Maplewood Elementary

Title 1 School

School Advisory Council

November 9, 2015


Welcome: Mrs. Bretz called the meeting to order at 2:24 p.m. in the Media Center at Maplewood Elementary School. Members introduced themselves:

Approval of Minutes: The 1012/15 meeting notes were distributedand reviewed. Mrs. Schwartz asked that the notes be revised to reflect that “Mr. Schroeder read the proclamation and Mrs. Schwartz spoke.” Mr. Jablonowitz noted that there was a name misspelled and SAC member left off the notes.Mrs. Shanley motioned to accept them with the noted changes. Mrs. Bretzseconded the motion. All in favor indicated with “Yea.” There were no objections or abstentions.

Principal’s Report:Mrs. Bees reported that Maplewood is offering inclusive K-5 club opportunities like art, volleyball, chorus, STEM and math. Broward County is starting an after school “Extended Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP). Maplewood’s ELOP teacher coordinator, Mrs. Hernandez shared details to SAC about the program, which will be 8-week programs with nominal fees of $80-96 (supply differential affect the cost). Both registration and payment will be done online with any revenues going back to the school. The goal is to start the program the third week of January with classes capped at 12 (15 max) and taught by certified Broward teachers. ELOP classes would run from 3-4pm once a week with a 2-3pm snack time beforehand. Teachers submitted their suggestionsfor classes and Mrs. Hernandez shared a survey that will be distributed to families to gauge interest and finalize class offerings.

Title One Report:Tabled until next meeting

Innovation Zone Report:Tabled. .

SAF Report: Tabled.

Old Business:

New Business:Mrs. Bretz shared that the K-2 Team had forwarded a quote for $300 to purchase 3 licenses for an article resource to use in the classroom and would like that funds request to be added to the next meeting agenda, to be voted on.

Adjournment:Ms. Bretz motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Shanley seconded the motion. All in favor indicated with “Yea.” There were no objections. Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

In Attendance:

Jimmy Augilara

Sherry Bees

Erika Bretz

Geraldine Corneille

Alan Jablonowitz

Anthony Johnson

Lou Rodriguez

Beckie Schwartz

Sarah Shanley


Jeff Holness

Dina Materdomini

Tammy Morris Link

Pushpa Raj

Brandt Shuler
