Members Present: Chair, Mr. Barry, Mr. Menard, Ms. Clark, Ms. Kelley, Mr. Deely, Co-Superintendent P. Sherman, Principal-P. Yergeau, Asst. Principal-B. Grieve, Kandy Davitt

1. Call to Order – Mr. Barry, Chair

Chair, Mr. Barry called the April 2, 2014 to order at 6:00 pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Barry

Chair, Mr. Barry led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Reorganization

A. Selection of Chair – Ms. Sherman

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to nominate Kevin Barry as chair, seconded by Peter Menard.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

B. Reorganization - Chair

Vice-Chair: Peter Menard

MBC Representative: Maryann Clark, Peter Menard

Selectmen’s Representative: Jim Deely

SAU Executive Board: Debra Kelley

Negotiations: Peter Menard, Debra Kelley

Transportation: Jim Deely

Curriculum Review Board: Debra Kelley

Manifest Review: Peter Menard, Kevin Barry

NHSBA Delegate: Peter Menard

Public Relations: Peter Menard

Concord School Board Representatives: Maryann Clark, Jim Deely

Sick Bank: Debra Kelley

Sabbatical: Maryann Clark

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to accept the 2014-15 school board offices, seconded by Peter Menard.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

4. Minutes – February 12, 2014, March 5, 2014

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to accept the February 12, 2014 minutes as written, seconded by Debra Kelley.

In Favor-3


Approved as Corrected

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to accept the March 5, 2014 minutes as written, seconded by Debra Kelley.

In Favor-3


Approved as Corrected

5. Immediate Business

A. Citizens’/Staff Comments

Troy Hopkins stated that she was pleased to have Jim Deeley on the school board.

B. Agenda Review

5H-Peter Menard, Paving of Parking Lot and Grant money

Mrs. Kelley requested that her information be presented in non-public session.

C. Consent Item (3 Items) – Ms. Sherman

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to accept the retirement requests of Christine Lariviere (Reading Specialist) Louise Matteson(school nurse) and the resignation of Carlene Ruesenburg (Music Teacher), seconded by Debra Kelley.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

D. Math Curriculum Approval

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to approve the Math Curriculum, seconded by Debra Kelley.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

E. Board Reports

·  Executive Board Report – Ms. Kelley

Will be heard in non-public

·  Principals Report - Mr. Yergeau

Kindergarten/Pre-School Registration

Ø  Kindergarten Registration and Pre-school Registration was held. As of tonight’s school board meeting Kindergarten for the 14-15 school year has 42 students.

Ø  The DCS Pre-School program as of tonight’s school board meeting has no openings for the 2014-15 school year.

Ø  8th grade parents and staff reviewed the time set aside for the New York City class trip and decided to increase the stay from one night to two.

Ø  The Staff and Students absenteeism has been high due to flu and strep

Ø  Mike Davis, Maintenance Director has reviewed the work environment and added three illuminated exit signs. Currently, Mr. Davis is reviewing the Dept. of Labor list that was generated by the Pembroke Academy review, to make sure DCS is in compliance.

Ø  Smarter Balance Testing is a pilot this year. It went well, Mr. Yergeau reported and more groups will be participating. The purpose of doing this is to assist the staff in how to administer the new testing materials. Also, Smarter Balance is aligned with the common core standards that have been accepted by the state of New Hampshire.

Ø  Assistant Principal, Mr. Grieve noted that student reports cards are currently being worked on to reflect the Common Core standards. Mr. Grieve expects a full roll out for the 15-16 school year. The biggest changes will be seen in the Middle school, students will still get grades, but also included are work habits, attitude, etc.

A Parent Night will be set in place to explain the changes to parents.

Ø  The advisory process has been reviewed and there is an effort to make Advisory time more rigorous. The formatting has been changed to include life skills and the application of those skills in students’ lives.

·  Long Range Planning

Nothing was presented.

F. Blizzard Bags – Mr. Yergeau

Mr. Yergeau reported to the board that teachers have not embraced the “Blizzard Bag” concept and that a “bag” cannot replace a day of teaching.

Maryann Clark asked if the staff would still not be interested if they realized that the “Blizzard Bags” cannot be used until after the 4th school cancellation and that Kearsarge has done it for 5 years and found it to be very successful. Board members suggested that Co-Supt. Patty Sherman attend a staff meeting to discuss and review the idea.

G. Calendar Review

Mr. Grieve noted that the state is no longer going with a 180 day calendar but to minutes instructed.

