Checked by : / Date :


Legislation, Regulation etc (see also groups of regulations nominated in EN028) / Requirement of Legislation, Regulation etc /
Checks to be carried out
/ Observations / Corrective Action Required ? /
PLANNING Regs / Adhere to the operating conditions allowed by the planning permission / Any instances of work outside the permitted hours/days for the site :
Any records of deliveries or collections outside the permitted times ?
Other conditions ?
OIL STORAGE Regs 2002 / Store oil correctly & safely , in order to avoid pollution of the soil, groundwater etc / Check the oil tanks, valves, regulators, filters, feed pipes, boilers for leaks.
Check filling operations for signs of spillage
Can the tank be isolated and locked off ?
CONTROL OF ASBESTOS AT WORK Regs 2002 / Manage the asbestos in the building / Have the surveys been done at the recommended frequency ?
Has any maintenance work been carried out recently ?
If so, has the permit to work procedure been followed for the repair work ?
Has any asbestos been disposed of, and if so, was the method of disposal and paperwork correct ? / give details
give details
give details- where, how, when, document reference numbers
Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regs 1997 and Fire Precautions (Workplace) (Amendment) Regs 1999
EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE RISK ASSESSMENTS Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 / Duty to carry out fire risk assessments.
Duty to assess risks, equipment, work methods etc for possibility of explosive atmospheres / Have fire risk assessments been carried out at the recommended frequency ?
Has risk assessment been carried out recently ?
Have corrective actions etc been identified ?
Have all actions been sorted out in a reasonable time ?
Are all boilers (gas or oil) in a maintenance scheme ? / give details
(see EN028 entries for
·  STATUTORY NUISANCE) / Avoid / minimise noise, odours, air emissions, bonfires etc etc / Check the complaints files and related correspondence for :
·  complaints concerning odours
·  bonfires – deliberate or otherwise
·  complaints about untidiness of site, including storage compound
·  complaints concerning visible fume
·  complaints concerning noise out of hours
·  complaints concerning excessive noise during working hours
·  complaints about vehicles being driven recklessly
Any other outstanding complaints ?
(for list, see WASTE MANAGEMENT LICENSING in EN028) / carriers/sites to be licensed etc / Check site licences, carrier licences etc with the EA on at least an annual basis for existing suppliers, and whenever a new one is used
(see EN028 entries for
·  POLLUTION OF CONTROLLED WATERS ) / Do not contaminate soil or groundwater
Eliminate or minimise air pollution / Survey the site for signs of pollution :
·  leaking containers not stored within bunded area
·  leaking bunds or physical damage to bund walls and floor that would question its integrity
·  leaking sumps
·  leaking sinks or waste pipes
·  contaminated soakaways
·  non-functioning oil traps
·  vehicles with leaks
·  odours
·  litter from poor housekeeping
Check to see if the records show bunds have been tested
Check incident logs & reports for incidents of pollution
Has corrective action been initiated and completed for these incidents ?
VEHICLE EMISSIONS / Check all available vehicles do not have excessive particulate emissions
Have vehicle emission tests been satisfactory (check service reports) ?
(where applicable) MOT certificates current ?
Legislation, Regulation etc
(see also groups of regulations nominated in EN028) / Training/Competency requirement or implied requirement by the Legislation, Regulation etc
/ Observations / Corrective Action Required ? /
Various road traffic acts
Conditions of vehicle insurance /
Drivers of company vehicles to hold appropriate driving licences
If someone is using their private vehicle for company usage, check that they have appropriate insurance cover / give names; check licences for points or disqualification /
Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 /
Some sites to have at least one, preferably more first aider.
First aiders to have passed HSE-approved course or be an appropriately qualified medical practitioner or state registered nurse
Some sites to have an “designated person” cover as a minimum / give names; date of expiry of current certificates, as appropriate /
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 /
Maintenance and inspection of equipment to be done by competent persons
Electricity at Work Regs 1989 /
Electrical maintenance to be done by a technically competent version
/ give details / names /
Any new legislation identified since the last survey requiring specific competency & training requirements ? /
give details and requirements :
/ comments : /


No / Subject of Corrective action or Preventive Action (in brief) / Person responsible / Target completion date / Signed off as complete by : / Date completed /


This section shows the approval and revisions of this document since its first issue. Changes from the previous version will usually be indicated by a vertical line in the left margin opposite the change.

Version / Comments / Approved by / Date approved / Date of next review
01 / first issue of document

EN065 ver 01 page 4 of 9