%)


MAJOR TRIBES:Dinka (15%), Nuer (10%), Bari and Azande, Murle (others).

South Sudan or officially the Republic of South Sudan is a landlocked country in east-central Africa that is part of the United Nations sub region of Eastern Africa. Its current capital is Juba. South Sudan is bordered by Ethiopia to the east, Kenya to the southeast, Uganda to the south, the Democratic Republic of Congo to the southwest, the Central African Republic to the west and the Republic of Sudan to the north. South Sudan has a population of around 8million and a predominantly rural, subsistence economy.

A December 18, 2012 report and public life states that in 2010, 60.5% of South Sudan’s population was Christian, 32.9% were followers of traditional African religion and 6.2% were Muslims. South Sudanese President Kur, a Roman Catholic, said that South Sudan would be a nation that respects freedom of religion. Amongst Christians, most are Catholics and Anglicans, though other denominations are also active, and animist beliefs are often blended with Christian beliefs.

In partnership with Victory Baptist Church, Ajah Lagos, Pastor Dyaji Bulus has been deployed to South Sudan. Also, the Global Missions Board has deployed her missionary, Rev. Landi Giwa, to the country.

A church has been planted called Nuru Baptist Church and attendance is about 53. We believe God to move forward to “engaging new gates” in South Sudan as we extend to target more unreached people groups.

Needs on the field

  1. The need to purchase landed property for the purpose of building a city centre church.
  2. The need to register the indigenous Baptist Convention with the South Sudan government without which the missionaries will not be considered for a resident permit.
  3. About $7,500 = 30,000ssp to buy a plot of land to build a mission house.
  4. The need for $15,000 to purchase at least a fairly-used project vehicle.
  5. Urgent need of $9,000 = 36,000ssp to off-set the present apartment of the missionaries which will be due for payment from 1st October, 2013.

Prayer Points

  1. Pray for favour before the government of South Sudan, so that the registration of our mission work will go through without objections or delay.
  2. Pray for financial and material provisions to meet the urgent needs on the field in order for our mission endeavours to thrive.
  3. Pray for our missionaries in South Sudan for protection, peace, good health and God’s presence.
  4. Pray that God will raise more mission supporters (Churches, Associations, Conferences and Individuals) to partner with the work in South Sudan.
  5. Thank God for Victory Baptist Church Ajah, Lagos. Ask that God will continue to bless the Pastor and the member so that they will continue to join God at work in South Sudan.

WEDNESDAY 20TH November, 2013




RELIGION:Christians (61.4%), Muslim (35.2%), Buddists, Hindus and

Bahais (1.6%), Indigenous religion adherents (1.8%)

OFFICIAL LANGUAGE:Kiswahili, English

MAJOR TRIBES:Sukuma, Nyamwezi, Chagga, Nyakyusa, Haya, Hehe, Makonde, Pare, Zigua, Shambaa,Ngoni,Maasai and Luo.

Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania is a country in East Africa. It is bordered by Kenya and Uganda to the north; Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west; and Zambi, Malawi and Mozambique to the south. The country’s eastern border is formed by the Indian Ocean. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain, is in north eastern Tanzania. The population consists of more than 120 ethnic groups. The total population was 44,928,923 with 44.1% of the population under 15yrs. The literacy rate in Tanzania is estimated to be 73%.

The Nigerian Baptist Convention mission work in Tanzania, through the Global Missions Board, was pioneered by Pastor Trassase Norvart who was trained at the Baptist College of Theology, Oyo on the joint scholarship of Ajegunle Baptist Church Ibadan and the GMB. The Pastor returned to Tanzania after his training to do mission work and churches has been planted, seminars conducted and youth conferences held.

The Global Missions Board will have to revisit the partnership to “Engage new gates” in Tanzania. This is to nurture and consolidate Nigerian Baptist Convention mission work in Tanzania.

Prayer Points

  1. Commit the Global Missions Board to God for grace to revisit the partnership agreement and re-visit Tanzania as our International Mission Field.
  2. Pray that God will open new doors of ministry and win souls to His kingdom in Tanzania.
  3. Ask that God will subdue every power of the kingdom of darkness ruling in the lives of men in Tanzania and that His kingdom will be established in the hearts of men.
  4. Pray for Pastor Trassase Norvart and the family, that the hand of God will be upon them to keep and sustain them in life and ministry.
  5. Pray that God, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, will give us direction on what to do in Tanzania as we move forward to “engage new gates.”