Job description for the Management role of the Sheffield Teaching Schools Alliance

Title:Strategic Manager for the SheffieldTeachingSchoolAlliance

Responsible to:

The Headteachers of Silverdale and/or Birley Spa and the Head of the Teacher Education Department at SheffieldHallamUniversity (SHU)

Key purpose: To further improve the quality of teacher training, developmentand retention across the Sheffield Teaching School Alliance (TSA) with the aim of raising the quality of education across the TSA.

Key responsibilities

  1. To take a strategic lead in further developing high quality teacher education from Initial Teacher Education to Continuing Professional Development within the Sheffield TSA, particularly in partnership with SHU, this to include:
  • identifyingspecific teacher recruitment and ongoing development needs in the TSA
  • ensuring that there are systems in place to develop and maintain outstanding teachers in the alliance
  • working with the Head of Partnership at SHUand the ITT leads at Silverdale and Birley Spa schools to develop innovative teacher training models,including ‘school direct’ and to ensure that their impact is evaluated
  • working with the Head of CPD at SHU to develop new CPD models and modules
  • supporting and engaging with the practice- focussed research and development strategies for Silverdale and Birley Spa schools and the wider alliance
  • facilitate reciprocal expertise sharing between school and university staff
  1. To manage the development of the TSA action plan, this to include:
  • fielding and co-ordinating communications from the Teaching Development Agency (TDA), NationalCollegeand other organisations
  • ensuring the TSA is aware of key developments and make recommendations to senior decision makers
  • developingpartnership and network links between the Sheffield TSA, SHU, the Sheffield Hubs and other schools
  • developing strong external networks with other TSAs and other HEIs
  1. To develop Quality Assurance processesto include:
  2. reporting progress against KPIs
  3. being a member of the Quality of Initial Teacher Training group at SHU
  4. to work with the Head of Partnership at SHU to develop quality assurance procedures

4.To work creatively and effectively with partners within and beyond the TSA in developing innovative infrastructures, systems and processes to manage other core TSA activities including

  • deployment of SLEs,
  • other school-to-school support activities
  • new commercial activities such as the potential licensed National College Leadership programme
  • contributing to achieving TSA income generation targets with an aim to self-fund the role by the end of the three year period
  • working with school business and financial managers to support financial planning and reporting for the TSA
  • exploring new income streams opportunities
  • contributing to the review of this role on an annual basis

5.To engage with all other reasonable duties as directed by the Headteachers of Silverdale and BirleySpaSchools and the Head of Department of Education. To participate in Performance Management arrangements in the host school.

6.To engage in scholarly activity and/or research in the field of teacher education

Key tasks:

  • Develop a three year strategic plan for the TSA to improve the quality of teacher education across the alliance
  • To conduct a needs analysis for the TSA to inform the action plan
  • To oversee the development of innovative models of training
  • To develop income streams for the alliance in the drive for a self sustaining system
  • To further strengthen the partnerships between SHU, the Sheffield TSA and other TSAs

Key outcomes for the first year:

  • to have achieved key agreed objectives for 2012-13
  • to have supported the development of a clear and concise action plan for the TSA for 2012-2013 and 2013-2014
  • to have a robust ITT infrastructure in place for the Sheffield TSA's approach to ITT including an appropriate model for impact analysis
  • to have effective communications mechanisms within the TSA
  • to have an effective needs analysis process within the TSA addressing:
  • ITT
  • CPD
  • School-to-school support requirements

02/11/2018 14:16

C:\Documents And Settings\SD64545\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK8D\Strategic Manager - Job Description - Sheffield TSA V2.Doc