/ ICLS 2016Practitioners’ Track
Submission Form
Submission No. / PT
(to be filled by ICLS)

Complete the following form to finalize your submission to ICLS 2016.

This form should be emailed to along with your short paper.

Contact Person

You will be the point of contact for this submission. You will be sent a notice confirming your submission and notifying you of the review at the contact information you provided.

Email Address



Enter the author or presenter names and affiliations below. Enter the names in the order that they will appear on the paper. There is a maximum of 10 authors for a paper.

The contact person does not have to appear in the first position.

Given Name / Family Name / Email Address / Primary Affiliation / Secondary Affiliation (optional)
Author 2
Author 3
Author 4
Author 5
Author 6
Author 7
Author 8
Author 9
Author 10


Copy your proposal's abstract into the box below.

The abstract is limited to 150 words.

Leave a blank line between paragraphs.


Select one or more key words in each category that describe your submission by clicking the relevant check boxes.

Conference Themes

☐Deep Learning in Effective Learning Environments / ☐Reflexive Relations Between Theories and Methods
☐Digital Epistemologies and Learning in the New Media Age / ☐Teacher Knowledge and Professional Development

Target Audience

☐Industry Representatives / ☐School Leaders (Principals & Vice-Principals)
☐Policy Makers / ☐Teacher-leaders (Senior Teachers, HODs, etc.)
☐Researchers / ☐K-12Teachers (Pre-Nursery – JC Yr 2)
☐Faculty / ☐Other:


☐Computer Science / ☐Fine Arts (Music, Dance, Visual)
☐Earth and Environmental Sciences / ☐Geography
☐Engineering / ☐History or Social Sciences
☐Mathematics / ☐Literacy, Reading or Writing
☐Life Sciences / ☐Literature
☐Physical Sciences / ☐Other Humanities
☐Other Sciences / ☐Other:


☐Informal Learning Settings
(e.g. museums, community centres, homes) / ☐Preschool (Pre-Nursery – K2)
☐Lifelong Learning / ☐Primary Education (Pri 1 – 6)
☐Pre-service Teacher Education / ☐Secondary Education (Sec 1 – JC Yr 2)
☐Professional Development / ☐Tertiary Education
☐School Administration or Leadership / ☐Vocational or Technical Education
☐Workplaces / ☐Other:

The Short Paper – PDF Format

The short paper submission MAY NOT EXCEED 4 pages, inclusive of images, tables and references. It should NOT contain names and affiliations.
Review thesubmission guidelines for layout. There is also aMS Word template for reference.
Files that exceed the stated length or format will not be reviewed. Files must be in pdf format.

Please note that your total submission size cannot exceed 10.0 MB (including your submission documents and any additional material). If you cannot comply with this limit, please .


Please acknowledge that you have reviewed the submission guidelines and have ensured that your paper does NOT contain the names and affiliations of the authors by clicking the check box below.

☐ I acknowledge that this submission meets ICLS format guidelines and has been prepared for
blind review.

Thank you for your submission.

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