If DCS takes out 2-Early Release days from the 2014-15 calendar it would give the minutes needed in case of an early release or a 2 hour delay

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to approve changing the 2014-15 dates of Sept. 10 and the Dec. 11th to full school days, seconded by Debbie Kelley.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

H. Paving Plan

Mr. Menard informed the members of the board that there may be a $5,000 grant available for the paving of the parking lot and that he is interested in working with the Lamprey River Advisory Program. Other programs that might have funds or information on how to pursue grants are the UNH Storm Weather Center, Seacoast Green because the school is in the Lamprey water shed area.

I. Deputy School Treasurer position

Chair, Kevin Barry noted that Kelly Anne Roberts would be willing to serve as the Deputy, School Treasurer.

A motion was made by Jim Deeley to nominate Kellyanne Roberts to serve as Deputy, School Treasurer for the Deerfield School District, seconded by Peter Menard.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

6. Continuing Business

A.  Tabled Items (0 items) – Chair

7. Policies

·  GBGC Wellness (3rd+ Reading) – Ms. Sherman

Members of the school board were concerned with the wording prohibit and felt that the wording

“ to discourage” was more appropriate. The board will review the policy again at their next meeting.

·  JCA: Change of School or Assignment (3rd+ Reading) – Ms. Sherman

A motion was made to approve Policy JCA, seconded by Peter Menard.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

·  JEA: School Entry/Enrollment (3rd+ Reading) – Ms. Sherman

School board members added: (provide notification of intent to homeschool) into the policy.

A motion was made by Peter Menard to accept Policy JEA as amended, seconded by Deb Kelley.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

·  JEC+A: Educational Hardship (3rd + Reading) – Ms. Sherman

Will review at a later time

·  JF: Alternative High School Enrollment (3rd+ Reading) – Ms. Sherman

School board members will continue to discuss Policy JF at their next meeting.

·  JFABD, JFABD-R1, JFABD-R2, JFABD-R3, JFA-R: Homeless (3rd+ Reading) – Ms. Sherman

Appeals process needs to be added to the policy.

A motion was made by Maryann Clark to accept Policies JFABD-R2 and JFABD-R3, seconded by Peter Menard.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

·  JICD-JICK: Student Safety and Violence Prevention (3rd Reading) – Ms. Sherman

A motion was made by Peter Menard to accept Policy JICD-JICK, seconded by Maryann Clark.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

·  JICL-R: Internet – (3rd+ Reading) – Ms. Sherman

Discussion will continue.

·  KCD: Public Gifts/Donations/Grants: (3rd Reading) – Ms. Sherman

Discussion will continue.

8. Informational Items

A. Fairpoint Contract

Co-Supt. Patty Sherman informed the members of the board that the install date for Fairpoint should be July 1st 2014

B. FY 14 Update

Deerfield School’s budget surplus as of today’s meeting is $43,854 .

9. Citizens’/Staff Comments

No Comments

10. Non-Public Session (in accord with NH RSA 91-A: 3, II, c) – Personnel

At 8:50 Peter Menard made a motion seconded by Deb Kelley to go into Non-Public Session

(RSA 91- A: 3, II. c.)

Roll Call Vote:

Mr. Deeley-Yes

Mr. Barry – Yes

Ms. Kelley – Yes

Ms. Clark – Yes

Mr. Menard- Yes

All in Favor

The Motion Carried

At 9:13 P.M. a motion was made by Maryann Clark, seconded by Deb Kelley, to come out of the non-public session.

Roll Call Vote:

Mr. Deeley-Yes

Mr. Barry – Yes

Ms. Kelley – Yes

Ms. Clark – Yes

Mr. Menard- Yes

All in Favor

The Motion Carried

During non-public session the board discussed a confidential personnel matter.

Chair, Kevin Barry noted no decisions made.

11. Appointments and Resignations (1 Item)

A. 14-15 Staff Nominations – Ms. Sherman

A motion was made by Deb Kelley to accept the staff nominations for the 2014-15 year as presented, seconded by Maryann Clark.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

12. Adjournment

A motion to Adjourn at 9:14 was made by Maryann Clark, seconded by Jim Deeley.

All in Favor

Motion Carried

Next Scheduled Meeting: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - 6:00 P.M. Deerfield Community School

DATE TO REMEMBER: SAU FULL BOARD MEETING: April 10, 2014 ~ 6:00 P.M. Mei’s ~

Meeting to immediately follow at Allenstown Elementary School